I counted 52 windows (26 on each side) of the Double Up Room (Boat Deck level) on builder’s plans so it assumed that is how many of the ‘sausage-shaped’ windows were in place in 1969.
In 2006 I counted 17 ‘sausage-shaped’ windows on each side. All but two on each side were covered.
Along with the rest of the lighting in what could be quite a dark area upstairs above the 'Grand Lounge', hopefully these could also be considered for re-instatement.
Just wishing that the Double Room could re-appear, as if by miracle!
(Just hoping that the area of shops wont be turned into the ubiquitous 'Mall'

Bob C - there could well have been cactuses/cacti in pots as table decorations - Mikey, who used to be the Florist on board QE2, now on board QM2 always puts small arrangements - mainly flowers now, rather than plants, on the table in the Grand Lobby etc - in earlier times, when preservation of flowers on ships could have been more difficult (they live in huge fridges now!) - QE2's table might easily have had cacti 'gardens', instead!