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QE2 in Dubai => QE2 in Lay-up in Dubai (2008 to 2018) => QE2 News while in Lay-up (2008 to 2018) => Topic started by: Louis De Sousa on Feb 04, 2018, 11:11 AM

Title: QE2 Hotel Website (launch on February 4th and reactions)
Post by: Louis De Sousa on Feb 04, 2018, 11:11 AM
Website is up

http://qe2.com/ (http://qe2.com/)
Title: Re: QE2 Hotel Website
Post by: Rob Lightbody on Feb 04, 2018, 11:20 AM
Website is up

http://qe2.com/ (http://qe2.com/)

Ooh! Exciting!

And now the world has a way to contact them... Let the floodgates open...

Title: Re: QE2 Hotel Website
Post by: Louis De Sousa on Feb 04, 2018, 11:24 AM
Ooh! Exciting!

And now the world has a way to contact them... Let the floodgates open...

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Title: Re: QE2 Hotel Website
Post by: Andy Holloway on Feb 04, 2018, 12:02 PM
I wonder how much i'd have to  pay to stay in my old cabin?
Title: Re: QE2 Hotel Website
Post by: Chris on Feb 04, 2018, 12:18 PM
Looking forward to seeing it all finished with images etc. exciting development.
Title: Re: QE2 Hotel Website
Post by: Lynda Bradford on Feb 04, 2018, 01:03 PM
Good to see the Hotel QE2 website and looking forward to learning more about the QE2 experience and prices
Title: The world famous QE2 ship set to open as a hotel
Post by: Louis De Sousa on Feb 04, 2018, 01:22 PM
Read more here

Title: Re: QE2 Hotel Website
Post by: MiamiCunarder on Feb 04, 2018, 02:06 PM
This is certainly exciting news! Have just signed up for their updates too. :D
Title: Re: QE2 Hotel Website
Post by: pete cain on Feb 04, 2018, 03:50 PM
Wow, they've fired the engines up & got the davits & boats back on board, might be tempted now................
Title: Re: QE2 Hotel Website
Post by: Louis De Sousa on Feb 04, 2018, 04:56 PM
Wow, they've fired the engines up & got the davits & boats back on board, might be tempted now................

You never going to be happy are you? almost feel sorry for you
Title: Re: QE2 Hotel Website
Post by: Isabelle Prondzynski on Feb 04, 2018, 05:05 PM
You never going to be happy are you? almost feel sorry for you

Well, I think it's more of a matter of choosing an up-to-date photograph for when booking starts. I know that these are early days, and I am sure when the time comes they will have a much greater selection of photographs ready to choose from.

This is a promising beginning! Looking forward to more news as times go on.
Title: Re: QE2 Hotel Website
Post by: Trevor Harris on Feb 04, 2018, 05:15 PM
All im going to say;
<3 <3
Title: Re: QE2 Hotel Website
Post by: Rob Lightbody on Feb 04, 2018, 06:56 PM
Wow, they've fired the engines up & got the davits & boats back on board, might be tempted now................

When I saw the photo, for a moment or two I thought it was recent, then I saw the funnel smoke and, as you say, the lifeboats in their rightful place, and realised it was an in-service photo.  I suppose its understandable.

But - where is she in the photo?  That's the question.  There's quite a distinctive clock tower in the background.

Also its interesting that they've digitally removed the CUNARD logo and, I think, the gangway graphics.
Title: Re: QE2 Hotel Website
Post by: Brandon Sterkel on Feb 04, 2018, 07:40 PM
This made my day! The website looks great so far! The opening is drawing near! ;)
Love the logo too! :D
Title: Re: QE2 Hotel Website
Post by: Brandon Sterkel on Feb 04, 2018, 07:42 PM
I also wonder how many of us signed up for the email updates.
Title: Re: QE2 Hotel Website
Post by: Tyne Turbine on Feb 04, 2018, 08:39 PM
Further to your question as to location Rob, it looks to me that she is berthed in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. The clock tower is as you say distinctive as is the marquee at the far end of the pier used as a check-in by Thomson/Tui/Marella and any other company starting cruises from the port.
Title: Re: QE2 Hotel Website
Post by: Tyne Turbine on Feb 04, 2018, 08:52 PM
Attached is a picture of the clock tower at Santa Cruz de Tenerife taken in 2008 on the last visit to the port of QE2.
Title: Re: QE2 Hotel Website
Post by: Bob van Leeuwen on Feb 04, 2018, 09:05 PM

Really nice to see something the website up, it finally shows some real progress being communicated by the owners after a very long time.

I do hope that they put more content on it, although it is maybe way to early to judge them based on that.
Title: Re: QE2 Hotel Website
Post by: Grill Britannia on Feb 04, 2018, 09:36 PM
I also wonder how many of us signed up for the email updates.
Just about everyone I would think. Thank you to all who pointed out that they have used a photo of QE2 in service. Speaks volumes I think. I remain sceptical as I do about everything to do with Dubai. Cynical abuse of western values yet more than happy to take our money!
Title: Re: The world famous QE2 ship set to open as a hotel
Post by: Bob van Leeuwen on Feb 04, 2018, 09:49 PM
Just thinking about it, 10 years ago the economic downturn was going on at the time, and the hotel would have been opened in the middle of it all, say 2009-2010. Maybe it is just better that all the delays and such happened, since 10 years on I recently have heard only good new, people go on vacation more often etc.
Title: Re: QE2 Hotel Website
Post by: kevinh on Feb 04, 2018, 10:06 PM
Fantastic, so we're less than a month away from seeing QE2 with life again. :)
Title: Re: QE2 Hotel Website
Post by: Rob Lightbody on Feb 04, 2018, 10:53 PM
Fantastic, so we're less than a month away from seeing QE2 with life again. :)

How are you gathering that from the website? It just says "soon"
Title: Re: QE2 Hotel Website
Post by: cunardqueen on Feb 04, 2018, 10:54 PM
You never going to be happy are you? almost feel sorry for you

Oh Louis , remember its  a discussion forum, dont take things personally, But when anyone posts anything on here , and more so when its do do with QE2, we wont all agree on the same things. you shouldnt take things personally. its not YOU its aimed at.    Heres my take on ths.

  When l first saw the website l thought Oh good at last some news, well lets face its, its nothing of the sort. its an old photo , if l wasnt such a cynic id say the whole thing its nothing more than a teaser. We wait all this time and this is the best her owners can do. They have had numerous times to update a photo of QE2 in her present situation, they could have enticed us with a few pictures of the new carperts . But no nothing to entice or cause interest

Lets look for example " A new take on Hospitality"  is this because they have no staff in place trained upto a sufficient standard, or are the staff (assuming they have staff) going to be coming out covered in all the ritz and glitz and dare i say tat that is linked to Dubai . Oh theres a link at the bottom asking for staff to apply.One would have assumed recruiting might all have been in place by now, or are they thinking some of the old crew might wish to go back and work onboard

Expand your tastes, well that can mean just anything, and A Royal Experience, now thats a seriously bold statement to make . Do they mean Royal from our British point of view or Royal from the family in Dubai...

Iv always said l would never go to Dubai to see QE2. two reasons , if l accidently stroked a guys behind i have no wish to be thrown in jail, and secondly she wont be the QE2 that l remember.

And after nine and  a half years, is this really the best they can do.... well at the moment Yes .
Two friends recently returned from New year in Dubai and stayed at The Burj...any eye wateringly expensive  hotel , and both entirely differing views on the place. Had l known they were going there, id have asked them to pop along to QE2.

QE2 in her new location is going to open her upto a whole new audience, people will in time step onboard and marvel at her (new carpets  ::)) they will see what Dubai have turned QE2 into.  For all us old timers who hark back to the glory days of her and 28knots, heck some of us were up in arms when they introduced the Pub ( Basils Bistro) imagine a pub on QE2  . In later years leaving from a lovely Dinner they were showing some football match and had pies for the gathering, Yes Pies on the QE2... :o..  The old timers are a dying breed , quite possibly we should stand aside with our emotions.
Dont get me wrong l wish QE2 all the very best of Good Luck for her new future. l just wish her owners had been more mindful that all eyes were and are upon them, and mess up QE2 and you do face the wrath of her long time fans.     

Casting my mind back to the launch of the new Queen Elizabeth , Cunard had subtly enticed us through the building process, through the completion and through the various stages so that ultimately , that day on the Quayside as you arrived for the preview tour , you were met with a large sign, all is said was " The wait is over " my own private thoughts were Thank ***k for that. But they had created a buzz , heck even little old me was a might interested , but as we know that didnt last long, but l digress 
And yes i did sign up for the emails.
Title: Re: QE2 Hotel Website
Post by: Thomas Hypher on Feb 04, 2018, 11:08 PM
Fantastic, so we're less than a month away from seeing QE2 with life again. :)

Friday 30th March is the date apparently from different sources. Quite a bit of time left to run. Finishing touches are still needed let alone hotel staff training and familiarisation.
Title: Re: The world famous QE2 ship set to open as a hotel
Post by: Thomas Hypher on Feb 04, 2018, 11:10 PM
Just thinking about it, 10 years ago the economic downturn was going on at the time, and the hotel would have been opened in the middle of it all, say 2009-2010. Maybe it is just better that all the delays and such happened, since 10 years on I recently have heard only good new, people go on vacation more often etc.

She would've been ruined with the plans they first had for her (glass funnel etc etc), but they now seem to have realised what they have with the mostly sympathetic work done since late 2015.
Title: Re: QE2 Hotel Website
Post by: kevinh on Feb 05, 2018, 12:38 AM
How are you gathering that from the website? It just says "soon"

Because someone said she'll open up in March?
Title: Re: QE2 Hotel Website
Post by: Isabelle Prondzynski on Feb 05, 2018, 06:56 AM
Because someone said she'll open up in March?

Well spotted, Kevin.

Just shows that we have to read the news (in this case, the new website) with eagle eyes and watch out for what it says and what it doesn't say. Very astutely, the website does not mention any opening day, but just whets our appetite for more news (hence the option to sign up).

So what we know is that there is a serious intention to open up -- and that is already some good news. As for the details, we need to wait a bit longer.
Title: Re: The world famous QE2 ship set to open as a hotel
Post by: Bob van Leeuwen on Feb 05, 2018, 07:41 AM
Apart from that, but it might just have made things worse since, what if they have run out of money half way trough, I don't know how hard the it all hit in Dubai, but if it was anything like here that kind of a project would most likely been killed.
Title: Re: The world famous QE2 ship set to open as a hotel
Post by: Thomas Hypher on Feb 05, 2018, 07:48 AM
Apart from that, but it might just have made things worse since, what if they have run out of money half way trough, I don't know how hard the it all hit in Dubai, but if it was anything like here that kind of a project would most likely been killed.

Indeed which would've been even worse  :(
Title: Re: The world famous QE2 ship set to open as a hotel
Post by: QE2forever on Feb 05, 2018, 04:37 PM
Read more here


Thanks for posting.

"Although not confirmed by Port, Customs and Free Zone Corporation (PCFC), who are now responsible for the QE2, some sources claim that the ship will open in the first half of the year."

Sounds rather encouraging. However, I will believe it when I see it.
Title: Re: QE2 Hotel Website
Post by: June Ingram on Feb 05, 2018, 05:26 PM
The fact that there is now a website is a very promising thing.  I am hoping for good news to start emerging for our beloved ship !   :)
Title: Re: The world famous QE2 ship set to open as a hotel
Post by: Rob Lightbody on Feb 05, 2018, 05:59 PM
Thanks for posting.

"Although not confirmed by Port, Customs and Free Zone Corporation (PCFC), who are now responsible for the QE2, some sources claim that the ship will open in the first half of the year."

Sounds rather encouraging. However, I will believe it when I see it.

Until they officially announce a date, don't book a journey to Dubai!  Even if they are indeed working to a date of March 30th as Louis says, it could fall through.  There's a reason they haven't announced the date.  Its not a case of not believing anyone, its just the reality of working on a huge, expensive complicated project.
Title: Re: The world famous QE2 ship set to open as a hotel
Post by: Rob Lightbody on Feb 05, 2018, 06:00 PM
I think I'm going to merge this topic with the QE2 website topic, because they're directly related.  The articles that have popped up in Dubai over the past 24 hours are all simply because the website has appeared.
Title: Re: The world famous QE2 ship set to open as a hotel
Post by: Rob Lightbody on Feb 05, 2018, 06:02 PM
Just thinking about it, 10 years ago the economic downturn was going on at the time, and the hotel would have been opened in the middle of it all, say 2009-2010. Maybe it is just better that all the delays and such happened, since 10 years on I recently have heard only good new, people go on vacation more often etc.

They realised that.  That's why they stopped the conversion dead not long after she arrived, and didn't touch her, and left her engines running - they could see what was about to happen, if they started the original very expensive and dramatic conversion plan, it could have all gone horribly wrong as you suggest.
Title: Re: QE2 Hotel Website
Post by: Roy Warrender on Feb 06, 2018, 09:05 AM
One thing that is active on the site is recruitment of staff
Title: Re: QE2 Hotel Website
Post by: Rob Lightbody on Feb 06, 2018, 12:06 PM
"QE2 appears a step closer to new life as floating hotel with new website launch"

Title: Re: QE2 Hotel Website (launch on February 4th and reactions)
Post by: cunardqueen on Feb 06, 2018, 04:22 PM
You will forgive us Rob if some of us dont hold our breath....
Title: Re: QE2 Hotel Website (launch on February 4th and reactions)
Post by: Pete Hamill on Feb 06, 2018, 04:51 PM
Well, that was completely underwhelming!

I wonder who actually owns the rights to the first photograph? Might we even see the original appear in the monthly photo competition at some point?
Title: Re: QE2 Hotel Website (launch on February 4th and reactions)
Post by: Rob Lightbody on Feb 06, 2018, 07:14 PM
You will forgive us Rob if some of us dont hold our breath....

I was only quoting the headline of the article!
Title: Re: QE2 Hotel Website (launch on February 4th and reactions)
Post by: June Ingram on Feb 06, 2018, 07:29 PM
At long last, something has formally appeared (the website) which does seem to give hope for a new life for our beloved QE2.

Let us hope that this time our beloved ship will indeed see a new life.  It does speak well for Dubai that they did not dispatch her to Alang but kept hold of her until a time when they could perhaps fulfill the dream they may have had when they purchased her.

Let's wait patiently for a bit longer with the hope that QE2 will open and who knows, maybe our next conference could be on her decks !   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Hotel Website (launch on February 4th and reactions)
Post by: Bob van Leeuwen on Feb 06, 2018, 09:15 PM
Somebody on Facebook somewhere also posted this, but I just also checked for myself, but the domain name still seems to be registered to Carnival, it was original created in 2000, and it due to expire in augustus this year.

What sort of surprises me that Carnival never transferred the name when the QE2 was sold to Dubai, or maybe Carnival also still holds to trade mark.
Title: Re: QE2 Hotel Website (launch on February 4th and reactions)
Post by: June Ingram on Feb 08, 2018, 09:17 PM
I noticed just today that QE2 Hotel website is being picked up by some on line news sources as a sign that she will open soon even though there is very little information available yet.
Title: Re: QE2 Hotel Website (launch on February 4th and reactions)
Post by: Trevor Harris on Feb 08, 2018, 09:42 PM
Somebody on Facebook somewhere also posted this, but I just also checked for myself, but the domain name still seems to be registered to Carnival, it was original created in 2000, and it due to expire in augustus this year.

What sort of surprises me that Carnival never transferred the name when the QE2 was sold to Dubai, or maybe Carnival also still holds to trade mark.
Checked internet archive and it turns out that that domain has been held by Cunard and other people. I saw a news website and a church (?).
Title: Re: QE2 Hotel Website (launch on February 4th and reactions)
Post by: Hank Hargrove on Feb 12, 2018, 01:04 AM
Checked internet archive and it turns out that that domain has been held by Cunard and other people. I saw a news website and a church (?).

What was the church’s name?
Title: Re: QE2 Hotel Website (launch on February 4th and reactions)
Post by: Rob Lightbody on Feb 15, 2018, 10:10 PM
Signs of QE2 liner’s Dubai hotel transformation

Title: Re: QE2 Hotel Website (launch on February 4th and reactions)
Post by: Lynda Bradford on Feb 16, 2018, 10:13 AM
Good to see the Clydebank Post picking up on the Hotel QE2 Story. I had sent them the link with Rob's quote.  People in Clydebank were and still are very proud of the magnificent ship they built!
Title: Re: QE2 Hotel Website (launch on February 4th and reactions)
Post by: Rob Lightbody on Feb 17, 2018, 09:25 AM
The National has a good piece today, and I'm delighted that for once a major newspaper has quoted me accurately.

QE2 website launch suggests famous ocean liner will soon reopen as a Dubai hotel

John Dennehy
February 17, 2018

 official opening date is yet to be confirmed, but work on the ship is at an advanced stage and it will also feature a museum

Title: Re: QE2 Hotel Website (launch on February 4th and reactions)
Post by: dellboy on Feb 17, 2018, 11:41 AM
Nice to see the nationals online page has a link to the qe2 story "the goto place for all things QE2."
Title: Re: QE2 Hotel Website (launch on February 4th and reactions)
Post by: Louis De Sousa on Feb 17, 2018, 01:48 PM
This is a journalist that gets information from me then does not even bother to credit me
Title: Re: QE2 Hotel Website (launch on February 4th and reactions)
Post by: Rob Lightbody on Feb 17, 2018, 03:05 PM
This is a journalist that gets information from me then does not even bother to credit me

That's a shame.  Do you mean this time, or previous times?
Title: Re: QE2 Hotel Website (launch on February 4th and reactions)
Post by: cunardqueen on Feb 17, 2018, 09:48 PM
   This is a journalist that gets information from me then does not even bother to credit me 

That must be so annoying, l appreciate what your doing (you may not believe it !!!) and what you do isnt easy, but at least they should give you due credit.
Title: Re: QE2 Hotel Website (launch on February 4th and reactions)
Post by: Rob Lightbody on Feb 17, 2018, 10:21 PM
This is a journalist that gets information from me then does not even bother to credit me

The journalist in question has contacted us to dispute your claim.