I can't get this place out of my hair.....every time I go there I feel the same....
Who designed it?
I'd love to meet that person.
First of all you are directed up an escalator in this huge barn/shed with corrugated roof ( reminds me of a giant nissan hut) anyway...its MODERN...ok Im old fashioned I hold my hands up...but as if thats not bad enough...after check in you start to progress though to securiity ....fair enough...we did that at QE11Terminal too,,,but then you have to walk ziggy zaggy down this concrete hill holding on for dear life in high stillettos( we DO NOT WEAR TRAINERS or baffies when embarking on board a Queen do we? ) We are in our finery! Whilst trying to control a small wheelie case ......not easy....once down at ground level we heave a sign of relief as we only have the wee gangway to encounter then to your horror we have to start all over again on this gangway?? Ziggy zaggying all the way up again??? Whats this all about? Honest to god...at the QE11 Terminal the gangway was on the upper level short n sweet straight on the ship,....
I just don't understand the logic of this new fangled thing....and I don't think I'm alone.....ITS CRAZY!
And just think of all those pax who have walking difficulties.....must take them hours just to get on board......
I will be looking out for cruises boarding at the old terminal in future!