I would call Queen Mary der Grosse a liner(think of Kaiser Wilhelm der grosse, both king and ship) to see the background to my nickname. I don't like to call her QM2. Would call her Quen Mary 2, as the first Q Mary still exists, but the letters 'belong" to QE2
OK, Q Mary2 is a liner, but a modern one, not in the classic mold. Her propulsion units, her hull shape (and I still have to set eyes on her stern) her upperworks are too radically different to QE2 and her predecessors to put her into their class. QE2 was herself a radical difference from Lusitania, Mauretania and ships of that era. Naval architecture has changed and changed again. At least Q Mary 2 LOOKS as if she could take on the North Atlantic at its worst. Q Vicky dosn't. I think she would have to run around a storm (or run away screaming)