Hi just to say hello to all,
I am so glad I stumbled across this site I have great memories of the QE2 from an early age,thinking we were going to visit my dad (Ronnie Davies, carpenter) for the day and going into a panic after hearing the announcement for visitors to go ashore we turned around to see my mum and dad smiling and he said you are going to New York I looked at my brother and we both cheered New York, here we were two lads aged 8 & 9 from liverpool going to a place that would make any kid jealous. Our trip started by going on deck to hear the band playing as we left,then it was up to the Double Down room for our table allocation for the tables of the world restaurant (late sitting) we left mum in queue while we went to the games arcade over on the starboard side by the flower shop. We then went to our cabin on 5 deck by the red (G)? Stairway to get changed for the early entertainment in the Double Down room, it started with as I remember the Harry Bence Orcastra followed by the dancing girls of Sweet Elegance, never seen nothing like this before,I thought dancing girls with not a lot on this is great! Then it was off to eat, Open sitting for the first night and we where greeted by our Waiter "big red" and his partner a scotch lad jimmy of all names! The next day we were out exploring the ship going places we shouldn't av been but that's lads for you. We ended up on the top deck and heard the voice of Brummie Dennis "oh you two wot you up to"? Nothing we replied just looking around, we said proudly our dad is Ronnie the chippy and for that we got a fresh orange juice from his little deck office. Four days later we arrived on the straights heading up river under the bridge where we got told that the funnel may get cut off if there was to much water,I now know they were joking. Any way after enjoying that trip we looked forward to our return to Southampton and enjoyed a further 9 trips with my mum and brother Simon before working on her. Buts that's another story.
Carl Davies.