Welcome back to the world of QE2 H.
I'm guessing you came from one of the Air Stations. Were you on the aft or the forward flight deck?
No, I wasn't at an Air Station when I was drafted to the QE2.
IIRC, there was very little flying from the forard flight deck.
Except, perhaps, when both decks were used at South Georgia.
It would depend on the tasking as to which deck would be used.
Weather would be a deciding factor too.
It was a lot easier for passengers and equipment to get to and from the aft deck.
As a watch, we would be told which deck was operational, and turn to as required.
I do remember when at South Georgia, on the aft deck, someone was lashed to a
lightweight stretcher and pelted with snowballs. Not that there was much snow.
More like slush.