Hi everyone,
A while ago I remember reading (in either David F Hutching's QE2 book or Ron Warwick's QE2 book) that QE2 had boiler issues when leaving for the Falklands.
Apparently one of the the three boilers was out of action for a major service of some kind, and around the time of departure one of the other boilers sprung a leak of some kind necessitating its shutdown. This left her with only one boiler to supply steam for the turbines and meant she could barely make 8 knots approx. The tug "Calshot" had to stay with the ship at the bow to provide extra steerage and help move her along as a result. QE2 then anchored overnight or for a couple of days (can't remember which?) out of sight of the press and most people somewhere off the south side of the Isle of Wight to affect repairs etc, eventually getting underway and reaching the Falklands in very good time at a high average speed given the distance involved.
Does anyone, particularly former QE2 engineers during the steam years, have any more information on this event?