Author Topic: Mark Skelton: Waiter T.O.W and Columbia 1984 1986  (Read 3404 times)

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Offline mark skelton

Mark Skelton: Waiter T.O.W and Columbia 1984 1986
« on: Jun 05, 2015, 11:39 AM »
Hi To all my name is Mark Skelton

I worked onboard for Two years until the refit.  The QE2 was my first ship, I had been working in a Hotel, when I got the call to make my way to Southampton and join the Ship.  The office could not say for definite I would be sailing, so I could not give any notice to the hotel, that I was planning on leaving.

I did sail and my brother who was also working at the hotel told the Restaurant manager that I had joined the QE2.
He was not best pleased but understood.  A couple of years later I had to contact him for a reference he said "Got you now" He gave me a excellent reference.

Working onboard a ship doing Two sittings is probably the hardest I have ever worked, but certainly a experience I will never forget or regret.

Like most waiters my first station was in the famous Brickyard with hoover section to match.  I still have a fear of upright hoovers.........I finished my time in the Columbia.

After leaving the QE2 I went to work in Bermuda for a year and then back on the ships for several years Royal Viking Sun,  Windsong  and Crystal Harmony.

Going away to sea is an experience that stays with you forever the places you visit the friends you make on your way.
I now work in IT Monday to Friday 9to5.........comes to us all I expect.

Mark Skelton
« Last Edit: Dec 29, 2018, 02:37 PM by Lynda Bradford »

Offline Twynkle

Re: Mark Skelton: Waiter T.O.W and Columbia 1984 1986
« Reply #1 on: Jun 05, 2015, 02:38 PM »
Hi Mark - and Welcome!
It's great that you have joined us - and believe it or not, the Brickyard has already been mentioned by others who also endured the dubious pleasure of working there!
Two sittings, involving five courses, and change of passengers every one or two weeks, without a full two-days off for months and months - it must have been extremely hard work - and that's even before thinking about the laying up late after dinner, and early before Breakfast - then lunches and or Afternoon tea....Hopefully, there was a bit of time for sleep as well as fun too....

Hoping you might find old ship mates here too!

All the best,

« Last Edit: Dec 29, 2018, 02:37 PM by Lynda Bradford »

Offline Alan Snelson

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Re: Mark Skelton: Waiter T.O.W and Columbia 1984 1986
« Reply #2 on: Jun 05, 2015, 05:42 PM »
Hello Mark and a very warm welcome to the forum.

I remember how hard the waiters all worked and how little free time they had but they all seemed to make the most of every opportunity to have a good time.

Working at sea certainly does stay with you forever, here I am more than thirty years since working aboard and still as enthusiastic as ever about it. 9-5 does come to most of us but just think of those poor souls who have never known any other working hours and will probably never get to see all the places and sights that we have.
« Last Edit: Dec 29, 2018, 02:37 PM by Lynda Bradford »
Don't just be part of her past, be part of her history!

Offline June Ingram

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Re: Mark Skelton: Waiter T.O.W and Columbia 1984 1986
« Reply #3 on: Jun 05, 2015, 05:55 PM »
Hi Mark -

Welcome to The QE2 Story Forum, and I/we are very pleased to have you here.  Thank you very much for telling us about your shipboard work.  You will no doubt meet others here who worked aboard QE2 when you did.  Please tell us more about the things that you did, and do you have photos ?

Yes, 9-5 does come to most of us no matter what exciting jobs we may have had.  But the memory of exciting times never fades !

June   :)
« Last Edit: Dec 29, 2018, 02:37 PM by Lynda Bradford »
QE2 - the ship for all of time, a ship of timeless beauty !

Online cunardqueen

Re: Mark Skelton: Waiter T.O.W and Columbia 1984 1986
« Reply #4 on: Jun 05, 2015, 06:49 PM »
Hi Mark
Welcome aboard,Glad you found us. As you mentioned by email heres the photo i took of you June 1986 bound for New York and back with Peter Luff.
I think the two things people remember most about their trips on QE2 are the waiters and the cabin. and can you believe this was 29 years ago.

Its always great when the crew are able to share experiences of what and how they did their jobs onboard.

And we as passengers on your table this trip were all newcomers to QE2 and indeed all new comers to cruising. Its funny how you remember the small things looking back, but as a young 17yr old sailing solo in his first trip abroad our whole table look at the waiters as Gods, and it soon became very clear that you were both down to earth guys and had us all at ease with your great sence of humour. l still have nightmares about the Gaspacho soup, well how were we to know it was chilled !!!!!! and trying Caviar for the first time, and seeing all the cutlery on the table and being told work from the outside in and then our order is taken and you then remove various bits of it, the force 10 gale and being asked if l wanted more fries.. and marvelling at how you did silver service and being able to order whatever we wanted from the menu.  It was from my point of view another completely different world to what i had known.

The two sittings in TOW must have been a nightmare and moreso if the passengers were inclined to linger over their meal and then having to reset a full table for the next load and away you start again.

What did you like or dislike about working onboard, and do you think it was the "good old days" before the refit, certainly after the refit the crew become more multi cultural whereas before it was mainly British, were you still heavily governed by the unions ?
What memories did you take away from QE2 when you left ? did you everhave the inkling to go back inlater years or even as a passenger. How did the other ships compare to your experience of life onboard QE2 .

What difference did you find in going from TOW to the Columbia. from my point of view in the early years The Columbia was always the "posh" one and the Grills were simply another world away.

How do you think Alan Whickers Fast Boat to China programme showed a true life experience onboard ?

Anyway Enjoy your time on here and l know we look forward to hearing more of your experiences good or bad on here.
Nice to catch up after 29 years to say THANKYOU for all that you did to enhance and make my first QE2 crossing just soo enjoyable..l was hooked ever since  :)     
« Last Edit: Dec 29, 2018, 02:37 PM by Lynda Bradford »
From the moment you first glimpsed the Queen,
 you just knew you were in for a very special time ahead.!

Offline Brandon Sterkel

Re: Mark Skelton: Waiter T.O.W and Columbia 1984 1986
« Reply #5 on: Jun 05, 2015, 07:20 PM »
Hello Mark,
Welcome to The QE2 Story!
Great to have you here!
Really interesting to hear about your career with the ship and can't wait to hear more!
« Last Edit: Dec 29, 2018, 02:38 PM by Lynda Bradford »
Queen Elizabeth 2: A 50 Year Legend!

Offline mark skelton

Re: Mark Skelton: Waiter T.O.W and Columbia 1984 1986
« Reply #6 on: Jun 05, 2015, 09:03 PM »
Thanks for all your nice comments.  Really surprised at how many people spend there time and effort on replying to posts.  Much appreciated.

I guess what rekindled  my interest in the QE2 was the recent visit of the Three Cunard ships to Liverpool.  I spent a few hours at the quay just looking at the QM2.  This of course brings back the memoirs of the time you spent working onboard ships. 

Many fond memoirs come flooding back, but when your time is done you know-its time to move on.  Things you were happy to accept-sharing cabins working Seven days a week limited know its done.


Mark Skelton

« Last Edit: Dec 29, 2018, 02:38 PM by Lynda Bradford »

Offline mark skelton

Re: Mark Skelton: Waiter T.O.W and Columbia 1984 1986
« Reply #7 on: Jun 05, 2015, 09:10 PM »
Sorry forgot to say a big thanks to Myles (CunardQueen) for his very kind post and the photo.


« Last Edit: Dec 29, 2018, 02:38 PM by Lynda Bradford »