Thanks both of you, these are exactly the type of images I need, am already a big fan of your flickr page Bob, but nice to have those relevent photos linked here for all to see :-D
I was unaware the deck was as brown as it was until I first saw your flickr, I always thought it darker and greyer than this, it just shows how lighting condition can aler with what you see in a photo, these close ups eliminate much of that so are more likely to be spot on!
I like this brown, shown in Louis's photo too, adds a bit of colour in a subtle way!
There are two littel cranes, at the forward end of this bit of deck, one each side, very small, am keen to find a pic of those if theres one to be found, I think they were replaced as the more recent fotos I have show them clearly, but they do not look like the originals....