Who now hasnt admitted to having an attack of hunger pangs in the small hours and called room service for a BLT, side of fries and Glass of milk. I confess it was one of my things l did quite a lot, the Midnight buffet had long since gone, and in truth it was only ever a snack and breakfast would be a great many hours away and the propsect of being without was quite a thought.
And if you were "entertaining" in the wee small hours you just added the "for two" please and ensured the night stewart got a slightly larger tip.
On my last Med cruise it struck me l was over doing things when the voice at the other end asked me did l want my usual...
Then there was the last time ever for me on the final crossing, l did the washing up of the dishes and everything ended up in the suitcase. It was among a few of us a hot topic .