Well then,
what can one say, all that work, preparation, planning were evident in that place and on that day in history, I feel myself so lucky to have been yet again a passenger in the Queen Elizabeth 2 story. Thanks & superlatives seem so inadequate to our organising committee & their family support, but, that is all we can offer them.
Thank you it really is appreciated, one & all , you certainly did her proud. When it comes to the emotional side of things we had a roller coaster of a ride, celebrating with letters from Buckingham palace one minute along with a glass of fizz to lump in throat & tears in the eyes watching the video of her entering Dubai with the now to be expected 'Time to say goodbye' sound track it always gets me, & the emotion in that room at the end of said video was something to behold.
The boat trip was also rather special arriving at her birth place was eerie, so many memories & the history hanging heavy around the place (to me at least) left a feeling of meloncholy & what has gone forever, their work did them proud, oh for a bit of time travel.
This was a truely magnificent event, a fitting 50th celebration to the greatest liner ever, long may she dumbfound the bean counters.
Thanks again so much, Pete..