The ships stores fall into two categories Food Stores and Dry Stores.
Food Stores are as follows Meat,Poultry,Fish,Vegetables,Wines,Spirits and Beers.
Dry Stores are Furniture,Pint,Crockery,Cutlery,Glassware,Hospital and Medical Supplies,Floral Decoration,Printed Material,Ships uniform and Working Rig and Pianos.
As many as 2300 boxes and cartons delivered to the ship contain what are termed as Technical Stores and theses are handled by the onboard dept.of that name.Anything from batteries to spanners,safety shoes to screws,all are stored onboard for immediate use at any time by any dept.The range of Technical Stores has grown so much that one of the six cargo holds withing the ship had to be taken over as a stockroom.