Author Topic: QE2Story Jigsaw "Liverpool Calling" by Alan Kirby, presented by June Ingram  (Read 30059 times)

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Offline Isabelle Prondzynski

Glad to say that some progress is being made :

First, the hull was completed and also the port itself.

But the weather is very difficult indeed, and it is only piece by piece that the meteorologists are working out what to do about the sky :

And so, it may take another while until the sky is in place... I am out of practice...

Looking forward to hearing how fast Peter M can do this!!

Offline June Ingram

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Great work, Isabelle !  Our QE2 looks grand in Liverpool and she has been in very good hands for her very first refit.  And of course with changing weather conditions, the meteorologists will have quite a time in completing the sky, but that is to be expected !  June   :D
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Online Peter Mugridge

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Looking forward to hearing how fast Peter M can do this!!

I think I just heard the thud of a gauntlet being thrown to the ground!  :)
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Offline Rod

Bottom 2 pics make it look like snow is falling! An omen perhaps?

Offline Isabelle Prondzynski

Bottom 2 pics make it look like snow is falling! An omen perhaps?

I like that, Rod! May she be back in Liverpool by the time the snow falls...

Another tiny bit of progress to report -- following QE2's smoke trail  :) :

Offline June Ingram

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Hi Isabelle -

Your meteorologists are progressing nicely.  And wouldn't it be nice to have our QE2 back in time for snowfall ?

June   :D
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Offline Isabelle Prondzynski

The meteorologists have issued their forecasts and been proved right -- QE2 in Liverpool is surrounded by blustery weather, with sunny spells and the odd brief flurry of snow.

As there is a fair chance that I might be able to show you the final version tomorrow or on Saturday, it would help me greatly to know who would like to take it next?

Lynda? Peter? I would be very grateful to receive your address so that I have it when packing the parcel.

Not an easy one, this, I found -- but it may just be my jigsaw skills getting older and weaker, like the rest of me ;D !

Online Peter Mugridge

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My address is now in your PM box.  :D
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Offline June Ingram

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Looking forward to seeing QE2 (jigsaw) in all her glory in Liverpool !  Good work, Isabelle !   :)
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Offline Isabelle Prondzynski

Good news! The jigsaw was completed this evening, all pieces were there, with one extra piece from another jigsaw to add to the fun, and the wonderful box has been repacked in the parcel in which I received it, and addressed to Peter, who will presumably finish it much faster than me (almost 6 months!).

June, thank you for a great puzzle, which I thoroughly enjoyed (often during very late night hours) -- and thanks also to Alan Kirby and Alan Snelson for making the picture available and preparing it for the jigsaw. An excellent jigsaw picture, and very sharp too -- well chosen and prepared.

Wishing all those who try it next, as much fun as I had :) .

Looking forward to the next jigsaw already -- later in the year would be great.

Offline Alan Snelson

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Well done Isabelle, the extra piece sounds intriguing.

I believe my name is still on the list and I would be interested to see in the flesh, what I have so far only seen on my monitor screen. Perhaps when Peter has completed the build I could try it next.
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Online Peter Mugridge

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Of course Alan, just PM me your address - I doubt you'll have very long to wait; I tend to do jigsaws at quite a high rate of knots...  :D
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Offline June Ingram

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Great news, Isabelle !  Congratulations !  I look forward to seeing pictures.  Yes, many thanks to Alan K. and Alan S. for the wonderful photo and for preparing it for "building" into a jigsaw !  Let QE2's journeys (jigsaw) continue !

June   :)
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Online Peter Mugridge

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The Liverpool QE2 jigsaw docked in Epsom this morning; haven't opened the box yet - very busy evening - but I hope to make a start at the weekend?

Who will be after me?
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Offline Isabelle Prondzynski

Great to hear she made it in good time across the Irish Sea. My cue to post the final photos!

And that intriguing extra piece (which appears in eavery photo sitting on the water bottom right) ...

All these photos are in the Forum Gallery, here :
« Last Edit: Jan 10, 2015, 09:12 PM by Isabelle Prondzynski »