QE2 Story Forum
QE2 in Dubai => QE2 in Lay-up in Dubai (2008 to 2018) => Discussions about QE2 while laid up (2008 to 2018) => Topic started by: June Ingram on Dec 14, 2017, 01:56 PM
Let's post our greetings to our beloved QE2 as we approach Christmas 2017 ! :)
Merry Christmas and a Happy (and much more successful) New Year! :)
Merry Christmas QE2! If you're lucky, Santa might bring something to make your future a good one!
Now time to figure out what she might be doing... ???
Oh, to be on QE2 at Christmas -
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to the most magnificent ocean liner afloat! :)
Now the Funnel commence..Merry Christmas indeed :-*
QE2, have yourself a “merry little Christmas”!
and a few more.. :-*
and for the newbies who knew her after 1987.. ;D
A Christmas cake for our QE2 ! :)
Some decorations for our QE2 ! :)
Happy Christmas and Lots of Love to QE2. :-*
Via this topic, you have sent her, Christmas cards, a Christmas Cake, decorations. Anyone got a Christmas Tree and lights for QE2? :)
Havn't got the sherry yet, & we've eaten the first batch of mince pies, but, can bring this along for her some Crackers tooo unless anybody else wants to bring them along :)
Happy Christmas and Lots of Love to QE2. :-*
Via this topic, you have sent her, Christmas cards, a Christmas Cake, decorations. Anyone got a Christmas Tree and lights for QE2? :)
I got the lights!
My Dad's got a smallish real tree (that's a few years old) in his garden...
Here is our tree! Would look great in the Midships Lobby!
Oh heck, let her have some chocolate crinkle cookies!
These look delicious!!
These look delicious!!
Oh Thomas, they are the devil! So good. Had to stop myself!
Looking good! Let's get the party started to wish QE2 Merry Christmas :-*
A Christmas Toast to our beloved QE2 ! :)