A nice bit there young Thomas, well done.
I quite enjoy the programme, and it's nice to see what they've done to areas i knew well and remember fondly but, i have two complaints about it;
1. Why or why do documentary makers, and this applies to almost every documentary these days, have to make everything into a 'potential disaster'?
2. Peter Warwick, i'm sorry if other people think that he adds anything to the programme but, in my opinion, he doesn't in any shape or form. Also why, oh why, does he parade around dressed like he was ever any form of uniformed officer, let alone a Captain? He must have met several very excellent Captains in his time and, dressing up like he was going to a fancy dress party for 10 year olds, in my opinion, is an insult to those fine Officers who worked very, very hard to achieve that position and, when they commanded QE2, did sterling work both managing the ship and promoting Cunard and Great Britain!