We're now thinking of a book... and contacting the Press... watch this space...
What about a DVD that allows people to use them for screen savers or does that open them up for copying ?
It might seem there is scope for a few different projects..products etc
While a calendar can be a good thing, what about a version with no calendar format..
Or why not throw the topic out there for ideas..
The forum has a Golden Goose, from which could lay some golden eggs and while money may not be an overiding factor, it does certainly need to be considered.
Can you imagine going to a screening and seeing just one of the photos on a banner display outside the location ..and there are many more to come. Im still stunned by the rolling footage of QE2 at the V&A in Dundee...that for me alone was worth the price for the whole weekend ..
And who on earth would or could write the forward for the book..... are we thinking a print on demand or the other style of books
If you want to tease us even more Rob just show a tiny fraction of a slide with a "Guess what this is..."