QE2 Story Forum
Community => The QE2 Story Jigsaws => Topic started by: June Ingram on Oct 14, 2015, 08:15 PM
Here are the sign-ups for the QE2 refits (jigsaws). I have gone through the topics about the jigsaws and put together names from various lists. If your name has been left off a list, or if it is on the wrong list, please let us know.
QE2 Jigsaw No. 1 "The Cruising QE2" (1967)
Peter Mugridge
Back to Isabelle (circuit completed)
QE2 Jigsaw No. 2 "The Transatlantic QE2" (1967)
Jim Bennet
John jdl (current holder)
QE2 Jigsaw No. 3 "Liverpool Calling" by Alan Kirby
June (current holder)
QE2 Jigsaw No. 4 "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Isabelle P.
Pete C.
Jim B. (current holder)
Alan S.
QE2 Jigsaw No. 5 "Pride of the Clyde" by Gary Lucas
Gav and Shelagh
Peter Mugridge
Pete C.
Isabelle P.
Gav and Shelagh (circuit completed)
Lachlan, you said you would like to do a jigsaw. Which one would you like to do ?
If I may make a suggestion, it may help to have a smallish picture of each jigsaw on that opening post in this thread so that we can see which ones we are signing up to and which ones we have already done?
Very good idea, Peter ! :)
Hi All -
I have attached to the original sign up the pictures but could not seem to get the picture of the jigsaw under the heading for each jigsaw. If anyone can help out in that respect, it would be greatly appreciated !
Thanks !
June :)
Right... I've done numbers 2, 3 and obviously 4.
So if I could please be added to the lists for 1 and 5...? :)
That's great, Peter ! Name added ! :)
Thank you June.
I have done jigsaws number 1 and 2 but would like my name removed from jigsaw 4 for the time being. I will get back into jigsaws again but not at this point in time.
Thanks for organising this June.
Hi Lynda -
Thanks for your message and I will remove your name from Jigsaw # 4. Just let me know when to add you name back on to any of them.
The best of luck with all that you are doing !
June :)
Thanks for this - Shelagh and I have a week's leave coming up during which we will get #5 assembled and commissioned ready for her first voyage!!
Hi Gav -
Thanks for your message and that is great that you and Shelagh will be soon completing #5's first build. Be sure to take pictures to post of her progress as well as of the commissioning ceremony !
June :)
Just like to point out that jigsaw no3 Liverpool calling -that's the one I failed to complete is laying idle (but very safe in our mooring) any longer & she'll have been laid up as long as the real thing, in the meantime I'll drydock it &give it a clean long with the secret piece ;)
If no one else is anxious to take on jigsaw no. 4 before Christmas, I would be glad to have it now and shall take it at my leisure -- having had a look at the picture, I am sure I shall need several months to get it done!
Not quite sure who has it now? It is Peter M? Please let me know, and I shall PM you my address.
Yes, Evening at Sea is still with me and has been wanting to have a definite destination for ages... :)
Hi Peter -
I believe Isabelle is next on the list for your jigsaw, Evening at Sea, and said she would be free to work on QE2'2 refit at her shipyard over Christmas.
Isabelle, please correct me if I am wrong.
June :)
I am sending Peter my address by PM right now, as no one else has declared an urgent interest in trying out this jigsaw before Christmas.
Please be patient, as it may take me quite a while to complete it... :-[
Thanks, Isabelle, for your message. No problem in the amount of time it takes to complete. QE2 (jigsaw) rather likes the attention lavished on her during her periodic refits (fitting together of the jigsaws). :)
Preparations are under way for departure... :)
More proxy miles about to begin ! :)
June just for your records Jig saw no4 is now in the hands of Jim Bennet
We will soon be heading into the Autumn and Winter months (in some parts of the world), and one's thoughts might turn to doing a jigsaw puzzle.
We do have a QE2 Story Jigsaw Club with Jim as Mascot. See Jim's photo in a number of QE2 (jigsaw) refit photos.
I have to admit and apologize that I have not kept the jigsaw puzzle request list up to date. See the first post in this topic to see the jigsaws available for refit. I currently am working on jigsaw no. 3.
If anyone would like to work on a jigsaw, we can update our list and send it out to you. Photos of work in progress and completion photos are highly recommended. :)
Summarising the situation of the QE2 Story jigsaws at this time, if I have understood it well, it looks like this :
QE2 Jigsaw No. 1 "The Cruising QE2" (1967) (https://www.theqe2story.com/forum/index.php?topic=2338.0): Back with Isabelle (circuit completed)
QE2 Jigsaw No. 2 "The Transatlantic QE2" (1967) (https://www.theqe2story.com/forum/index.php?topic=3838.0)John jdl (current holder) please return the jigsaw to Isabelle
QE2 Jigsaw No. 3 "Liverpool Calling" by Alan Kirby (https://www.theqe2story.com/forum/index.php?topic=6257.0) : Back with June (circuit completed)
QE2 Jigsaw No. 4 "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge (https://www.theqe2story.com/forum/index.php?topic=6357.0)with Jim Bennett (current holder) please return the jigsaw to Peter Mugridge
QE2 Jigsaw No. 5 "Pride of the Clyde" by Gary Lucas (https://www.theqe2story.com/forum/index.php?topic=6797.0) : Back with Gav (circuit completed)
QE2 at anchor (https://www.theqe2story.com/forum/index.php?topic=8920.0) : Back with Pete Cain (circuit completed)
If I have any of this wrong, please let me know, so that I can correct it.
If you would like to receive any of these jigsaws to assemble them yourselves, you are very welcome -- just let us know.
QE2 at Anchor is not my personal jigsaw.
I am still in the process of refitting Liverpool Calling.