Brian Price has sent the last four pictures from his collection for forum members and guests to enjoy.
The first two with Brian's commentary are below:
The Bridge Wing controls
"During the process of docking and sailing, the Captain, Officer of the Watch and others including of course the local pilot could move out to the wing of the bridge which gave them access to repeat controls of bow thrusters and also various communications into the bridge and elsewhere, such as the bow and stern."
The Magnavox Satellite Navigator
"This navigation system was originally for the Royal Navy’s warships, and QE2 was one of the first commercial ships to be supplied with the system. It was extremely accurate at its time, but only provided a very basic quantity of information including latitude and longitude (of the receiver), time, speed and drift and set, but in the 60’s it was ‘state of the art’. As well as a readout on the Bridge, every senior officer had access to the information on the tv in his / her cabin, and I remember being on my way to bed on the night of 11 Sept 1995 (I think), and I happened to glance at the satnav screen in my dayroom as the ship rose onto the top of a 95 foot wave and crashed over the top of it into a second rogue wave following right behind. The ship was already on much reduced speed, which was instantly knocked down to almost zero by the force of the sea. Capt. Ron Warwick was in command (and I believe on the bridge at the time) and was allegedly the last person to hit the carpet as the sea water hit the bridge windows."
Enjoy these photos and look forward to the last two pictures that will be posted tomorrow.