Just a quick post as i am EXTREMELY tired right now--but--VERY HAPPY. The reason being that as it was a beutiful day here with the sun shining and nice and warm, my wife a i went to a place called "Tayport"--about 9 miles from our home. It was full of cars probably around 300 or thereabouts, and i found one car selling the 1/350 scale Titanic---AND he also had the elusive "Gunze-Sanyo" QE2 for sale.!!!. I jumped the the chance of buying it--he asked £25-00p for the QE2 and i immediatly gave him the money and took both it and the Titanic kit back to my car. (he asked £5-00p for the Titanic so i just bought it as well) Full story later, but that is the jist of the story.
My heart was racing when i first heard of the QE2 kit and could hardly believe it when he only asked a fraction of what it costs to buy. It is not shrink wrapped but IS complete with all parts still in the clear plastic bags and with full instructions.
--amazing what can be found at boot sales.!!