The Royal Mail are issuing a special run of stamps honouring the British Merchant Navy. Due for release next month, they are asking for stories from seafarers and their families with the best being shared at the official launch on the Cutty Sark.
Thank Goodness - and about time too!
Thanks to you too RiskyG, for posting.
So - hopefully there will be lots of stories - so many in fact that, as soon as possible, the Merchant Navy may be given a truly appropriate, lasting and unique award in recognition of their service to the UK of GB and NI.
Wondering now what will happen to the seafarers' Stories... all those and their families who work(ed) on every type of ship including ships STUFT as well as IceBreakers, Oil Rigs (are the latter classed as ships, btw?) etc, because proper recognition is long overdue, isn't it?
On reading the Royal Mail link - is it appropriate to single out any one of 'a number of the great Merchant Navy vessels'?