Author Topic: 2-deck Doctors Surgery/Conference room/TV studio  (Read 3909 times)

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Offline Louis De Sousa

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2-deck Doctors Surgery/Conference room/TV studio
« on: Dec 28, 2009, 11:18 PM »

The room was used for meetings under passengers and also with officers.On USPH Inspection days meetings were held there.

Private functions for passengers and Senior officers were also held in the room.


Offline Louis De Sousa

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2-deck Doctors Surgery/Conference room/TV studio
« Reply #1 on: Dec 30, 2009, 06:10 PM »
There's a conference room on two deck aft?

Yes Rob,on Two Deck Aft of the Purses Office between F and G Stairway.

« Last Edit: Dec 30, 2009, 06:12 PM by Blue Bombay »

Online Rob Lightbody

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2-deck Doctors Surgery/Conference room/TV studio
« Reply #2 on: Dec 30, 2009, 06:18 PM »
I don't think I've ever seen this, or seen a photo of it?
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Offline highlander0108

2-deck Doctors Surgery/Conference room/TV studio
« Reply #3 on: Dec 30, 2009, 06:21 PM »
Yes Rob,on Two Deck Aft of the Purses Office between F and G Stairway.


I believe have pictures of that!  I wandered into it at around 3AM while taking pictures of everything I could in my final hours onboard.  I'll post a few when i get home from work.  Let's say it's not been a heavy work day here.  :D
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Online Isabelle Prondzynski

2-deck Doctors Surgery/Conference room/TV studio
« Reply #4 on: Dec 30, 2009, 06:38 PM »
There's a conference room on two deck aft????

I had the same initial reaction! Let me see whether I can locate it.

There are three lobbies on Two Deck -- the one in front of the Computer Learning Centre, The Midships Lobby, and the other one further aft that sees much less action. I have seen table tennis being played there at times, I have seen some rehearsals for performances, some dance practice, and most recently, the money changing machine.

On either side off this lobby, there are rooms not normally accessible to the public. The one on the port side used to be the doctor's surgery (now moved down to the hospital area), which last year was used to record onboard TV interviews... which I never watched... so I never saw what the room looked like... This was a view of the carpet and matching glass pane while a TV interview was being recorded inside :

But I never saw anything going on in the one on the starboard side. Presumably one, or both, were the conference rooms?
« Last Edit: Dec 30, 2009, 06:45 PM by Isabelle Prondzynski »

Online Michael Gallagher

2-deck Doctors Surgery/Conference room/TV studio
« Reply #5 on: Dec 30, 2009, 06:39 PM »
Here you are...

Online Michael Gallagher

2-deck Doctors Surgery/Conference room/TV studio
« Reply #6 on: Dec 30, 2009, 06:41 PM »
I meant to say that this was the one Isabelle refers too opposite the TV Studio.


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2-deck Doctors Surgery/Conference room/TV studio
« Reply #7 on: Dec 31, 2009, 07:24 PM »
the mention of the Doctors room on 2 deck aft brought back a memory for me when attending one of those FABULOUS Doctors Cocktail parties....whilst standing chatting the scarf on the back of my dress went on fire as it wafted too close to a 'bunsen burner'  behind me used to keep the food warm........was funny after the fire went out!! luckily no harm done..but funnily enough never saw these burners again after that!  So will never ever forget that area of the ship!