Author Topic: The tears started rolling  (Read 10462 times)

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Offline singlemalt

The tears started rolling
« on: Jan 28, 2009, 05:40 PM »
Saying your goodbyes.... and when it really hit home what was on the cards
« Last Edit: Jan 28, 2009, 05:43 PM by singlemalt »
Wearer of swishy skirts and fab heels; otherwise known as the Cruise Director

Offline singlemalt

Re: The tears started rolling
« Reply #1 on: Jan 28, 2009, 05:54 PM »
August 12th 2008

Halfway through a B2B. Back in Southampton on changeover day and had been looking forward to having the grand old lady 'all to myself' for a few hours. Camera at the ready and setting off to explore.
Wandering around happily snapping anything and everything in sight when happened to stumble across odd little people wearing Visitor badges. Guys with clipboards working their way along memoribilia cabinets, cross referencing lists and ticking things off and then a pair on a stepladder by the QEII & Philip painting taking measurements.

My intimate QE2 exploration abruptly ended by the envoys from Dubai counting their treasures in advance. Tears of recognitiion that it would soon be 'MY' ship no longer.  :'(
Wearer of swishy skirts and fab heels; otherwise known as the Cruise Director

Online Isabelle Prondzynski

Re: The tears started rolling
« Reply #2 on: Jan 28, 2009, 06:04 PM »
Well, let me also quote something that is already in Flickr :

As I was wandering along the Two Deck alleyway in search of a cup of tea, I met a smiling Nepali, tall and handsome -- a security man with whom I had chatted before. Conversation turned to Dubai and post-Dubai. He would be staying on board until QE2 arrived in Dubai, and would probably move to one of the other Cunarders afterwards. Inevitably, as the conversation turned to QE2 and her fate, my eyes clouded over... and suddenly, the lump in my throat was so big that I could not continue talking... “Oh! You really love this ship...” ... and he opened wide his arms and gave me a big hug that buried my face in his starched white uniform.

I hope he will be on duty at the gangway in Southampton when my tears will be streaming and a hug might come in very useful!

Here he is (if I have worked out how to upload the picture) -- and here is the hyperlink too, just in case.

« Last Edit: Jan 28, 2009, 06:06 PM by Isabelle Prondzynski »

Offline Andy F

Re: The tears started rolling
« Reply #3 on: Jan 28, 2009, 10:17 PM »
Strangely enough, I was fine leaving the ship for the last time back in September.  I think this was probably because she was continuing in service a while afterwards so it didn't really feel any different to before.  There were however 2 occasions where I admit to getting a little misty eyed.  The first was sailing alongside on 22 October as she was leaving Southampton bound for Bilbao as this was the last time I would see her depart in daylight.  That was a hard one but the final departure was the one that really hurt, standing out on deck on the specially chartered IoW ferry watching her head off up the Solent lights blazing  :'(
Start every day with a smile and get it over with

Offline cunardqueen

Re: The tears started rolling
« Reply #4 on: Jan 29, 2009, 09:31 AM »
On the round UK voyage last year, in the Yacht club and reasonably sober, and watching the screen  that was in position with the name of the band and "QE2 Farewell Cruise" kept flashing up, it struck a chord and l really had to be outside on deck, and for a short while l felt really quite stupid, here was l a grown man crying over  a ship. Strangely enough such moments came like a thunderblt with no warning during that voyage and the crossings.
Greenock was a bad day, l had my parents and sister onboard for the day so they could say goodbye, during the day l did hold back some emotional moments, but in the cabin after all was quiet and feeling the throb of the engines, watching one of the QE2 videos on the tv, and the flood gates opened, it was the only time l had ever wished for a cabin mate to be there so l could tell him to leave me alone...

I was ok coming off at the end of the Farewell crossing and held myself together whch surprised me, But when l made the journey down on the 11th to see her off and was able to get onboard for a few hours, l had the time planned out to go  visit a few old haunts, a final turn round the boat deck, Nothing turned out the way l planned, spoke with various room steward/ess from past voyages, a look at my very first cabin were it all started 22 years ago and then the memories came flooding back of Hal and Daphne the room stewards, Mark and Peter the waiters from the Tables of the world, onto  the Queens room for my last afternoon tea, what is always a jolly affair turned out to be a disaster, sat back in one of those high backed chairs with my little plate of sandwiches and cup of tea and just bawled my eyes out that the end was so close, mercifully nobody noticed, the waiter was a gem and l will never forget what he said " Tough isnt it" and he didnt mean the egg sandwich.... when the time did come to disembark, it was from the Yacht club down G stair along 2 deck, guided by the few folk in front the gangway did seem longer than normal and the little lady shoreside could see l was in a bit of a state and comforted me with "Dont worry your not the first son"

 In someways with hindsight l really wish l handnt made that trip, the atmosphere onboard was l found quite strange, l did mention this to a fellow passenger l knew from the year before, and his reply that " Well we are taking QE2 out to Dubai to die" while it was true did throw me. l saw my QE2 is a way l never imagined, and she probably saw me in a way she never imagined she would.

 Heck even now simple things can set me off, watching the videos from October for the first time, really bought it all home.
 Usually by this time of year my QE2 cruise is booked, the cabin carefully chosen, the deposit paid and the countdown started, Sadly this year the Cunard brochure remains firmly closed,there isnt even the hint of a cruise anywhere on the horizon and my glass rather than being half full. is lm afraid half empty,

 And if anybody dares suggest again Oh you really should try the QM2 or the QV l think l will hit them. >:(
For me QE2 was and always will be a very unique and special ship, filled with memories to treasure and share with like minded souls. and to see her tied up in Dubai, passengerless, she is like a fish out of water, slowly dying.
From the moment you first glimpsed the Queen,
 you just knew you were in for a very special time ahead.!

Online Isabelle Prondzynski

Re: The tears started rolling
« Reply #5 on: Jan 29, 2009, 09:58 AM »
Thanks for that, cunardqueen. My tears are very very close to rolling again...

We saw QE2 from Balmoral in Greenock. Reading what you write, I guess that was the better option, for me at least...

Offline Twynkle

Re: The tears started rolling
« Reply #6 on: Jan 29, 2009, 09:05 PM »

More sad than expected to be - on leaving Geiranger as the Norwegian QE2 Supporters Club (numbering all of about 10), saluted our departure by firing something that went bang several times... By then everything was the Final 'something' - almost!
Then finally late on 11.11. we went alongside on the Solent,  below the Queen's Room (could just see the ceiling!) until as she really gathered speed, leaving us behind - it was cold, dark and incredibly sad...still need a hankie!!

Offline singlemalt

Re: Twynkle
« Reply #7 on: Jan 29, 2009, 09:49 PM »
Me too (I think?)
Are you talking about the July 31st voyage (Land of Fire and Ice?)

I remember the announcement that we should look over to see them and, like you, I was possibly expecting a few more of them to be honest!
I tried to take a photo - all I ended up with was some blurry figures and the tiniest puff of smoke ever visible to humankind - but stayed and waved my little arms off until the tiny red dot of their Norwegian flag disappeared from view.
How about the contrast with Stavanger though? What a send off  ;D
Want to blather on about it and squee lots but am limiting myself to one a day - I'm aiming for a slow withdrawal from QE2 addiction

I still haven't got around to uploading that set to flickr but will post a link as soon as I do. Maybe you can spot yourself in a photo?  :)

Wearer of swishy skirts and fab heels; otherwise known as the Cruise Director

Online Isabelle Prondzynski

Re: Twynkle
« Reply #8 on: Jan 29, 2009, 10:13 PM »
How about the contrast with Stavanger though? What a send off  ;D

Wonderful photo tribute from a Stavanger resident (have your hankies ready...) :

A video here (look for QE2 Stavanger 2008)

And the photos and videos from on board QE2 :

We too have been to Stavanger on QE2, three times! With the help of these and other photos and videos, it is so easy to imagine the excitement of the day... and the terrible loneliness too... final call, that is so final...  :'(
« Last Edit: Jan 29, 2009, 11:30 PM by Isabelle Prondzynski »

Offline singlemalt

Re: The tears started rolling
« Reply #9 on: Jan 29, 2009, 10:34 PM »
I love the youtube vid  ;D Can you spot my comment?! (Honestly, I'm not an alcoholic  :-[)
I met the guy who posted it while onboard - a Roll Call from AN Other website resulted in a few meetings and a Cabin Cavalcade on the last sea day - Fabulous memories.

Isabelle thank you for reminding me about it  :)
Wearer of swishy skirts and fab heels; otherwise known as the Cruise Director

Offline Twynkle

Re: The tears started rolling
« Reply #10 on: Jan 30, 2009, 10:09 PM »
Yes - singlemalt Ali & Isabelle - it was the 31st July sailing! 
Wasn't the Stavanger sailaway just incredible - the old steamships with their rather fragile whistles, the fire-engines, two weddings and seemingly every small craft in Norway... late leaving, and more time to watch and wonder! Where  did you watch it from?
Surprisingly the Cunard photographer didn't put it on the DVD...

Offline singlemalt

Re: The tears started rolling
« Reply #11 on: Jan 31, 2009, 12:43 PM »
Twynkle - I started off port side promenade deck, close to the doors to shops - squashed up by railings and waving at passers by with cameras on the quayside. Watched as the gates were closed and the ropes were let go and then the drama as a late arrival crew member managed to get through the port gates but they had already taken the gangway up  :o

Once we set off, generally scampering around trying to sneak in to see more - I'm not very tall (and no heels on that early in the day!) so ended up standing on sunloungers and with camera high above my head, but also managed to crawl into a few places underneath people's legs to catch the spectacle unfolding.  Mostly from promenade deck forward. Loved it when the firetug went between 2 boats and soaked everybody on them!

Stayed until the bitter end - waving into the distance from 1 Deck with the last few hardy souls. There was one little boat that refused to turn back and so we all stayed waving to each other as Stavanger and the wake from the other crrafts disappeared into the distance  :'(

Wearer of swishy skirts and fab heels; otherwise known as the Cruise Director

Offline Stowaway2k

Re: The tears started rolling
« Reply #12 on: Feb 03, 2009, 06:56 PM »
The first was sailing alongside on 22 October as she was leaving Southampton bound for Bilbao

Were you on one of these boats, as seen from QE2, 22 Oct. 2008

Offline Twynkle

Re: The tears started rolling
« Reply #13 on: Feb 03, 2009, 07:26 PM »
What a great picture Stowaway2k!

We were at the stern of the larger (?Wight Scene) one for the Final sailing on 11.11!

« Last Edit: Feb 03, 2009, 07:29 PM by twynkle »


Re: The tears started rolling
« Reply #14 on: Feb 03, 2009, 07:35 PM »
For me. I was on the July 2-17th cruise last year. All was fine and well and it had been the holiday of a lifetime for me. I started to get unsettled when my mum mentioned packing ready for home. I think it was the first of the two sea days after Gibraltar. Well we were in the cabin and she pulled out a case and I got really angry with the 'packing' situation. I was spoiling for a verbal fight to avoid the fact of having to admit that in 48 hours it would all be over. Well it lasted all of a few seconds and I just burst into tears and blubbed about not wanting to leave, I loved it here - etc etc.  :'( :'(

So I dried my eyes and thought to myself... Dont cry because its ending, smile because it happened. And I went straight up on deck to enjoy the last of the sun and write my diary. Unfortunatly Once back at the car in the port my emotions took over again and I falshed through them; from anger, to sorrow and regret. Still once I was on the road and QE2 out of sight I never looked back.

I have 8 drawers of memrobillia, 3 walls covered in pics and postcards and a heart full of memories. Thats all I'le need.

Im free...