This is probably one of my favourite videos because it shows the wreath laying ceremony that was held on board the QE2 on April 14, 2008. Since being a teenager it had always been my goal to be on a Cunard ship on the Titanic anniversary and boy did I pick the right trip.
On the Sunday evening the cruise director announced that at 5:20 the next afternoon we would be passing over the wreck of the Titanic and that we would be having a wreath laying ceremony at the stern of the ship at that time. There was nothing written in any of the daily programmes so the news was spread by word of mouth.
On the Monday morning Commodore Warwick gave a talk on his trip down to the wreck of the Titanic along with slides of his adventure. Seems a former QE2 passenger had won the trip in an auction and decided not to go down and not wanting to waste the money, gave the prize to Commodore Warwick.
So shortly after five in the afternoon, a few hundred of us gathered on the rain soaked decks of the QE2 to participate in the ceremony. One of my fellow passengers described it as tears from heaven. The whole ceremony is captured in the bonus section of the Three Queens DVD. I can even spot myself in the upper right hand side in the red raincoat.
After the ceremony I was standing out on deck looking back when I had the sensation that I was being scanned. It made me think that the site is indeed haunted.