Author Topic: Argentine port bans entry to cruise ship en route from Falklands  (Read 2253 times)

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Offline Bruce Nicholls

Looks a bit of an own goal to me.

Offline Rod

The last 3 or 4 paragraphs to me say it all. The Argentinian gubmint are cutting off their noses to spite their faces.
BUT....we should all be concerned because this how it all started nearly 30 years ago. To detract from gubmint problems they create another problem that the public are behind..
UK does not have the assets to fix it now!

Offline Bruce Nicholls

At least we aren't sending the wrong messages by withdrawing our support ships etc this time.

Offline Louis De Sousa

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On my last ship we done a season down in South America the Hotel Manger was the only English person onboard you never set a foot on Argentine soil.