Author Topic: QE2 - The Flagship  (Read 49803 times)

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Offline Twynkle

QE2 - The Flagship
« on: Feb 24, 2010, 11:08 AM »
It would be interesting to know the formalities of how, as well as when and where this status was bestowed
and then how when and where did she need to relinquish it.
Does the flagship have a special flag?

Also when she was saluted and returned salutes 'then' and
what might the difference be now?
For example - when QM2 'appeared' - did QE2 use the same salute as would be expected towards the flagship?
Or was this simply a 'fleet-mately' greeting?
Maybe there's something of a Dowager (or widow, even?) business about the salutations - as there could have been, say with HRH Queen Mary?

« Last Edit: Apr 03, 2010, 04:48 PM by Rob Lightbody »

Online Michael Gallagher

Re: QE2- as Flagship.
« Reply #1 on: Feb 24, 2010, 03:41 PM »
Flagship status is normally given to the newest and largest fleet member so it was inevitable that QM2 would be made the flagship. (While newer ships did join the Cunard fleet inbetween QE2 and QM2 none of them were of the same status as QE2 and none of them were designed or ordered by Cunard so none of them were made flagship). QM2 entered service in Januray 2004 but we made her wait until April 2004 (when she had completed her first westbound and eastbound North Atlantic crossings) before we bestowed flagship status and we symbolised this with the transfer of the Boston Cup. QE2 is the longest serving Cunard flagship ever.

Previous flagships have been:

Lusitania (1907)
Mauretania (1907 - 1914)
Aquitania (1914 - 1921)
Berengaria (1921 - 1936)
Queen Mary (1936 - 1946)
Queen Elizabeth (1946 - 1968)
QE2 (1969 - 2004)
QM2 (2004 -      )

The whistle salutes do not differ whether the ship is flagship or not and no special flag is flown. One day the Boston Cup will transfer to the next Cunard flagship. The number of whistles sounded etc is generally down to the Captain and none liked using the whistle more than Ian McNaught!

« Last Edit: Feb 23, 2022, 10:12 AM by Lynda Bradford »

Online Michael Gallagher

Re: QE2- as Flagship.
« Reply #2 on: Feb 26, 2010, 11:33 AM »
Apologies... in message above Aquitania was made flagship in 1914 and remained so until Berengaria in 1921.

Offline Twynkle

Re: QE2- as Flagship.
« Reply #3 on: Mar 04, 2010, 08:41 PM »
Thank you - that's interesting!
In the Royal Navy, I think the Admirals (still?) have their own flags flown on the ship they command - not necessarily the biggest, newest etc
Do you know whether any of the Commodores of Cunard's fleet have their own flags?

Online Michael Gallagher

Re: QE2- as Flagship.
« Reply #4 on: Mar 05, 2010, 07:22 AM »
No they don't Rosie. The only time the flag differed at the stern was when the Capatin was an RNR.

Offline holynougat

Re: QE2- as Flagship.
« Reply #5 on: Mar 10, 2010, 02:19 PM »
Infact the current Commodore does fly his own flag, which is a Cunard House Flag in the shape of a burgee (a normal Cunard flag with a triangle cut out of the end with gold edging) - this can be seen flown from the stemjack and the main mast while he is onboard.

In terms of salutes between ships in the same company, you would expect the junior captain / ship to 'dip' the ensign to the more senior first as a mark of respect, but a merchant ship would always 'dip' first to an RN ship. (flag procedures are a mine field)

I never worked on the QE2 with a Commodore so I can't say if she ever flew a flag like this, but as has been said she did fly the Blue Ensign with an RNR Captain on board.

Offline Chris

Re: QE2 - The Flagship
« Reply #6 on: Mar 26, 2011, 08:19 AM »
At 0:42 seconds on this video you can just make out the Blue Ensign of Commodore John Burton-Hall RD RNR.

🎥 Check out my QE2 & Cruise Ship Videos:

Offline Twynkle

Re: QE2 - The Flagship
« Reply #7 on: Feb 23, 2012, 04:04 PM »
QE2 passes flagship status to QM2
1st May 2004
Thanks to Pothila for the video

Offline Twynkle

Re: "Flagship"
« Reply #8 on: Feb 23, 2012, 04:10 PM »
There's now more information on the handover (see above).

It would be good to have the date 1.5.2004 confirmed.
Thank you!

« Last Edit: Feb 23, 2012, 04:28 PM by Isabelle Prondzynski »

Online Michael Gallagher

Re: QE2 - The Flagship
« Reply #9 on: Mar 07, 2012, 04:08 PM »
It was definately 1 May 2004. One of the saddest days.

Offline Rod

Re: QE2 - The Flagship
« Reply #10 on: Mar 08, 2012, 12:53 AM »
As far as I am aware, Commodores have NO special flag. In the RN and USN the title has largely disappeared.
Basically it is given by the senior Captain in the fleet. I served under 2, Bil Warwick and Doug Ridley. Neither had flags. Bil Warwick wore the four stripes as I remember and Doug Ridley wore the thick band of the Commodore.

Offline Andy F

Re: QE2 - The Flagship
« Reply #11 on: Mar 12, 2012, 02:02 PM »
As far as I am aware, Commodores have NO special flag. In the RN and USN the title has largely disappeared.
The rank of Commodore still exists, certainly as far as the RN is concerned and is usually designated Commander of a task group. Rank insignia is the same as adopted by the Merchant Navy (i.e. 1 broad band and ring) and the flag is a swallow tailed cross of St George with a single red disc in the upper canton.
Start every day with a smile and get it over with

Offline Rod

Re: QE2 - The Flagship
« Reply #12 on: Mar 12, 2012, 10:15 PM »
Regarding the Blue Ensign. I believe that to fly the Blue Ensign, the Capt AND a certain number of the Officers must be serving RNR. This was frequently disregarded.
I am waiting to be corrected.

Offline Andy F

Re: QE2 - The Flagship
« Reply #13 on: Mar 14, 2012, 08:30 PM »
Just the Master holding certain rank privilege is all that's necessary Rod
Start every day with a smile and get it over with

Offline Rod

Re: QE2 - The Flagship
« Reply #14 on: Mar 14, 2012, 10:30 PM »
Navy List regulations, 2005
Current rules on merchant ships entitled to fly the Blue Ensign:

A list of Royal Naval Reserve and other vessels authorised to fl y the Blue Ensign will no longer be published in the Navy List.
Its inclusion was intended for the information of Captains of Her Majesty’s Ships with reference to the provisions of Article 9153 of the Queen’s Regulations for the Royal Navy under which they are authorised to ascertain whether British Merchant Ships (including Fishing Vessels) flying the Blue Ensign of Her Majesty’s Fleet are legally entitled to do so.
However, the usefulness of this list serves only a limited purpose as the list of vessels that could fl y the Blue Ensign can change frequently. British merchant ships and fishing vessels are allowed to wear the plain Blue Ensign under the authority of a special Warrant, subject to certain conditions being fulfilled, and which are outlined below.
Vessels registered on the British Registry of Shipping may wear a plain Blue Ensign providing the master or skipper is in possession of a warrant issued by the Director of Naval Reserves under the authority of the Secretary of State for Defence, and the additional conditions outlined below are fulfilled. The Blue Ensign is to be struck if the officer to whom the warrant was issued relinquishes command, or if the ship or vessel passes into foreign ownership and ceases to be a British ship as defined by MSA 95.
Vessels on Parts I, II, and IV of the Register. The master must be an officer of the rank of lieutenant RN/RMR or Captain RM/RMR or above in the Royal Fleet Reserve or the maritime forces of a United Kingdom Overseas Territory or Commonwealth country of which Her Majesty is Head of State, or an officer on the Active or Retired Lists of any branch of the maritime reserve forces of these countries or territories.
Vessels on Part II of the Register. This part of the Register is reserved for fishing vessels. The skipper must comply with the same criteria as for sub-Clause 4.a. above, however the crew must contain at least four members, each of whom fulfils at least one of the following criteria: Royal Naval or Royal Marines reservists or pensioners Reservists or pensioners from a Commonwealth monarchy or United Kingdom Overseas Territory Ex-ratings or Royal Marines who have completed twenty years service in the Reserves Members of the Royal Fleet Reserve.
Action on sighting a merchant ship wearing a Blue Ensign. The Commanding Officer of one of HM ships on meeting a vessel wearing the Blue Ensign may send on board a commissioned officer to confirm that the criteria outlined above are being met in full. If it is found that the ship is wearing a Blue Ensign, without authority of a proper warrant, the ensign is to be seized, taken away and forfeited to The Sovereign and the circumstances reported to the Director Naval Reserves, acting on behalf of the Commander in Chief Naval Home Command, who maintains the list of persons authorised to hold such warrants. However, if it is found that, despite the warrant being sighted, the ship is failing to comply with the criteria in some other particular, the ensign is not to be seized but the circumstances are to be reported to the Director.
Source: The Navy List (2006) (p. 287)

Andrew Thomas, 14 November 2005

I will investigate further!