Strange how we never hear much about Captain Wadsworth in tales of the past?
Seeing that old programme it makes you wonder how todays passengers would have put up with the fixed times for breakfast and lunch and the limited entertainment.
Its the waiting staff on Dinner imagine having to serve a dinner between 6.30 to 8.15pm and clear away and reset for the next sitting, Must have been the warm seat system again

The photo on the Double room staircase is really great (in fact all the photos are great! )and not to mention the players club hideaway, it was always a very quite spot, l guess revenue wasnt such a big issue back then for Cunard
And who can forget the singles gathering in the Double down bar, l was always at them, the hosts used to ply the poor passengers with drink to loosen them up, well that was how it felt for me, l remember Alexandra Pauli and Peter Mullington two names l cant ever forget, funny how some names stick with you and others by pass you..
When you have time it would be nice to see your other programmes .
What things do you remember about that voyage? what did you like or not as the case maybe? what sticks in your memory?
Do you remember that you had the sense of you were going somewhere and pretty fast as well, it used to be a thril to be on deck and feel the sensation as you raced to New York