Author Topic: Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.  (Read 4225 times)

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Offline Matt

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.
« on: Jan 06, 2010, 07:46 AM »
This organisation to save the Whales is beautiful in my oppinion, how they want to save such magnificent creatures.
Lead and founded by Paul Watson, the Sea Shepherd's 'Hands On' approach, and actually risking themselves to save the Whales, is truely inspiring.

 Today the Japanese Security vessel Shonan Maru No.2 rammed the Sea Shepherd vessel Ady Gil, which caused the vessel to sink in the Southern Ocean. All crew were not injured and rescued by a new Sea Shepherd vessel Bob Barker, but the Ady Gil Tri-maran vessel has sunk.

Here are the reports:
« Last Edit: Feb 06, 2010, 09:31 AM by Matt »
Freo, Heave Ho! We are the Freo Dockers!

Offline Jem

Re: Sea Shepherd Conservation Society Boat Sunk by Whalers.
« Reply #1 on: Jan 06, 2010, 09:17 AM »
That is just a b***** disgrace!! I think the killing of these amazing creatures is awful. I do agree with direct Non Violent Action otherwise these 'whaling nations' would just empty the oceans of these beauitful creatures. Looking at the picture I'm amazed no life was lost. Thanks for the info Matt.

Offline Matt

Re: Sea Shepherd Conservation Society Boat Sunk by Whalers.
« Reply #2 on: Jan 06, 2010, 09:33 AM »
I agree Jem, the Sea Shepherds cut the Japanese whaling Quota's in approximatly half each year, without them, there would be a thousand whales that are slaughtered each season, and more than likely many more than this number - how much longer would whales really be around? They are like the 'natural ocean liners' of the world, and really are special.

 It is amazing no one was killed - if someone was in the bow section, they would have been killed. The whalers did not respond to the mayday call from the Ady Gil aswell according to some of the news, it took them some time to even respond. This video shows the attack seems un-provoked, the Ady Gil was sitting almost idle when the Shonan turned to strike the vessel.

 What do you think?

Freo, Heave Ho! We are the Freo Dockers!

Offline Mauretania1907

Re: Sea Shepherd Conservation Society Boat Sunk by Whalers.
« Reply #3 on: Jan 06, 2010, 06:53 PM »
Very soon, a joint expedition of scientists, funded by Australian and New Zealand Govts will be going to Antartic to survey whales. They intend to tag some whale with tracking devices and record whale song, part of this is to observe the whale population and part is to prove that scientific study of whales does not make it necessary to kill them. I have not heard news of the Sea Shepherd boat, but it might come on news today.

Offline Mauretania1907

Re: Sea Shepherd Conservation Society Boat Sunk by Whalers.
« Reply #4 on: Jan 07, 2010, 05:38 AM »
Yes, news all over radio today. Ady Gill is registered in New Zealand, so our maritime investigators will be searching for answers as to who rammed who. Part of the Ady Gill has sunk (she is a trimaran), part is still floating so Sea Shepherd are trying to pump off fuel and save what they can. Ady Gill is sopposed to be worth 2 million NZD. She needs constant pumping to stay afloat and Sea Shepherd are trying to get her to the French antartic station - the closest 'port'
NZ Government has again called in Japan's ambassador and reiterated our displeasure at the hunting of whales.

Offline Matt

Freo, Heave Ho! We are the Freo Dockers!

Offline Jem

Re: Sea Shepherd Conservation Society Boat Sunk by Whalers.
« Reply #6 on: Jan 08, 2010, 12:18 PM »
I agree Jem, the Sea Shepherds cut the Japanese whaling Quota's in approximatly half each year, without them, there would be a thousand whales that are slaughtered each season, and more than likely many more than this number - how much longer would whales really be around? They are like the 'natural ocean liners' of the world, and really are special.

 It is amazing no one was killed - if someone was in the bow section, they would have been killed. The whalers did not respond to the mayday call from the Ady Gil aswell according to some of the news, it took them some time to even respond. This video shows the attack seems un-provoked, the Ady Gil was sitting almost idle when the Shonan turned to strike the vessel.

 What do you think?

That was a very interesting video. I've watched it around 15 times and it appears the whaler turn towards her just as she open up her engine, I assume to avoid the collision?

Offline Matt

Re: Sea Shepherd Conservation Society Boat Sunk by Whalers.
« Reply #7 on: Jan 08, 2010, 12:39 PM »
That was a very interesting video. I've watched it around 15 times and it appears the whaler turn towards her just as she open up her engine, I assume to avoid the collision?

 Watch this video Jem, from the Sea Shepherd ship Bob Barker. It offers a different perspective of the collision

 To me it appears that they turn in to the Ady Gil then as they come to the collision, they start to turn Port to "avoid the collision" but they hit. The Ady Gil doesnt appear to have much forward momentum untill the final moments?

 Apparently according to maritime law, the Ady Gil had the right of way, would there be anyone that could elaborate on this?

 Anyone else have any thoughts aswell?

Freo, Heave Ho! We are the Freo Dockers!

Offline Twynkle

Re: Sea Shepherd Conservation Society Boat Sunk by Whalers.
« Reply #8 on: Jan 08, 2010, 01:55 PM »
There was a long report in the newspaper - The Times today
Here's the online version.

Offline Jem

Re: Sea Shepherd Conservation Society Boat Sunk by Whalers.
« Reply #9 on: Jan 08, 2010, 05:35 PM »
Watch this video Jem, from the Sea Shepherd ship Bob Barker. It offers a different perspective of the collision

 To me it appears that they turn in to the Ady Gil then as they come to the collision, they start to turn Port to "avoid the collision" but they hit. The Ady Gil doesnt appear to have much forward momentum untill the final moments?

 Apparently according to maritime law, the Ady Gil had the right of way, would there be anyone that could elaborate on this?

 Anyone else have any thoughts aswell?

No doubt there Matt, the whaler turns into her path. lets hope we see justice for the Ady Gil. Will it ever end, remember Rainbow Warrior being sunk by the French secret service because of the nuclear testing? Mad world eh?

Offline Matt

Re: Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.
« Reply #10 on: Feb 06, 2010, 10:08 AM »

 Today marks another incident between the Japanese whalers and the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, this time the vessel Bob Barker. This morning the Bob Barker caught up with the main whaling body, which saw them meet the 4 harpoon vessels, Yushin Maru No 1, 2 and 3 and the Shonan Maru No 2 which sunk the Ady Gil a month ago today. Also in the fleet is the whaling factory ship, the Nisshin Maru.

 Not long ago, it has been reported that the Bob Barker has been rammed by the Yushin Maru No 3, creating a 3 foot long 4 inch deep slash in the Barker. Luckily it is above the waterline and they are able to keep pursuing the Nisshin Maru, however the Japanese seem to be getting increasingly violent towards the SSCS and determined to keep up the slaughter of the magnificent whales. It just disgruntles me that they get off what seems to be scot-free from the Ady Gil sinking, and now they ram a larger vessel with more lives at risk.

 I'd be interested to hear your oppinion on this!

 Here is the news from Sea Shepherd website:
And the footage of the incident:

« Last Edit: Feb 06, 2010, 10:16 AM by Matt »
Freo, Heave Ho! We are the Freo Dockers!


  • Guest
Re: Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.
« Reply #11 on: Feb 06, 2010, 07:13 PM »
Matt, I totally agree with you. Whaling is disgusting and unnecessary; 'scientific research' my backside. >:(

I have watched whales in Australia, the Bay of Biscay and the Solent and, having seen these fantastic mammals close up and first hand, it appals me how they are killed, cruelly and totally unnecessarily.

Offline Jem

Re: Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.
« Reply #12 on: Feb 06, 2010, 10:09 PM »
Matt, I'll never understand these countries that let Japan get away with this slaughter. In all these years from the 70's when I became a Greenpeace supporter this murder just carries on. The reason countries like Japan continue to get away scott free is it's not in Australia's or New Zealand's interests to ruffle feathers. In the end as usual it all comes down to greed and money!


Online Isabelle Prondzynski

Re: Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.
« Reply #13 on: Feb 06, 2010, 10:21 PM »
There are many things which outsiders do not understand about a country's view of what is important for its own sovereignty.

I, for instance, am constantly amazed that so many British people seem to think that membership of the EU somehow interferes with their sovereignty (but please, let us not start a discussion on this theme...  ::) !). In the same way, I am regularly amazed to see that, for many Japanese people (even some of my best friends), the desire of other countries to stop the Japanese whaling industry seems like an attack on their national sovereignty and their freedom to govern their country as they themselves see fit.

We have not yet found the best way of convincing the Japanese that they themselves may wish to stop... particularly those of the villages whose livelihood depends on the whale kill...

Offline Matt

Re: Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.
« Reply #14 on: Feb 08, 2010, 02:59 PM »
Thankyou everyone for your feedback.

 Two Sea Shepherd ships are now in pursuit of the Nisshin Maru, the Steve Irwin and Bob Barker, shutting down whaling by physically blocking the slipway of the factory ship.
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