Author Topic: "Meet the Captain" photo gallery  (Read 33792 times)

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Offline Waverley

"Meet the Captain" photo gallery
« on: Mar 29, 2009, 03:23 PM »
Just an idea. How about starting a new "Meet the Captain" photo gallery taken onboard the QE2.  It would be interesting to see how many of us bought the official photo, who the captain was at that time, and which cruise you were on. 

It would also let everyone know what we all look like rather than just names on the forum ? 

What do you all think?  Now, who has a photo? 
« Last Edit: Dec 02, 2014, 11:30 AM by Isabelle Prondzynski »

Offline Avariel

Re: New "Meet the Captain" photo gallery
« Reply #1 on: Mar 29, 2009, 03:32 PM »
I do. Now to go find it.

Voyage: E722 - Christmas Markets - 6th to 14th December 2007
[left to right] Captain Perkins, my mother, me.

A photo of a photo. Because the genius that I am has the scanner stored under the bed instead of hooked up to the laptop. Someday I'm getting the entire picture scanned in.
« Last Edit: Mar 29, 2009, 03:43 PM by Avariel »

Offline Waverley

Re: New "Meet the Captain" photo gallery
« Reply #2 on: Mar 29, 2009, 03:51 PM »
Thanks Avariel, looks like you have got the ball rolling.

My voyage was E811 Mediterranean Mosaic - 20th to 31st July 2008

Captain David Perkins with my mum and me.



Re: New "Meet the Captain" photo gallery
« Reply #3 on: Mar 29, 2009, 09:11 PM »

My voyage was E811 Mediterranean Mosaic - 20th to 31st July 2008

Looks like we just missed each other, My cruise was the 2-17th July.
Im free...

Offline Isabelle Prondzynski

Re: New "Meet the Captain" photo gallery
« Reply #4 on: Mar 29, 2009, 10:02 PM »
And mine the in-between one -- 17 to 20 July!

Photo will come... they are all in boxes at the moment...

By the way, Robert, great idea! Another great thread for our Gallery.

Offline Andy F

Re: New "Meet the Captain" photo gallery
« Reply #5 on: Mar 30, 2009, 12:03 AM »
Agreed a great idea Robert (nice pics guys btw).  
« Last Edit: Jul 21, 2011, 12:19 AM by Andy F »
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Online Rob Lightbody

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Re: New "Meet the Captain" photo gallery
« Reply #6 on: Mar 30, 2009, 06:22 PM »
Passionate about QE2's service life for 40 years and creator of this website.  I have worked in IT for 28 years and created my personal QE2 website in 1994.

Offline Chris

Re: New "Meet the Captain" photo gallery
« Reply #7 on: Apr 01, 2009, 12:40 PM »
On QE2, I've sailed with Commodore Burton Hall, Commodore Warwick (various times), Captain McNaught (various times), Captain Rynd and Captain Perkins ... and I have no photographs scanned on the computer!

Will need to try and track down my scanner - such is the Digital Camera age we live in now!
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Offline Mauretania1907

Re: New "Meet the Captain" photo gallery
« Reply #8 on: Apr 02, 2009, 08:51 AM »
"My" Captain was Captain Bennell (1989) and I've just learned he died about a year after my voyage. When I find my photo, and work out what's wrong with my scanner, I'll post my moment of hand-shaking with the Captain.


  • Guest
Re: New "Meet the Captain" photo gallery
« Reply #9 on: Apr 14, 2009, 02:40 PM »
Very smart and posh the both of you Andy and good wishes for the mod

Fortunately we got in the wrong line for the Captains photo initially and I have been unsuccessful in my half hearted search for an appropriate photo so the avatar is the nearest (and most accurate representation in it's latest form) I can provide of my image thus far

Offline Andy F

Re: New "Meet the Captain" photo gallery
« Reply #10 on: Apr 14, 2009, 02:55 PM »
Lol and thanks Kev.  I note your avatar keeps changing but is this the real you eh?   

I know what you mean about wrong lines though as did the same on QM2 last year.  We were directed through a doorway into the QR but pleasant as it was to meet the Staff Captain and Chief Engineer, it was only later did we discover the Commodore, who had taken up station at the opposite entrance.  Ah well, I dare say he will get over the disappointment lol!
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Online Rob Lightbody

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Re: New "Meet the Captain" photo gallery
« Reply #11 on: Apr 14, 2009, 07:13 PM »
When we met Capt. Perkins, I stupidly, in my excitement (I was perma-excited for 10 days) stepped forward to shake his hand... he stepped away from me, threw his hands back, blanked me, and made sure to shake my Mum's hands and welcome her first.... then he very slowly turned to shake my hand, as if to reprimand me for being so rude!  Left me feeling stupid and slightly embarassed, and also a bit P'd off - yes I made a mistake, but he didn't need to make me feel stupid, he could have just made a joke of it.... <Mutter!>
Passionate about QE2's service life for 40 years and creator of this website.  I have worked in IT for 28 years and created my personal QE2 website in 1994.

Offline Andy F

Re: New "Meet the Captain" photo gallery
« Reply #12 on: Apr 14, 2009, 08:08 PM »
Sorry to hear that Rob. There can be no excuse for making guests feel embarrassed just because they didn't quite follow etiquette but even so.  As you say, he should have just laughed it off and got on with it rather than act in that way.  I can appreciate that pressing the flesh and having to force a smile can be grating after a while but that's his job and part and parcel of being in command of a passenger ship.  

Your experience was in complete contrast to Bernard Warner on QM2 (yes, the one I didn't get to shake hands with lol).  The cruise dvd shows him greeting a passenger who didn't know whether to shake his hand or salute him and it ended up resembling a Monty Python sketch (you have to see it to believe it but needless to say, it still makes me laugh whenever I watch it).  Pure comedy and fair play to him for injecting some humour into an otherwise formal occasion.  I met him later that evening on the stairs while heading into Dinner and we exchanged pleasantries (or whatever you exchange in the prescence of a Commodore).  A truly nice guy, as I'm sure most are.  

DP on the other hand, has been accused of being unapproachable and rather stand-offish with passengers.  I can only speak as I find as my experience of him the both times I sailed with him were fine yet others didn't feel the same way.  My last cruise aboard QE2 coincided with his and I noticed that some of the guests at the CWC Cocktail Party were giving him gifts and cards afterwards, so they certainly seemed to hold him in high esteem.  Christopher Rynd was another I recall who some couldn't warm to yet others had no problem with.  

As in all things, our feelings are largely influenced by our experience, which in your case is clearly understandable, whereas in truth, mine differs slightly.  I'm not saying his actions towards you are excusable for they are not but while he may not have the same friendly disposition as Bernard Warner, I found him ok.  Maybe you were just unlucky, either that or I was!  
« Last Edit: Jul 21, 2011, 12:18 AM by Andy F »
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Online Rob Lightbody

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Re: New "Meet the Captain" photo gallery
« Reply #13 on: Apr 14, 2009, 08:13 PM »
He was fine really, apart from not turning the funnel lights on, at all, and not blowing the whistle except at noon, and cancelling my bridge visit because it was stormy (well, really!) and this one wee incident.  After crying myself to sleep that night, I was fine in the morning  ::)
Passionate about QE2's service life for 40 years and creator of this website.  I have worked in IT for 28 years and created my personal QE2 website in 1994.

Offline Malcolm

Re: New "Meet the Captain" photo gallery
« Reply #14 on: Apr 14, 2009, 09:36 PM »
not blowing the whistle except at noon

Rob - you've got to admit that he excelled at not blowing the whistle :)