Gosh, Thanks for the votes, This was taken on the Final Eastbound Crossing, a group of us, a rather large group had completed the cabin cavalcade and it was the night of the Captain Reception. The Queens room was being set up for the party and l was just entering the Queens Room on my way back to get changed, it was nearly empty and the lights were all on so l just snapped a picture , snapped a picture of the lovely blue seats, and turned the camera onto black and white or whatever setting it is and took the ceiling lights in Black and White, a couple of pics were blurred. I always thought the two main lights looked like eyes and that's where I chose to have the center of the photo at , snap snap snap and all over in seconds. Hindsight is what it is l should have laid out on the floor and taken the photos from that position.
Can't help but think about what the Queens Room looks like now.