Author Topic: QE2 Design Concept and Build Topic Video/Film Footage List  (Read 20650 times)

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Offline Lynda Bradford

BBC video  “on this day 20 September 1967 - QE2 takes to the  waves”[/b]
Source:  BBC News
Description: "On this Day 20 September 1967 QE2 takes to the waves" The video footage shows the spectators who had gathered to see the launch of the Q4. The Queen accompanied by Prince Phillip and Princess Margaret at John Brown's Clydebank, names and launches the ship.

British Pathe film footage: Making the QE2 lifeboats
Source: British Pathe  Media URN 50828 Film ID 2055.06
Description:  Making Qe2 Lifeboats at East Molesey, Surrey

British Pathe film: Q4 Liner Progress 1966 - Early Construction Video
Source:  British Pathe Media URN 55855 Film ID 2007.04
Description:  Film footage showing early progress of work on the Q4 in 1966.  Showing hull number 736, welder at work and a view from the top of where the engine and boiler room would be situated.

British Pathe Newsreel: Q4 Liner model under test and that Stubborn Keel Block!
Source:  British Pathe (Media URN 88019 Sort Number; UN4035 E)
Description:  Seventeen foot model of the Q4 in test tank at the National Physical Laboratory, Feltham on 28th June 1965.   Plus video footage of the Keel Laying at John Brown’s Shipyard, Clydebank of the new Cunard ship

British Pathe Film Footage: QE2 Nearing Completion 1968
Source: British Pathe Media URN 56910;  Film ID 2073.13
Description:  QE2 fitted out for sea trials.  Film footage showing Captain Warwick smoking pipe.  Scenes onboard the ship, swimming pool, control panel, engine room, workers walking down the gangway. 

British Pathe Film: QE2 into Drydock 1968 (Inchgreen Dry Dock 1968)
1.  Source:  British Pathe; Media URN 56993; Sort Number 68/095
Description: Queen Elizabeth 2 sailing down River Clyde, crowds of people on the banks of the Clyde. Clip of Captain William E. Warwick and Prince Charles, also Prince Charles with Warwick and Sir Basil Smallpiece.   'Queen Elizabeth 2' entering dry dock
2.  Source:  British Pathe media URN 56994
Description:  Prince Charles welcomed onboard. QE2 leaving fitting out basin, and sailing down the River Clyde to Dry Dock in Greenock.

British Pathe Video: Select Originals launching Of The Q4 1967 (44917 and 44918)
Source:  British Pathe
Description:  Various video shots of Q4 launch day at John Brown’s.  Footage includes – QE2’s beautiful bow, spectators at John Brown’s, the Royal Party in the launch box, John Brown’s clock, the ship sliding down the slipway and sitting in the water with the tugs. 

British Pathe video/film: Q4 Progress April 1967 model revealed
1. Source: British Pathe Media URN 56186; Film ID 2025.08
Description:  Video footage of the Q4 in John Brown’s, Clydebank, including a view of the ship’s stabilisers,  the ship in the stocks, a view of where the funnel will be placed.  The model of the Q4 seen in public for the first time when Cunard Chairman, Sir Basic Smallpiece unveils the model. 

2. Silent film footage of the model reveal
Source: British Pathe Media URN 56193 Film ID 2025.15
Description:  Video of the model of Q4.  No sound

British Pathe film footage: Youth on Q4
Source: Initial post link to Vimeo has the same film footage as British Pathe film link in second post which is better quality
Source: British Pathe Media URN 56358; Film ID 2037.35
Description:  film footage showing and naming some of the John Brown apprentices working on the ship, in the Drawing Office, and the IBM Key Punch operators in the accounting office.   

QE2 Return (to Southampton January 1969)
Source: British Pathe
Description: The QE2 accompanied by tugs limps back to Southampton on 2 January 1969 as a result of turbine problems.

British Pathe/You Tube: The Queen visits QE2 1969,6079.0.html
Description:  Queen Elizabeth II visits QE2 in 1969.  Footage of the original decor of the ship including the stairway linking the Double up, Double down room, the Queen on the Bridge, viewing the bust in the Queen Room

Movietone Video: Xmas deadline for Cunard’s Queen
Story No. 93951
Description:  Film footage of QE2 in Clydebank, showing the ship’s control panel, swimming pool, John Brown’s workforce leaving the ship, Captain Bil Warwick

QE2 Launch  Magic Ride (Cunard Line Ltd) September 1967
Source:  Live Leak
Description: Queen Elizabeth II launching and naming the ship.  View of the ship sliding down the slipway.  Crowd cheering. View  from the ship looking back to the launch pad.

Scotland on screen video The ship from the Clyde (poor industrial relations. .)
Source:  Scotland on Screen ID 007-000-000-383-C
Description:  a documentary that describes some of the problems experienced by QE2 prior to her handover to Cunard.  Interviews with both the shipbuilder's management and workers and Cunard personnel.

Scottish Screen Archive: QE2 short film of funnel being fitted
Source:  National Library of Scotland, Scottish Screen Archive; reference 4807
Description:  Short film showing the crane lifting the bridge and the funnel into place.

Scottish Screen Archive Public view QE2 in Clydebank
Description:  View of the ship, then footage of the public showing their tickets before going through John Brown's shipyard gates

Scottish Screen Archive T0413 Ship from the Clyde
Video 1:  short film footage of John Brown's workers leaving the ship by the gangplank and view of lift.  Voice over mentions changes to working conditions as we see the Clip  [74958707]
Video 2:
The story of the building and fitting-out of the Cunard liner "Queen Elizabeth 2. Clip [82803550]
Ship on sea trials, engine room, tugs towing QE2 back after oil is discovered in water system, dry dock, John Rannie, Tom Kameen, Sir Basil Smallpiece interviewed

You Tube Video: Birthday Tribute to QE2
Description: QE2 build, launch, fitting out basin, leaving for the dry dock in Greenock, returning to the Clyde for 40th birthday celebrations.
YouTube video: Matt McGinn Ballad of the Q4
Note:  Different film footage but same music in these posts
1. Source:  YouTube
Description:  Matt McGinn, Glasgow born folk singer sings the Ballad of the Q4.  The video footage gives an overview of shipbuilding activity on the Clyde as would have been seen in the 1960's.  In particular you see shipbuilding at Scott Lithgows shipyard.  Workmen going through the gates of  Upper Clyde Shipbuilders, Govan Division (originally Fairfields). You also see ships on the Clyde, and the ferry at Mavisbank Quay
2. Source:  YouTube
Media Type:  Video - colour film with sound track of Matt MacGinn singing the Ballad of the Q4
Description:  pre-launch and launch video.  Good shots of the tugs waiting for the launch to take place. At the end of the video is up to date film footage taken from the top of the Titan Crane in Clydebank.
3. Source:  YouTube (Tam Gee)
Description:  Matt McGinn song the Ballad of the Q4 with video footage showing the shipyard workforce.

You Tube STV Videos: QE2 memories part 1,2,and 3
Source:  You Tube
Description :  Scottish TV video of short interviews of memories of people involved with the building of QE2.

You Tube Video:  RMS Queen Elizabeth 2 Launch Footage
Source You Tube RMS Queen Elizabeth 2 Launch Footage (Olympic WS)
Description:  Launch day scenes, pipe band, Queen Elizabeth II approaching the launch platform.  Workforce knocking down the supports.  QE2 launch. 

You Tube: at the 'QE2 launch 1967'  - silent video footage
thanks to 'Footage Dumbarton'
Published on 13 Dec 2012

Arriving at Inchgreen Dock filmed by Jackie Dinning
« Last Edit: Nov 19, 2022, 01:36 PM by Lynda Bradford »
I was proud to be involved with planning QE2's 50 year conference in September 2017 in Clydebank

Offline pete cain

Re: QE2 Design Concept and Build Topic Video/Film Footage List
« Reply #1 on: Apr 21, 2014, 08:55 PM »
Thanks Lynda, didn't know how big a project you were undertaking, will report back tmorrow, thanks Pete..