Hi Isabelle,
I'm sorry - I don't have a photograph of the 'label',
in another photo it looks as if there are about 5 lines of description, details etc
The inscription on QE2's bell would seem to be dead centre!
https://www.flickr.com/photos/watch_keeper/3807098275/in/set-72157621874100381/If this bell had come from RMS Queen Elizabeth, the original writing wouldn't be in this position.
Had it come from Queen Elizabeth, wouldn't Cunard have needed to find it from the sea bed,
and then possibly remove the RMS, that is if she had one inscribed?
Couldn't say for absolute certainty,
however as they were both at sea at the same time
wouldn't QE2 have been given her own bell!
I wonder whether it was cast in Clerkenwell, London
Afterthought - can you see the bit the makes the O into a Q ?
I wonder if its been almost polished off?!!