Author Topic: Malcolm's diary of QE2's final world cruise.  (Read 105309 times)

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Offline Malcolm

12 January 2008
« Reply #60 on: Jun 12, 2009, 07:43 AM »
Finally, after a very slow crossing, we arrive in New York :)

We were up very early this morning. The ship was expected to lead both the QM2 and the Vicky under the Verazano Narrows Bridge at 4-30 this morning. We, along with half the passengers, were on deck for this time although the ship was running slightly behind time and didn't pass under the bridge until turned 5-00am. By 6-00am we'd passed the Statue of Liberty and were preparing to dock.

The restaurants opened at 6-00am for breakfast so we went and got something to eat before returning to the cabin to shower and get dressed properly. At 7-40am there had been a call saying that the gangway would be available until 9-00am and from 9-30. At 8-55am there was an announcement saying that the gangway would remain open past 9-00am. We were just putting our coats on to leave the boat at 9-25am and there was another announcement - the gangway would be closed because of queues until further notice. We eventually got off the ship at about 10-00am.

Our first stop was the Empire State Building. We had bought tickets in advance and were intending to go either today, in April or in October. As today was a sunny day with clear skies we decided that we'd chance it today. [it was just as well we did – there was fog in April and we didn’t go in October] We were glad we did - the views are spectacular (we were also glad we'd bought queue jumper tickets as the queues were spectacular as well, although not as bad when we went up as they were for ascending when we were coming down).

The ESB nicely filled the morning meaning that there was just enough time to have a coffee at Grand Central before heading to the Rockefeller Center to meet Paul's friends and have lunch. As it was the last performance of the season for NYGASP (New York Gilbert and Sullivan Players) they had arranged a backstage tour and then seats for The Pirates of Penzance.

We had expected only to be able to stay for the first half hour but, as the ship's sailing had been rescheduled we were able to stay for the entire show. The performance was very good but it did not show the New York audience in a good light. They would lean forward in their seats, chatter and wander about throughout the whole performance and, when it came to the end most of the audience were out of their seats and on the way out before the curtain had come down. I suspect this is a cultural difference (In London only a few people would be on their feet before the house lights came up and many would stay in their seats until the orchestra had finished playing).

We got back to the ship just after 6-00pm and luckily decided to get showered and changed before we went on deck to see the fireworks. They were late starting. Very late. 7-15pm (the official time) came and went. It started to rain about 7-45pm and by 8-15pm the crowds on deck had almost vanished. The fireworks started about 8-20pm. They were OK, but they weren't worth getting soaked to the skin for. Before they'd finished the heavens opened and I headed off to the cabin to leave my wet coat and then to dinner.

David Pepper, who had been very quiet on the transatlantic leg was back on the tannoy telling everyone what fantastic entertainment he'd got lined up for this evening. I'm sure that I'm not the only person onboard who would miss an important announcement from that man because every announcement he's made so far has been useless, confusing or both!

At 10-00pm there was the initial pre-meeting meet of those Cruise Critics who were on for the section from New York. I said a brief hello and then headed off to bed - It had been a very long day.
« Last Edit: Aug 07, 2009, 09:14 PM by mrkpnh (Malcolm K) »

Offline Scott Ebersold

Re: Malcolm's diary of the final world cruise.
« Reply #61 on: Jun 12, 2009, 03:46 PM »
Hey Malcolm.  I'm not sure what happened at that Gilbert & Sullivan show.  I work in theater in here in NY and customarily audience members don't talk or move about or get up before the final curtain call (other than for the now obligatory Broadway standing ovation).  The only exception would be the septuagenarian set who are rushing off to get to their cars before the rest of the crowd.   :o

Offline Malcolm

13 January 2008
« Reply #62 on: Jun 13, 2009, 10:03 AM »
Despite yesterday being such a tiring day we were both awake early (think 5-30am)! I was at the gym for just before 7-00am (it was already open so I was able to make an early start). I got back to the cabin just as our tea and fruit juice arrived.

Paul said he wasn't bothered about breakfast so I quickly pulled on some clothes and headed off to breakfast saying that I'd shower etc when I got back. I enjoyed breakfast (Blueberry pancakes with a Minute steak on the side) and was back in the cabin less than half an hour later. I sat on the bed meaning to get ready for the shower and then thought how comfortable the bed was. It was 10-40am when Paul woke up and woke me to tell me that the lecture I wanted to go to started in 20 minutes. After a hurried shower and even quicker dressing I made the lecture just as David Pepper was introducing Peter Crimes so I didn't miss anything.

Once the lecture was over it was back to the cabin to pick up our washing before heading off to the launderette. Paul wasn't there but as I'd thought today should be fairly quite I thought I'd go on my own. How wrong we had been - the launderette was packed. Four of the twelve washers and a dryer were out of order which made the jam worse but I managed to be able to secure two washing machines next to each other for our clothes. I set both machines going and tried to find somewhere out of the way to stand.

I glanced at one machine and that was doing fine; I was not so lucky with the other one unfortunately. There was water pouring out of the bottom of the machine. I opened the lid and the thing was full to the top with hot soapy water. Although the machine had stopped when the lid was opened water kept pouring onto the floor which was already a couple of inches deep in water, fluff and hair! The telephone extension to call for assistance was always engaged and the pursers said they would send someone but nobody turned up. In the end I went to find one of the cabin stewards from the cabins in that area and he was able to organise someone to clear up the water. When it came to dealing with the machine that had flooded the water level had dropped; when it was restarted it ran with no problem.

Then there was a shortage of driers. One girl pushed in front of me in the queue. When she realised what she had done she was so apologetic. She insisted in removing her things from the dryer so that I could use it. I was pleased by that as I'd just secured a second drier for the delicate fabrics. She asked if I would put her things in the drier when I'd finished - I was more than happy to do that.

Whilst things were drying I realised that I'd not got any hangers to put the shirts on and went back to the cabin to get some. Paul was there and straight away offered to come down and help. He started (and finished) ironing whilst I stood guard over our driers. The ironing room was also full with the exception of the two irons that weren't working. By the time we left the launderette there was a queue out of the door with people waiting for machines.

There seems to be a lot of things that aren't working at the moment on this ship. Not only are a substantial number of machines in the launderette not working but neither are two of the four lifts at E or one of the two at G.

As I am still recovering from my cold I decided I wouldn't go swimming this afternoon so we decided to attend our first FOD meeting of the WC. I must admit that it was better than the meeting we attended before Christmas but only because there was nobody else there! We might give it another try later in the cruise but I doubt we'll be going again in a hurry.

Offline highlander0108

Re: Malcolm's diary of the final world cruise.
« Reply #63 on: Jun 13, 2009, 02:03 PM »
NYC Arrival

"There will never be another one like her" QE2's last Master Ian McNaught
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Offline Malcolm

15 January 2008
« Reply #64 on: Jun 14, 2009, 10:34 AM »
Last night we were in bed by 11-30pm. We were both up before I went to the gym this morning. We were both up and about when the tea arrived. We were at breakfast by 8-10am. Then we came back to the cabin and went back to bed. We finally left the cabin at 11-50am! That's what days at sea are all about - relaxing and taking life easy. (That we have now slowed down to fewer than 15 knots to allow the Vicky to keep up also encourages slothfulness)

After lunch I went to see the concierge about various things but one of which was that I had received a welcome letter to the WC party in New York but Paul hadn't. Lisa thought that it was probably because she'd referred to Mr Kelly and Mr Kelly's parents - as no direct reference was made to Mr Howarth he'd been missed off. She promised to get us all invites to the Fort Lauderdale party.

Although sunny the weather on deck is still quite chilly. Today is the first day the pool on one deck has had the safety netting removed. There have been a few people in it but very few. My cold has meant that I've missed swimming for the past few days, as it's now nearly better I decided I'd start again. When I got to deck 7 the gym was busy but the pool was empty. When I got in the pool it was very cold and I put this down as the reason. After I'd been swimming for 50 lengths (it sounds a lot but a length is only 7.5 meters) two more people joined me. By the time I'd reached 70 lengths there were eight people in the pool and two more just about to get in. I gave up! I hope that tomorrow will be quieter - when it's a port day and everyone can go to the beach.

We got a very nice package from our travel agent today. It contained a welcome aboard letter from a couple who are hosting a group on this cruise and details of five free shore excursions. None of the excursions are for ports where we had planned a Cunard trip although a couple of the ports are where we had planned to see the main sights. Having read the details carefully I think we'll go with the tours and not on our own as the tours look to be very good.

Tonight was the first night since Madeira that it's been warm enough to sit out on deck. We had our first post dinner drink in the Chart Room and then moved out on deck. One thing we've found is, with the soft drinks package, that they only have one size of plastic beaker. If you get a drink in a glass it is a smaller glass than their usual soft drinks; if you ask for a plastic beaker to use on deck you get the normal size. Is it really worth it for 1/4 can of lemonade?

Offline Malcolm

16 January 2008
« Reply #65 on: Jun 15, 2009, 09:31 AM »
It's 5-30am. I've been awake since 4-00am and I'm now sitting in the Pavilion drinking tea and catching up on emails. Before we sailed Cunard told us that we would get four hours each for the Christmas trip and another four hours for the entire World Cruise. These hours would not be transferrable and any left from Christmas could not be used on the WC. So I got four hours for Christmas and then I’m getting four hours per sector. These hours are cumulative so at the moment I'm still working on my transatlantic hours and haven't touched the ones for this sector yet. What's more World Club points are upgraded at the end of each sector so when I move to Diamond I should get eight hours! I've more internet time than I know what to do with!

One thing that I've been asked to mention is the dimensions of the pools. The inside pool is "just under 8 meters long" which I've taken to mean about 7.5m although it's difficult to be too accurate as both ends are curved. The pool is slightly narrower than it is long (I'd guess only by 1 to 1.5 meters) but there are steps down into the shallow end that reduced the effective width by 1/3. The outside pool is of similar dimensions but without the steps. Neither pool is open 24 hours a day (as 1 deck pool was at one time). Deck 7 pool is only available gym times - 7-00am until 8-00pm and 1 Deck Pool is covered from mid evening until 8-00am.

The daily programme has changed from reading "Daybreak with David" to "Wake-up with Warren". As the programme is recorded the previous evening I'm not sure why David Pepper couldn't do it (although I'm very pleased he didn't). As Warren Smith was still to board he couldn't host the programme so we had the Assistant CD and one of the Cunard Singers and Dancers fronting the show. Their presentation and liveliness was far superior to anything David Pepper managed over the past month. The show was enjoyable and something I would recommend others to watch.

Today we are in Fort Lauderdale. We booked tickets for the shuttle bus that ran between the QE2, the Vicky, the Beach and the Galleria shopping mall. My mother was able to take her mobility scooter on the bus and that meant that both my parents are able to go to the mall and look at the shops.

As we left the ship security tried to scan my ID card. The code wouldn't scan and the number had to be entered manually. This had also happened in New York - I had been told to check with the pursers to ensure my card would work at all future ports. I did but they obviously didn't!

The mall was interesting. It was very clean and relatively quiet. (Am I damning with faint praise here?) However in a lot of the shops it was hard to believe that Christmas was over there was so much Christmas merchandise on sale. Other shops had great empty areas and gave the impression that they were only opening because they had to. In one shop the assistant asked me where everyone had come from and seemed surprised that there were two ships in.

One thing that did surprise us about the shops was that they all offered to charge our credit cards in sterling. The reason for this wasn't clear until we got home and checked our receipts. The US Merchant Services charges 3% commission for this service. If you have a card that does not charge you for foreign transactions you are far cheaper making the transaction in the local currency and letting your bank convert it.

Once we'd finished at the mall we caught the bus back to the QE2, on to the Vicky and then to the beach. If you allow for the weather the beach area is very reminiscent of Scarborough's Foreshore (without the fruit machines) out of season. There are a few Fish and Chip shops (Crab and Burger in FL), a few tea shops (Bars) and lots of shops selling tourist tat! It is worth walking back from this area into the more residential areas where you can see all the boats and canals that got the area called the Venice of America.

We didn't find the area so entrancing that we missed the final of the World Cruise Welcome parties. There were only about 20 people in total there. They must have been expecting more as there were about sixty glasses of something that has been cold and fizzy and was now warm and flat poured out ready. We didn't go for that of course but availed ourselves of the free bar. There was no difficulty at all in obtaining a second drink. Likewise with the canapés - there were about six trays for the party - It quite made up for having missed lunch!

Both Paul and my mother were rather "tired" after the party and went to lie down (separately!) whilst my father and I went on deck to watch us sail. We were due to sail at 4-30pm but, by that time, there was still a load of stores that needed to be loaded from the dockside. We went and had afternoon tea (in the QGL - plenty of space) and returned to deck to watch the Vicky sail at 5-30pm. It really is astonishing that she needs no tugs or anything to help her get out of a tight space.

We gave up waiting for us to sail and went to get dressed for dinner. It's just as well as we didn't sail that evening until turned 8-00pm. Mother didn't come to dinner - her back and shoulders have been playing up and she said that she could sit still for that length of time. As we were leaving dinner I asked the Maitre D' about the brochure's statement that one could order from the full menu in the cabin. I was told that if you ring room service and ask for a menu they will bring one and take your order. They will then bring the food. As I was already in the restaurant I took a menu and phoned the order through. It arrived as promised.

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Re: Malcolm's diary of the final world cruise.
« Reply #66 on: Jun 15, 2009, 07:54 PM »
NYC Arrival

Passionate about QE2's service life for 40 years and creator of this website.  I have worked in IT for 28 years and created my personal QE2 website in 1994.

Offline Malcolm

17 January 2008
« Reply #67 on: Jun 16, 2009, 10:19 AM »
It’s got so that I don't even know what day it is now! I have enough to do remembering that today and tomorrow are at sea, then Barbados and then more days at sea. Now that we've lost the Vicky and the speed has increased the journey is much more pleasant and the seas seem less rough.

We met father at breakfast who told us that mother didn't sleep at all well last night and was going to see the doctor when father got back from breakfast. Meanwhile Paul returned to the cabin whilst I went to a couple of today's activities.

The first was the lecture on Barbados by Dr Crimes. His lecture was good and has convinced us that Bridgetown is worth visiting and not just passing through. My opinion of Dr Crimes’ lectures has improved greatly. I was in the balcony and did not see the stalls, however I was surprised at how few people there were there - the balcony was less than 1/4 full.

The second activity was a talk about the "New Cunard World Club" and how the changes in categories would affect members. They told us that Diamond Members could have a free lunch in Todd English; someone from the audience has to point out that there wasn't a Todd English on the QE2. They reiterated several times that the inclusive minutes were not cumulative - I am sending this using minutes from the transatlantic leg! They then started to go through the various problems people had been having buying minutes. At this point I gave up and left!

I went to visit mother after that and see what the doctor had said. He has given her some paracetamol to ease the pain and given her a couple of Valium tablets to help her sleep. As the pain in her shoulders has only started since we changed cabins he has suggested trying a different variety of pillow. Mother now looks a lot happier.

This afternoon was the second official Cruise Critic meeting (There have also been two unofficial ones). It is nice to be able to meet up with people on the same trip as you and discuss tips, hints and general gossip! The last of the full world cruisers joined in Fort Lauderdale; it is a pity they didn't come to the meeting.

The activity for the afternoon was swimming - the sunny weather hasn't driven all the people who like to splash about outside. The pool still attracted a fair number of splashers. There was one who insisted on swimming half widths when the other two serious swimmers were doing lengths. She got in everyone's way most of the time!

Mother ordered dinner in the cabin again last night - her shoulders are still causing a lot of pain - whilst Paul and I took father to the Captain's Cocktail Party and then on to dinner.

After dinner Paul and I were able to sit outside the Yacht Club and have a drink before retiring to bed. The clocks go forward again tonight so that means today was only a 23 hour day - something we'll feel in the morning.

Offline Malcolm

18 January 2008
« Reply #68 on: Jun 17, 2009, 08:18 AM »
I've been thinking hard about what to write today. It's not that nothing's happened just that nothing worthy of comment has happened. We've gone to meals - the food and service has been good but not exceptional, we've drunk in the bars - again service has been fine but not exceptional, we've slept - our bed is very comfortable though!

One thing of note and that thing I only attended out of the duty of research for Cruise Critic (!) was the "Buccaneer Ball". (When I say "attended" I mean that I walked through the Queens Room on two separate occasions to see what was happening!)

Before the ball this evening I didn't see anyone in the restaurant in fancy dress at all (I only saw two people wearing fancy dress in the restaurant for the ball on the Christmas Cruise). I did see one man coming out of the Mauritania with a scarf tied round his head but that was it.

Several of the cruise staff were in costume - I assume that was because it was part of their job rather than because they wanted to dress up.

If you did not know that it was a themed ball you could quite easily miss it if you were in the Queens Room, if you were elsewhere on the ship you would have no idea that it was happening.

Offline Malcolm

18 January 2008
« Reply #69 on: Jun 17, 2009, 08:19 AM »
The 18th was only short so here's the 19th as well :)

Offline Malcolm

19 January 2008
« Reply #70 on: Jun 17, 2009, 08:20 AM »
Barbados today. In 40 years I visit Barbados three times. Once 15 years ago and the last twice within the past three weeks! The island must really have something to bring me back so quickly!

I was the only one of the four of us who made breakfast. Paul missed the meal claiming that he'd eaten too much and my parents that they'd overslept. It didn't matter; their abandonment meant a nice peaceful breakfast and a relatively late start.

We weren't tied up in the same place we were last time, within walking distance of the port buildings, but had to catch a shuttle bus (as David Pepper got wrong for our last visit and as the Captain got right for this one) from the boat to the terminal. From there it was a short walk to a long queue. We wondered if this was the queue for taxis but the taxi pick up point was to the left - the queue was for the shuttle to town.

We wanted to do something different this time and rejected the offer of a normal taxi tour saying that we wanted to see the Concord exhibition, a Plantation house and finally spend some time in Bridgetown.

The Concord part of the trip was well worthwhile. I had emailed the site before we left the UK asking for details of their opening, prices, etc and had got an email back advising that the 29th December would be quieter than the 19th January when there were a lot of groups booked. We therefore went on the 19th! The site was almost deserted. I doubt that there were more than a dozen people looking around when we got there at 11-00am. The entrance fee was US$ 17.50 - not cheap but well worth it.

The visit consisted of three main sections. The first was a brief tour of part of the site followed by a short talk in the rear cabin about the Concord itself and then being shown the front cabin, the cockpit and the exit. The second was an audio/visual display about how the plane broke the sound barrier and how it ended up in Barbados. The third was a chance to wander around and take photographs.

After Concord our taxi took us onto Sunbury Plantation House. A house that was "typical of the great sugar farming houses. Although vaguely interesting it was far more of the second rate tourist trap you might expect from a typical Caribbean island. It had a large buffet restaurant and was geared up for serving groups - it wasn't hard to see why Cunard use it as a lunch stop on their full day tours. We didn't eat there (although we did have a drink), one reason for not eating was that the food we saw didn't look that good.

Our taxi took us back to Bridgetown and dropped us in the centre. The entire trip had lasted just over four hours and had cost US$ 125.00 (plus tip).

Bridgetown is interesting. Don't be put off by Fodors who say that the town is noisy and dirty and not worth visiting - it is, but it is well worth visiting to soak up the atmosphere. The main street is very touristy and not worth spending much time on but the streets just behind it are almost unvisited by tourists and have a very different atmosphere.

We got another drink at a bar overlooking the water and then caught another taxi back to the port. The charge for this was US$ 10.00 which we thought was expensive for a five minute taxi ride. Before returning to the ship we stopped at one of the "duty free" shops in the terminal and topped up our whisky and tobacco supplies.

« Last Edit: Aug 07, 2009, 09:18 PM by mrkpnh (Malcolm K) »

Offline Louis De Sousa

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Re: Malcolm's diary of the final world cruise.
« Reply #71 on: Jun 17, 2009, 08:42 AM »
Barbados today. In 40 years I visit Barbados three times. Once 15 years ago and the last twice within the past three weeks! The island must really have something to bring me back so quickly!

Barbados.That is the port i used to stock up(booze) for the World Cruise.I was there 10 times and loved every minute of it great memories.

Offline Louis De Sousa

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Re: Malcolm's diary of the final world cruise.
« Reply #72 on: Jun 17, 2009, 08:54 AM »
Here i am on my first visit to Barbados in December 1990.

Offline Malcolm

20 January 2008
« Reply #73 on: Jun 18, 2009, 02:41 AM »
Another day at sea. Peter Crimes was giving a lecture on Salvador and, before the lecture, we'd decided that Salvador might not be that safe and that we would be as well booking a tour. We booked one for ourselves and got my parents on the waiting list for another (we were told they had requested another coach and that this shouldn't be a problem). There was standing room only at the lecture when Peter Crimes said that he would highly recommend going on a tour in both Salvador and Rio as they were both risky. He said that he had never done other than go on tour in these ports. I imagine that all tours are now sold out and have very long waiting lists!

This was the day for the first Cavalcade for all those on the entire World Cruise. There were only fourteen cabins on the cavalcade although one person missed the meeting so there were only thirteen cabins in total. Most were either M4s or MIs - the differences were quite astonishing, particularly when it came down to the MIs. There was also a CA and our P2 from the "first class" cabins.

Offline Malcolm

Re: Malcolm's diary of the final world cruise.
« Reply #74 on: Jun 18, 2009, 02:42 AM »
As the 20th is only short here's the 21st as well :)