Thanks for adding me. I only saw the QE2 once but it was a memorable experience. In the mid 90's I was living on the island of Guam when I heard the news that the QE2 would be coming to the island. The stop was a last-minute change because of a volcanic eruption in Rabaul, Papua New Guinea, which was the original destination. Guam had no cruise industry and was not used to large passenger ships coming into port, so it was a big deal. First, my friends and I went out to a point at the entrance to the commercial harbor and watched her come in. Then we went into the port and watched the passengers leaving the ship. I was surprised that we were able to walk right up to the ship and the gangway. The size was just unbelievable. Recently I was just curious to see if anyone else had memories or photos online of this event and I haven't been able to find anything. I was wondering if there is any official documentation of destinations. My photos are stamped May 1995 on the back but I may not have developed the film right away. I did confirm that the Rabaul volcano erupted in 1994-1995.