Louis - Thank you very much for posting these.
Lots of Questions, hopefully you won't mind my asking - and obviously, nothing is critical or personal here!
The Midships Lobby just looks extra-fresh - as if straight out of a box!
Have you been able to speak with the crew on board regarding the work that's been done - and how it's been made?
It's difficult to tell whether all the surface 'woodwork' has been replaced in the Midships Lobby - and rather like the 'woodwork' on QM2 (Photographs, put onto metal then "varnished"!), maybe it's not varnished proper wood (as in the original?), it looks as if it might be photographs too!
It rather looks as if it's a sort of model of the original, if this makes sense...
Do you know whether the designers might have seen the VADS 1969 Journal?