Author Topic: Discussions on QE2Story Jigsaws  (Read 22565 times)

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Online Isabelle Prondzynski

Re: Discussions on QE2Story Jigsaws
« Reply #90 on: May 15, 2014, 06:19 PM »
Now, next decision - 500 piece or 750 piece ?   :)

The jigsaws circulating (by the way, are they actually circulating at present?) are 500-piece jigsaws. I'd love to see this one a wee bit more time-consuming at 750 pieces :) .

Offline June Ingram

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Re: Discussions on QE2Story Jigsaws
« Reply #91 on: May 15, 2014, 07:12 PM »
The jigsaws circulating (by the way, are they actually circulating at present?) are 500-piece jigsaws. I'd love to see this one a wee bit more time-consuming at 750 pieces :) .

Hi Isabelle - Thank you very much for your post.  I do believe both QE2s (jigsaws) are moored at their respective houses and are in the process of refit.  I too would like to see a 750 piece jigsaw and I think the one I have chosen from the calendar will provide enough detail to make it enjoyable to fit together but add a little bit of "frustration" into the mix (there always has to be some water where there is our QE2).  June  :D
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Online Isabelle Prondzynski

Re: Discussions on QE2Story Jigsaws
« Reply #92 on: Aug 04, 2014, 10:59 PM »
The jigsaw that resulted from this excellent discussion now has its own topic, here :

QE2 Story Forum »    General QE2 »   Miscellaneous QE2 »
QE2Story Jigsaw "Liverpool Calling" by Alan Kirby, presented by June Ingram,6257.0.html

With thanks to Alan Kirby for the use of his wonderful photo, Alan Snelson for preparing it for this new life, and June Ingram for commissioning it and making it available to us!

It would be lovely if we could use this topic right here to discuss further potential jigsaws we might want to make!

« Last Edit: Aug 05, 2014, 08:36 PM by Alan Snelson »

Online Isabelle Prondzynski

Re: Discussions on QE2Story Jigsaws
« Reply #93 on: Aug 14, 2014, 06:31 PM »
Do you have any "photos" of the interior work which could make a jigsaw ?

For the purposes of a special photo, the refit crew managed to get the silver QE2 model back :

To my mind, this would make an excellent jigsaw.

Plenty more options in the QE2 Gallery!

I also like these three just fo a start :

Doesn't she look lovely! As you can see, the refit is well underway. Which picture would make a good jigsaw?

Offline June Ingram

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Re: Discussions on QE2Story Jigsaws
« Reply #94 on: Aug 14, 2014, 06:46 PM »
Hi Isabelle -

Thank you very much for your post and the pictures.  That is awesome that your refit crew got the silver QE2 model back.  Maybe they can get our QE2 back in person !!  ;D  She looks lovely always.  I have never seen a photo of our QE2 in which she did not look absolutely stunning !  These are all wonderful pictures.  Each would make a wonderful jigsaw.  There are some other options.  We could have another 1000 piece jigsaw or even a 2000 piece jigsaw with all four pictures each taking one quarter of the jigsaw.  We so do need to get our QE2 out of her captivity and  back home again...

June  :)
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Online Peter Mugridge

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Re: Discussions on QE2Story Jigsaws
« Reply #95 on: Aug 14, 2014, 09:22 PM »
Yes, I like the idea of four different photos on one jigsaw, but if we go for a 2000 piece we could conceivably go for eight images without shrinking any of them too much?  A 2000 piece may only be a few inches wider and longer than a 1000 piece, but that translates as a large percentage of extra surface area.
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Offline June Ingram

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Re: Discussions on QE2Story Jigsaws
« Reply #96 on: Aug 15, 2014, 02:18 PM »
Hi Peter -

Thank you very much for your message.  I believe eight images would work as well.  Then we need four more interior images.

Could you please tell us a little more about your photo ?

June  :)
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Online Isabelle Prondzynski

Re: Discussions on QE2Story Jigsaws
« Reply #97 on: Sep 26, 2014, 05:30 PM »
Wonderfully, this discussion too led to a new QE2Story jigsaw being prepared -- the discussion is continued here :,6357.0.html

QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge :) .

Offline Clydebuilt1971

Re: Discussions on QE2Story Jigsaws
« Reply #98 on: Jan 12, 2015, 01:11 PM »
It is impressive to think of the forum's jigsaw "fleet" travelling from place to place being constructed then deconstructed before making their next voyage.

I would like to a fifth to the fleet if I may?

The subject would be QE2 on the Clyde - most of the really good shots I have are from the old girl's last visit to the river of her birth in 2008 but the weather was excellent as was the turnout so we get to see both QE2 and the Clyde at their best. The photographers who own the copyright (I was on Balomoral at that time) have kindly allowed the use of their photos.

To this end could you look at the shots below and comment as which one you think will make a good puzzle?

I will then have the winner made into a jigsaw - my wife Shelagh has asked to be the first to assemble it then it can be forwarded onto the next volunteer as per the existing four!

Are we up for a fifth challenge people? Only time will tell.

I'll wait until the end of the week before closing the voting. (would have made a poll out of this but have never done it before!)

(1) Was taken from Gourock as QE2 arrived on the river.
(2) Taken from above Cardwell Bay, Gourock with veteran Calmac ferry Saturn in the shot (this wee vessel is facing the breakers torch as I type)
(3) This was taken from one of the wee boats who escorted QE2 up river to her berth at Greenock that day.

« Last Edit: Jan 12, 2015, 01:23 PM by Clydebuilt1971 »

Offline June Ingram

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Re: Discussions on QE2Story Jigsaws
« Reply #99 on: Jan 12, 2015, 01:42 PM »
Hi Gav -

Thank you very much for your post.  And yes, it is awesome to have QE2 (in jigsaw form) continuing to voyage around the world. 

It would be wonderful to have a fifth jigsaw in the fleet. 

QE2 on The Clyde is an excellent topic choice. 

All three photos are wonderful and a choice is very difficult.  I vote for photo 1 simply because it has a broadside QE2 and all of the other puzzles are at various angles.  Having said that, the 2nd picture with Saturn zipping along is very good, and photo 3 with all of the small craft is likewise very good.  Not very difinitive am I ? 

Let's hear from others.

June   :)
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Offline Alan Snelson

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Re: Discussions on QE2Story Jigsaws
« Reply #100 on: Jan 12, 2015, 06:15 PM »
As June says, all three are great pictures. I favour number 2 as being good jigsaw material and it is also my favourite from a photographic viewpoint.
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Offline June Ingram

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Re: Discussions on QE2Story Jigsaws
« Reply #101 on: Jan 12, 2015, 06:34 PM »
I will defer to Alan's choice as he is more experienced in what would make a good jigsaw from the photographic viewpoint.   :)
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Online Isabelle Prondzynski

Re: Discussions on QE2Story Jigsaws
« Reply #102 on: Jan 12, 2015, 07:32 PM »
Great idea, Gav! And needless to say, all three are excellent photos.

As the photos stand, no. 2 is the best for a jigsaw because there are sufficient contrasts to help with the refit.

Nos. 1 and 3 have a lot of cloudless sky, which would make a jigsaw extremely difficult. This could of course be solved by means of some cropping, but I believe that the standard jigsaw proportions would need to be maintained, which means that cropping the top would also lead to some (unwanted) cropping at the sides.

Alan is the expert -- he has now prepared two very successful jigsaws for publication!

Online Peter Mugridge

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Re: Discussions on QE2Story Jigsaws
« Reply #103 on: Jan 12, 2015, 09:13 PM »
I'd be up to try all three, but certainly number 2 does have the most in it and has the benefit of being from a different angle from the normal view as well, so it offers something different.

Incidentally large largely featureless areas are not really much more difficult to do than detail zones...
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Offline Twynkle

Re: Discussions on QE2Story Jigsaws
« Reply #104 on: Jan 12, 2015, 10:41 PM »
How about an image of QE2 with wonderful Waverley?  :)