We have decided to ask the winner of the Photo Competition to choose a theme for the competition from this list of fabulous topics. We will also ask the winner for a new theme so that we are continually adding to the list.
Of course as we are always looking for new interesting themes for the Photo Competition we would be happy to hear from members on the Photo Competition Discussion topic :
https://www.theqe2story.com/forum/index.php/topic,3746.0.htmlNew Themes for Photo CompetitionViewing QE2 in her entirety
View from and including the foredeck
QE2 Quarterdeck
Below the Quarterdeck interiors
QE2's stern
QE2 her lights and lighting
QE2: Interesting Original Features
Off the Beaten Path: Random, Odd or Unique Things on QE2
QE2 alongside
QE2 in Hawaii
QE2 in the Bay of Biscay
QE2 in Valetta
Bermuda Triangle
Maiden world cruise 1974/75
QE2 sailing from or arriving in port, viewed from a vantage point ashore
Interesting wakes
QE2 in stormy weather like rain or thunderstorms
QE2 and the sunset
QE2 a mechanical marvel
QE2 and her gangways
QE2 gangway photos or photos of people taking a photo of others at the gangway or in front of QE2
QE2 restaurants at various times of day
Dinner and Silverware, glasses, before, whilst or after dining or drinking
QE2's delicious meals
QE2 and teddy bears, other stuffed animals, puppets or mascots.
Public rooms décor
Ship models on board QE2
In motion
Crew portraits
QE2 Uniforms Over the Years
QE2 references ashore