On the round UK voyage last year, in the Yacht club and reasonably sober, and watching the screen that was in position with the name of the band and "QE2 Farewell Cruise" kept flashing up, it struck a chord and l really had to be outside on deck, and for a short while l felt really quite stupid, here was l a grown man crying over a ship. Strangely enough such moments came like a thunderblt with no warning during that voyage and the crossings.
Greenock was a bad day, l had my parents and sister onboard for the day so they could say goodbye, during the day l did hold back some emotional moments, but in the cabin after all was quiet and feeling the throb of the engines, watching one of the QE2 videos on the tv, and the flood gates opened, it was the only time l had ever wished for a cabin mate to be there so l could tell him to leave me alone...
I was ok coming off at the end of the Farewell crossing and held myself together whch surprised me, But when l made the journey down on the 11th to see her off and was able to get onboard for a few hours, l had the time planned out to go visit a few old haunts, a final turn round the boat deck, Nothing turned out the way l planned, spoke with various room steward/ess from past voyages, a look at my very first cabin were it all started 22 years ago and then the memories came flooding back of Hal and Daphne the room stewards, Mark and Peter the waiters from the Tables of the world, onto the Queens room for my last afternoon tea, what is always a jolly affair turned out to be a disaster, sat back in one of those high backed chairs with my little plate of sandwiches and cup of tea and just bawled my eyes out that the end was so close, mercifully nobody noticed, the waiter was a gem and l will never forget what he said " Tough isnt it" and he didnt mean the egg sandwich.... when the time did come to disembark, it was from the Yacht club down G stair along 2 deck, guided by the few folk in front the gangway did seem longer than normal and the little lady shoreside could see l was in a bit of a state and comforted me with "Dont worry your not the first son"
In someways with hindsight l really wish l handnt made that trip, the atmosphere onboard was l found quite strange, l did mention this to a fellow passenger l knew from the year before, and his reply that " Well we are taking QE2 out to Dubai to die" while it was true did throw me. l saw my QE2 is a way l never imagined, and she probably saw me in a way she never imagined she would.
Heck even now simple things can set me off, watching the videos from October for the first time, really bought it all home.
Usually by this time of year my QE2 cruise is booked, the cabin carefully chosen, the deposit paid and the countdown started, Sadly this year the Cunard brochure remains firmly closed,there isnt even the hint of a cruise anywhere on the horizon and my glass rather than being half full. is lm afraid half empty,
And if anybody dares suggest again Oh you really should try the QM2 or the QV l think l will hit them.
For me QE2 was and always will be a very unique and special ship, filled with memories to treasure and share with like minded souls. and to see her tied up in Dubai, passengerless, she is like a fish out of water, slowly dying.