Author Topic: H.M The Queen's 90th Birthday  (Read 1110 times)

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Offline Twynkle

H.M The Queen's 90th Birthday
« on: Jan 28, 2016, 07:31 PM »
The 90th Birthday of H.M The Queen,

The following coming from 'RN News' online regarding HMS Invincible
The BBC are making a programme to commemorate Her Majesty’s 90th birthday and want to interview any former crew members of 'Vince' who met the Queen when the carrier returned from the Falklands conflict.

"Do you remember this great day in the RN's recent(ish) history – HMS Invincible's return from the Falklands back in 1982?
If you do - and if you met the Queen that day, the Beeb would love to hear from you.
If you were on board and are available to be interviewed in Portsmouth Naval Base on Feb 4 (apologies for the short notice), contact Katherine Pick at:

"Cunard" (!) might this be of interest to you, too?