Hi Rob,
It's 30 years ago, so....
I left the ship in September '83 to begin a new career as a Hospital Engineer in the NHS at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge. A questionable move I guess since Margaret Thatcher was beginning to make her mark on the way the NHS ran its works departments! I moved on before too long, but that's definitely another long story...
My last memory is of being on watch in the TCR in Southampton whilst several "bods" were doing what I suppose was one of the initial surveys. I think the decision had been made by then, but as you say, it was probably some time before anything actually happened. I guess three years is actually not that long to detail plan and execute an operation like that.
I am in two minds over the change. Part of me - the Luddite who rails against things like new versions of Windows before adopting it - hates the fact that they scrapped the steam plant. (Sooo much more interesting to run than motor - Oops - sorry
). The other part - the Engineer - would have been fascinated to witness the change and be part of the experience.
Anyway, marriage, children and a promise to come ashore when they turned up put paid to that!