QE2's 8 - 13 May 1994 Southampton to New York crossing was designated as her official Silver Anniversary Crossing to mark the 25th Anniversary of her first crossing to New York (2 - 7 May 1969).
The Central Office of Information sent a photographer (Alan Chandler) on that voyage and below are some portraits he captured - of Commodore Bil Warwick who was sailing with his son Ron. And of Commodore Burton-Hall who was in command that trip.
Hello Michael,
These are Fantastic photos -Thank you so much.
The Captain's Office is stunning - both in design, as well as furnishings.
Please - did it remain exactly how it is here until 2008?
Hoping so - very, very much.
This must have been one of the Best cabin/ rooms at sea - Ever!
The wood - is it genuine paneling varnished, or were the 'wall's given the same treatment as those for example in C stairway on QM2?
The lighting too - that is superb.
Plaques, pictures and The Bell, and the lovely chairs and table, - are these all catalogued and safe?
It looks as if there may be a ceremonial sword above the bookshelf.
I wonder who designed it - and if it was always the same?
Keeping fingers tightly crossed that none of it has been destroyed.
(PS - No Desktop or anything remotely like it.
PPS - It would be intriguing to know if that was an antique tantalus - can you see it?!