QE2 Story Forum
General QE2 => Miscellaneous QE2 => QE2 Models and Paintings => Topic started by: Waverley on Jan 31, 2009, 05:25 PM
Fancy your own QE2. Especially at the 1:350 scale. Have a look at the photos as the details are superb. Price in dollars so best to wait until the exchange rate improves!!!
Note: the original link was not working so I have replaced with an active link, which may not be to the exact model discussed. Lynda
Look very good.
As the EUR / USD exchange rate is already excellent, I don't have that reason for not ordering...
But... I still want my own QE2... the real one!
Well, a fool and his money are soon parted, or so the saying goes!
Like a kid in a sweetshop, I would often gaze adoringly at the magnificent examples on display in the QE2 Shop whenever I would visit or pass by. My inner strength was rapidly being sapped by the overwhelming urge until I could resist the temptation no longer and in one reckless moment, my onboard account shot up substantially. Having purchased said item, I then had to figure out how I might actually get it off the ship but manage it I did. From looking at the picture, I would say mine is probably the smaller of the 2 shown but it is incredibly detailed and (I believe), certainly worth parting with my hard-earned for. It presently remains safely packed in its box but one of these days I shall finally get around to taking it to work, where I plan to proudly display it in my Office alongside my collection of QE2 prints.
Of course I would have been happier with a bigger one but size isn't everything...
Jealous much?!
I never bought one onboard in the summer and severely regretted it - but did convince myself that one of those Charger plates and toothbrush mug (sorry, 'Neptune' mug) with the QE2 image on them would be a sound investment.
My mum was out on the final voyage and I asked her to buy one for me and i would pay for it and excess baggage charges when she got back. sadly all gone so I ended up with a dinky one instead. Well actually 2... one I'm 'keeping safe' for my nephew. Honest ::)
So Andy, we've got baby QE2, mummy QE2.... just need someone to come along with daddy QE2 and the family is complete ;D
Ah that's a shame Ali but if any consolation, I'm rather envious of your rubber ring!
Robert ( and everyone else!)
Have you been tempted by one of these?
We need to complete the family group ;D
..yeh, you bet I'm tempted......
....it's the one at Port Rashid... :'(
I was tempted when I saw the smallest one in the QE2 shop but I had already bought two of the large QE2 bears for my nieces. Did not have enough arms left to carry everything out of the shop.
Waverley - Should have gone for the model. After all, one teddy bear looks pretty much the same as the next doesn't it?
Hello all,
As you might see from my profile I am very much into model ships and collecting these. Re. the QE2, here's an interesting site (not only for her but QM2, Mrs Brown and Mauretania. QM to come soon I see).
For a greater price but good "pewter" model, see:
The QE2 will be reavailable soon I reckon.
PS: Please ask me if you want more unbiased model information - I might be able to help.
That isa such an interesting picture, the Maury, QE2 QMary die Grosse (now you might see why I call her that) and Vicky Brown side by side, very interesting to see how ships have changed over the past hundred years since Maury came into service.
Great info
Found this site with a good model of the QE2. Also click more photos
Twinkle - this model is made from scratch
That is AWESOME!!
Very impressive, I think it would have taken me a bit longer than 1200 hours though ;D
That is amazing.
*hats off to the model maker*
If it was me, I would take at least 2-3 years to build it. *has the attention span of a housefly*
Not your average cornflake pack freebie this one
respect to the builder-what a skill to have.I see he was the model maker on the Titanic film. Wonder if this will be static or working-guess the former but fantastic whatever-a bit like the one in Southampton departure lounge-who made that? was it the builders model and is it still there?
Totally, desperately "in want" of that model.
Agree absolutely superb and testimony to the Guy's skill (and patience)
It really is vert fine, very little for even the most eagle eyed to fault!
The etched brass really is the way forward for ship models of that type, the only way to get such a good finish to all those millions of windows, and getting a machine to do it for you saves you having to cut them all out yourself, genius, I have been considering somthing similar after reading some other websites for my project for a while, but seeing it done so well on the very ship I wish to built is a big encouragement!
Thanks for the link 8)
Hi Andy2 I'm glad that you are also building one. It certainly requires a lot of skill and patience I would agree/imagine (something I can't do-I still have my Airfix QE2 in a box from a kid!). Perhaps you can keep us updated on your own progress? Are you building just a one off for yourself or doing a kit/run? What scale? Perhaps you can do a special rate for Forum members!I doubt my offer of Ten genuine British Pounds would buy more than a window on that model!
Check out this well made 1/600 Airfix Kit
Also check out the latest £4billion Queen Elizabeth- http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/moslive/article-1100714/The-4billion-Airfix-Kit-Behind-scenes-Britains-biggest-warships.html
Hey Kev,
My project is far from being ready to share its progress im afraid! I found a set of deck plans, and a few other plans a few years ago, and over the last couple of years have been very slowly (very time consuming, and I really have a lot more important things in life to do!) drawing up on a CAD program (mostly on nice quite night shifts, which I no longer have) the plans for my model.
I am initially drawing the ship in all its details, last time I spent much time on it was putting the position of the windows and portholes in on the side view, and started to scale up the hull lines from the model makers plan of them I have. Eventually, information from all the different drawings of the ship I have, shipyard drawings and model makers plans will come together on this one master plan on the CAD, from which I will be able to build. Seeing as I am very fussy about getting things as right as possible, this is expected to take quite a good few months yet, and much pouring over thousands of photos for all the bits the drawings don't show!
The model, once started, (which will not be in the immediate future!) will probally made from glassfibre with a mixure of plasticard and brass overlays, all laser cut from the CAD drawings, to give surface detail, windows, doors, openings etc, with real teak (from veneer suppliers) for the decks, and a mixture of cast metal and photo etched brass for the small fittings. Scale was originally going to be 1:96, but I am now considering enlarging to 1:72 as there are some other ships I wish to built in the even more distant future which are smaller, and would much better suit 1:72 scale then 1:96. This is as yet undecided. The CAD drawings can forunatly be resized precidely to any scale from the base scale I am drawing them to. The other reason for interest in 1:72 is 'Task Force 72' who operate and display a whole fleet of large models all built to that scale in several countries around the world, the idea of a fleet to join might be fun?
Either scale makes a pretty large model which has its own problems, am thinking a long estate car with a roof rack and a specially made carry box are going to be needed!
Whichever scale I use the model will be fully operational, possibly even with steam propulsion if I choose that period of its life to model....
Due to the size and cost of the project, it is going to take ages, and at some later stage in the project, ie once the hull mouldings are finished etc and I have something physical to show, I may seek orders for drawings/hulls/fittings or maybe even a complete kit etc from others wishing to build the ship, to help fund the project, I have not tried selling parts like this before, but have read of others who have, would seek advise first etc, but, all that is a loooong way off!
Wow, that was ment to be a quite response, I get carried away....
Thansk for the interest, Cheers! 8)
Nice one Andy-keep us posted!
When you are ready for the laser cut parts to your drawing specifications. I can recommend Stephen Harris at this company
Thanks for that Chief, will definatly consider them when the time eventually comes!
In the meantime, heres another model, some lovely photos....
That Glasgow model is one fine piece. Wonder who built it?
Too big for my bath though.
It's a John Brown model, according to the comment from E Dowds here :
It's a John Brown model, according to the comment from E Dowds here :
It is indeed.
And here's my Dad with THAT model, IN John Browns, with some old lady.
I was told that all 3 models in the transport museum were used as tank-test models, before being completed to displayable standard when the ships were launched.
What a proud photo to have of your Dad Rob
Thanks Isabelle also for identifying it as JBs builders model
That's so exciting. Which one is your dad?
That's so exciting. Which one is your dad?
He's the one with the grey peaked cap in the background.
No I'm kidding, he's the one shaking QEII's hand.
Its my favourite photo of him, he was so proud and had been quite nervous indeed. We were all right beside him behind a cordon, hence the photo. He'd have been representing the QE2 maintenance team (who were about to cease involvement as this was 1986) and also probably the Gas Turbine 'power' team.
Hi Rob
Did he ever have or get presented with a Model of QE2?
Love his button-hole, btw!
'he was so proud and had been quite nervous indeed'
At least he didn't do a Rowan Atkinson style headbutt then Rob!
Seriously, I can appreciate what this photo must mean to you and it's fantastic that we can all see a great moment at JBs. Thanks for letting us see it.
How about a nice paper model of the QE2
Thank you, Robert.
Opened the link and found: 'The QE2 is, for many, a special transatlantic ocean liner that steams on in a class by herself'
We wish!...Or has the author of the text been reading the 'latest' on our QE2 World Cruise 2009?
This model (unmade) would make a good Christmas Present for junior Twynkles!
Its my favourite photo of him, he was so proud...
and rightly so Rob, as indeed must you and your Mum have been. Although I've seen this one before on your website, thanks for posting it and a great memory. We all hold a debt of gratitude to your Father and many others like him for giving us all such fond memories and effectively bringing us all together here.
And here's my Dad with THAT model, IN John Browns, with some old lady.
I was told that all 3 models in the transport museum were used as tank-test models, before being completed to displayable standard when the ships were launched.
Rob, were the QM and QE models in John Browns at the time too? When were they all moved to the Transport Museum?
Rob, were the QM and QE models in John Browns at the time too? When were they all moved to the Transport Museum?
The QE2 model was only moved to JBE's for that particular day (the Queen's visit on board the Britannia to commemorate 100 years of John Browns) and was then returned to the transport museum from where it had been taken. I think its on permanent loan to the transport museum from Browns, but I'm guessing they won't be asking for it back now... :'(
Found today...
There are no lights - yet?!
When I looked earlier, I think there was a price - and aren't these the same as the Models in the QE2 shop?
Um... sign me up.
Sometimes I could see a price, sometimes not. But it seems there are a number of sizes of our lady. almost 3 ft, 2 ft (interestingly born from Cunard's commission for QV suites) and adorable little 15" ones for (maybe if you're lucky) $350.
2 words: I want.
Found today...
There are no lights - yet?!
When I looked earlier, I think there was a price - and aren't these the same as the Models in the QE2 shop?
Yes, the QE2 giftshop was selling the small version. I almost bought one on my last trip, but had the cashier open the box to examine the model and found out that it was missing a prop of all things! That was the last one they had that they thought was NOT damaged. She wrote down the company that suppled the models for me and as she was writing it down, I recognized the name, having visited the site before. The price onboard was the same as was previously posted on their website. Our UK friends who did the final World Cruise, bought one of these small models and the attention to detail is outstanding. The latest revisions/additions to the ship were included such as the Funnel Bar and that bunmp on the roof, but interestingly, on their model purchased onboard QE2, the Grimm Wheels were included on the props....go figure. :o The medium sized one would sure be a nice addition to my mantle. :)
A bit more QE2 teak!
These pics were the last I took before leaving The QE2 (in Soton) for the final time...
The largest of those QE2 models is truely superb, the level of detail and accuracy over the smaller ones really sets it apart, althought the smaller ones are very nice too, I certainly wouldnt say no to any of them! 8)
Except that is for the Grimm Wheels, they (Maritime Replicas) just don't seem to realise the ship did't have them for more than a very short time!
I, too, have one of the smaller Maritime Replicas Queen Elizabeth 2 models, along with their Queen Mary 2 and yes, I admit .... Queen Victoria - for completeness only of course!
They are all hand-assembled and sometimes contain little build and design faults (including Grimm wheels) which only adds to their charm I think. Probably no two are exactly alike. I'm very pleased to have bought them aboard the ships.
I noticed when watching the British Pathe films (posted in service life) of the Queen Elizabeth's last voyage that there was a large model of the QE2 onboard. Is this the same model which is now on display at the QE2 terminal building in Southampton?
Also anyone wanting to see a model of the QE2 shown for the first time in public then view the British Pathe film titled "Q4 Progress.
A very nice small model.
QE2 in Airfix!
they airfix model is pretty good, except for the funnel!
Ok so it isnt quite a model of QE2,and its framed,but ths may be of interest
Bought onboard awayback in 1988 and at the time l thought it was expensive. The sales guy in the shop did say that the only had a hadfull in for a trial.
Its about 21 ins long by 8ins high
** OLD DEAD LINK REMOVED **img40/3236/iloveqe2badges004.jpg[/img]
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Myles - I've never seen a "model" like that before - its a good idea! It just needs finished slightly better and I'd buy it. It could have half the ship, then a mirrored background to create the illusion of the other half...
I think when you see it looking down from above it does give a poor impression of the "unfinished" state, However when its hung on a wall and viewed from a slight distance, it does look pretty smart... and gives a nice side view.
The mirror is a good idea !!
One of my goals in life is to build one of these but about 2-3 times larger. This one is about 1.4m long and is quite good!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3EqqvY0SNc (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3EqqvY0SNc)
Hey Bob
Good Goal - and Great find!
Simply the best.
Very Good Luck!
(Please, when you have achieved it, may I be the first to order another?!
Don't mind if it's a little one either! To sail QE2, even in the bath......)
I saw this video a few weeks ago - and I want one too!
It annoys me when people say QE II - small error - but annoying nonetheless!
For me what makes the model special is that it is the original configuration - thin, white funnel, sports deck between the mast and funnel, Lookout Bar and original cascading decks aft with a Quarter Deck Pool.
It's an absolutely amazing model, don't get me wrong, but I do think that the forward superstructure from the forward cranes up to the pilot house looks a bit out of scale. Either the Lookout Bar windows are too low/small or there is added height between the L/O Bar windows and Sun/Sports deck. JMHO
Regardless, I'd buy it off the owner today if I had the chance!
This great ocean liner was the flag ship of Cunard for 35 years until the successor Queen Mary 2 replaced her. In this periode she crossed the Atlantic 695 times, completed 23 journeys around the world, travelled 5 mio. sea miles and accommodated more than 3 mio. passengers. At present QE2 lays permanently in Dubai were she is converted into a hotel.
The model was built from scratch by Gerold Brunner. It is constructed in the scale 1:200 and features even the smallest detail.
The movie shots were taken at our yearly Model Boat Showcase in 2008.
RetoFor wrote this (above) alongside his clip that you found, Bob
Here a link to his other clips
and his website in Switzerland
I've tried to find Gerold Brunner via google - no luck...so far!
He could make a great deal from his skills with scratch!
I want one - I would be perfect for playing with in the bath :D
On a serious point that model has quite a list when she turns. I know that scale will affect her speed and that the speed will affect her cornering but does anyone remember the real thing listing when she cornered at speed (I suspect the answer is that she never did corner at speed :) )
On a serious point that model has quite a list when she turns. I know that scale will affect her speed and that the speed will affect her cornering but does anyone remember the real thing listing when she cornered at speed (I suspect the answer is that she never did corner at speed :) )
Given the scale of the model, the real QE2 would be doing 40+ kts and would definitely lean a lot just like the model.
Also, what is evident and pretty cool to see in the video is the model's initial lean into the turn when the rudder is thrown over (best seen at 1:17). Rudder forces lean the ship into the turn until centrifugal forces overcome and lean the ship out. It happens on real ships too but not as noticeably.
One of my goals in life is to build one of these but about 2-3 times larger. This one is about 1.4m long and is quite good!
If do do happen to build one, maybe you could knock up a few extra and let us know on here.....
I want one - I would be perfect for playing with in the bath
Malcolm, Just how big a bath do you have to handle one of those & might the ducks get in the way...
If do do happen to build one, maybe you could knock up a few extra and let us know on here.....
Unfortunately it will be a few years until I can get started on the first one. Being in the Navy and having to move every few years would wreak havoc on the model or what ever progress would be made to that point so I'll have to wait until I retire and settle down - about 3-5 years. In the meantime, though, I am mentally building it over and over so when it comes time to start actually using the tools, glue and paint I'll be ready. I started a 1:100 scale QE2 model about 30 years ago but never made it past framing the forward hull - it was fun but college and other shiny object diverted my efforts. My interest and dedication has grown by leaps and bounds since then (aided much by this board - thanks again Rob!) and I am more than ready to see the project through. Can't wait!!!
I'll start taking orders now though...lol
Hi Bob a.k.a Reltco
Please - may I really go on the list?!
Promise that I would treasure it for ever (not necessarily in the bath!)
And then whenever 'ever' happens, the g-children will inherit it!
Here's another - this time in Australia!
deadline for sale - 29.7.2009
(enlarged pic of stern - the deck chairs look a little strange!)
enlarged pic of stern - the deck chairs look a little strange!)
It's not just the deck chairs that look wrong - the entire model doesn't look right! :o
Look at the shot of her foredecks - They look more like the QM than the QE2!
Ssh! Please don't say a word about this -
but It would be really Good to know whether there's
any hope of finding Any Thing (however small) to do with
QE2 in the other ships shops?
Hi all I am new on here. On day I want to make a big model of QE2 but there are several other ships I want to model first. There are many company offering models of QE2 but most of them are wrong or rubbish . Take that Maritime replicas model he hasn't painted the bridge windows black and the funnel looks ? and he want $2000 for that get it wright and then may be some thing worth buying. The Airfix is good a bit small and an old version. The best kit a round is the one made by Gunze Sangyo It is at 1:450 scale and represents her from her 1972 to 1977. I have yet to see a ready made model of her that is correct.
Luckily my uncle gave me years ago this paperbuilt QE2.
It is a "Schreiber Bogen" Card modeling.
I think it is still available.
Have a look on their website.
Found today...
When I looked earlier, I think there was a price - and aren't these the same as the Models in the QE2 shop?<<
My problem with this Maritime Replica model (besides the price..lol) is the slight inaccuracy on the stern end. As I recall, over the years, that area was redone ever so slightly. However it looks like these changes weren't implemented correctly on this model. Since it's a little hard to describe what I mean, here's a shot of the stern I found off a site. Does anyone else see what I mean?
The window frames look heavy / thick on the model and I think this distorts the look of the model.
There are some areas on QE2 which are a nightmare to model and the worst one is the funnel.All the photos of her you look up at the funnel and it look slim . On a model you look down and it looks fat so we think it is wrong even thought is is dimentially wright .This might be the case with the stern.
This is the model I should really love to have :
But I'd need to include its very own exhibition space as well :D
That silver model was lovely, but I prefer realistic colours, looked glamorous enough though.
Did anyone else notice, when looking at it closely that the markings on the forward end of the hull are distorted?
It looked to me like they had been etched before the sides of the hull were bent to shape, the waterline and windows all looked very odd!
Thankfully you had to get down and look which I doubt many people bothered to do, sadly I have an eye for these details, it did make me smile to see though! ;)
The builders' hull model built up and on display in Glasgow's Transport Museum.
Yeah, that's the one I'd like to have ;D /\
Me too but I'll settle for building one.
Re your mention of the the radio controlled model listing in the turns - it probably does not have the stabilizers. These make a huge difference in reducing the roll, but also reduce the list in the turns as well.
I have just pulled out the boxed Airfix 1:600 scale QE2 my lad bought home from the ship 2 years ago and noticed that the stabilizer fins all have their trailing edge facing fwd , not aft like they should be.
I'm just gonna have to stick them on the other way around - otherwise it would bug me every time I saw them
I've been in the Queen Elizabeth II terminal a few times in the last few years and each time there has been a different model to the right just as you enter. The first 2 times it was the ship I was sailing on, QM2 and then QE2. Just this last August I found this pretty lady sitting there. I thought it was a builder's model, but I am not guessing not. Especially with the blue anti-fowling paint on the bottom.
The same model, I believe, that we found there last year. Both Pia and I had a go at photographing it, and this link should lead to five pictures :
Here is just one of them :
A model that always got a raw deal, as the sommeliers would set up their wine pre-ordering table right next to it, which meant that it was no longer easy to see... I hope it is still there!
It was there as late as the 29th of this last August.
Ron, I noticed this area has been changed over the years as well. The deck was extended slightly. The original stern had a larger cut out area for the stern equipment. The stern cranes now extend through the aft deck and the area in between is filled with life rafts. Does anyone know when this modification was made? I could guess maybe it was during the refit after the Falklands Island War when extensive work was done back there. I need to cull through my files.
Ron, I noticed this area has been changed over the years as well. The deck was extended slightly. The original stern had a larger cut out area for the stern equipment. The stern cranes now extend through the aft deck and the area in between is filled with life rafts. Does anyone know when this modification was made? I could guess maybe it was during the refit after the Falklands Island War when extensive work was done back there. I need to cull through my files.
That area was extended in the 1990 Refit.
Er, regarding the 'listing on her turns' mentioned somewhere above:
She must be doing the scale equivalent of approximately 50mph going into these turns !! ;D
...and you are surprised at there being some listing ??! *laughs*
The fact that at less than 90 degrees, she's still afloat....Well 'listed and righted' RC RMS QE2! :)
(There's more about this on page 2 of this thread)
Still, it's nice to see her 'at sea' again :)
my QE2 model in steel by CM manufactor i repaint the model
Not sure if this image has be shown.Heres a model of the QE2 during the Falkland War.
See attached - spotted in the new Hamleys shop in Glasgow this weekend.
Also available in our QE2 shop! http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0006HJEM2?tag=theqe2storyforum-21&camp=1406&creative=6394&linkCode=as1&creativeASIN=B0006HJEM2&adid=0VATX2WZ64J0G5K2R2PZ&
Rob's post reminided me of something and I also found a great surprise along the way in checking the details. I remembered that in the attic of the house I rent out in Florida I have at least 2 unopened 1969 Airfix 1:600 QE2 models. Click here to see the box (http://airfixtributeforum.myfastforum.org/1969_RMS_Queen_Elizabeth_II_1_600_about858.html (http://airfixtributeforum.myfastforum.org/1969_RMS_Queen_Elizabeth_II_1_600_about858.html)). I'm thinking if the heat hasn't significantly warped the pieces, the kits may be worth a bit more nowadays. Regardless, I think they would would be fun to build today in painstaking detail as a tribute to her.
The surprise I found was a QE2 color chart that I discovered several years ago but have not been able find since. The colors show the variations of her original boot topping CUNARD red to current red and many other component color changes through her various overhauls.
Note: Link removed as not working
See attached - spotted in the new Hamleys shop in Glasgow this weekend.
Also available in our QE2 shop! http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0006HJEM2?tag=theqe2storyforum-21&camp=1406&creative=6394&linkCode=as1&creativeASIN=B0006HJEM2&adid=0VATX2WZ64J0G5K2R2PZ&
Rob, you just jogged my memory here. My son received this very kit for Christmas last year as he had it on his wish list. We unfortunately have not yet built it. I think it is a decent rendering of the ship for the size and will be a fun father/son project to complete. My whole Cuanrd affair began with making the Revell Queen Mary model many years ago.
I think it is a decent rendering of the ship for the size and will be a fun father/son project to complete.
Be sure to use the color chart above!
Well, goodness me - I'm sure if you did the maths and scaled that RC model up you'd find the scale speed was closer to 100 knots than 40! Should be easy enough for the mathematically minded to calculate as it's just about possible to time how quickly that model covers it's own length, and we know that's a scale 963 feet...
As to the real thing listing while turning; it sure did - I remember being on the higher deck at the stern, looking down on the two jacuzzi tubs, and the water slopped over the sides of them for about 3 - 4 minutes during a turn.
Waverley - Should have gone for the model. After all, one teddy bear looks pretty much the same as the next doesn't it?
Of course not! They all have their own character.
Actually, the 1:350 Maritime replica one has two faults that I can spot at a quick glance. There is something between 8081 and 8001 that was not present on the ship itself (there was actually a gap) and the windows of 8183 are far too small.
They would bug me.
Im looking to Purchase a QE2 Model, so Where would i now Buy one, A nice looking model, to scale, For not too much money, But obviously enough to make a decent looking model. Fairly decent size too? All the help will be appretiated!
Thanks, Matt
hi Matt
Gunze Sangyo make a good version of her in 1:450 revell all so used the same tooling and put the same kit in there own box. Airfix do a 1:600 version. See my post on the top of this page it has a photo of my QE2
I've answered my own earlier question; albeit with very approximate calculations.
I estimate that at 35 knots QE2 covers her own length in 15 seconds; as the model seems to cover it's own length in about 5 seconds, that's doing a scale speed of 105 to 110 knots which is about 120 land mph...!!
Have you seen this?
Found this site with a good model of the QE2. Also click more photos
Twinkle - this model is made from scratch
Oh yeah, that's Tom... he works on the Queen Mary in Long Beach, CA.
He used my photos
of the builders model as a guide for his model, which was a private special order.
Nice of him to give me a shout-out at the bottom of his second page of photos. :)
Tom also built the display case which houses the famous cutaway model of Normandie, found in the Queen Mary.
Sorry folks but I have to ask:
Stowaway.. where the heck have ya been, man? Please MSG me privately.
Another model
Length 39" - no details of scale -- $1,200!
very nice.
I have the same kit. I am finishing mine as the kit but have made it rc. On the next one I am doing her as She left for the last time. How did you do the Funnel.
Very well done, especially working the revisions from scratch. How long have you been a modeler? You are quite good.
I'm also building the same kit but have neither the skill or the confidence to make the modifications to update her.
It looks great. Well done! ;D
The only controversial thing I am doing is keeping the funnel with the original colour scheme!
VERY NICE MODEL Mathieu tres beau travail
How it's done by google!
I got this model this week complete with lots of LED lights...she looks spectacular all lit up with the light pouring through the portholes...Ok its not a high spec model but at a metre long I love her to bits.....
I wonder if she knew she was sailing on the clyde again this week? She has come home at last!
There is a shop in devern that sells ship models and i cant for the life of me remeber whats it called but there was model of the qe2 that you could build in her old style with the old style funnel. for 16.99. i wished i bought it now, however rob i have that one model you have found in glasgo, you cna get it froma ny local or online model zone website
Here's one listed on eBay that is so incredibly inaccurate and offered at such an astonding price.
I wouldn't be interested at any price for that load of rubbish.
A couple pictures of my 1:1250 scale QE2 models, two by Hansa and one by Mercator, showing the ship in 1969, 1982 and 1988
well my QE2 hit the water for the first time to test the RC gear. She handled well in the bath. I hope to get her on open water in the next few days. There is still some more finishing to be done on her.
Well got QE2 out on the lake today. Just like the real ship she has problems on her first sea trill ,nothing that can not be fixed.
here is a few photos to enjoy .you could all most think it is the real ship in some.
Great photos of a great model John, well done! I'd love to see it for real. In fact I'd love to have it! I suspect I'd take more baths than showers if I owned such a thing :)
I'm amazed how even its sitting on the water, and the waterline looks about right too.
Are its propellors in proportion to the real ones? If so, it would be fun if their rpm was the same as the real thing! (but would it go?).
Hi Rob
Thank you for the nice words.
The props are a plastic version of the old 6 blade prop per 1987. On the model the are not very good at all resulting in high rpm not much movement. I have just ordered a pair of brass 15mm5 blade props. He does not do a 6 blade version. This should help improve top speed.
If it was mine, i would love it to be realistic... with tiny propellors (relatively!) moving it slowly. i'd imagine the propellors might do BETTER when running slower... too fast and it would just all be cavitation and froth ..? QE2-87+ span hers at 72 or 144 rpm... any idea what the model's are doing?
Hi Rob
I would love to fit a pair of 15mm 6 blade brass props but the do not exist as far as I know. The problem with the plastic props is there is no bite on them very shallow pitch if that so there very little thrust made.
Remember this model is 1:450 and water is still 1:1 so as with all scale models sailing does not scale down perfectly .I will let you know how the new props do. I hope to get them next week.
Why don't you have a go a Doing a QE2 kit to RC, it has to the 1:450 and not 1:600.
Hi John
Those images are really good!
Well done and well made.
It looks as if it's taken hours of patience and practice!
I love these models. Well done. ;D There way better than mine.
If you didnt know any better the bottom photo of the model could very easily pass for an arial shot of the great ship herself in some ocean.
Both absolutely fasinating !!!
Hi all
Well the first sea trials highlighted some problems.
I have fixed the rudder
I have put on some new brass props. Only 5 blade shame i could not find any 6 blade at 15mm.
Put in new ESC and a LIPO battery.
On the second trials she sailed better . She is still a bit glitchy but I will try to iron this out.
I have to also fix a lot of life boats.
Is your QE2 a revell model? I love your model, she looks very sleek and regal. I have to admit its hard to keep my models tip top when the years go on. My QE2 is very hard to maintain and when the next refit comes I might let her have new parts fitted along with a new funnel like the ocurrent one and a new mast. The superstructure would need a refurbishment aswell.
Yes revell did do a version of this kit for a while. I think they borrowed the tooling from
gunze sangyo. Mine is a Gunze sangyo ,You can find them around if you hunt for a bit. They go for about the £30 to £40 on ebay
I've placed an order for three new liners. Can't wait!
Had her3rd sea trial
Iron out the bugs. She now sails really well. I have put a keel on her and this has stopped the snap roll.The keel has several positions depending on the wind. Just put her name on the bow finish 1 or 2 things and she is done.
Marvellous model!
I've decided that I'll retire my QE2 later in the year. She's already been coverted with a little help and her Cunard lettering is back on her superstructure and on the Lido deck the proud lettering QE2 on top Queen Elizabeth 2 on the bottom are glued there. The funnel has been re-designed and new deck chairs have been added.
Hi all
I was looking at some old family photos of when I was young. We went to a them park on the south coast near Bournemouth call Tucktonia in the late 1970's . In one of the photos I saw the funnel of QE2. The park ran from 1970 to 1985. In the park there was a big model of QE2. The sad thing is when the park closed in 1985 the models were put in to storage. They were all destroyed by fire except Buckingham Palace .
That is an awful shame. It's a pretty accurate looking model (compare to some you see on ebay) and it floats!
It's another interesting addition to the QE2 story, thanks for posting the photo and story :)
Lovely model. Shame about its demise though.
Some news on my QE2 model I've decided to put her original white funnel back in its place.
found this site.
Great link. There are a few other QE2 model videos if you search for them. One is of the same model as above but pre-bow thruster.
Going through a box of stuff l came across these photos of a model l made.
Must be at least 20 years old.
<dead link removed>
Here is a link to a model of the Qe2 racing around a pond under radio control.--
Here is a link to a lovely Silver model of the QE2 on E-Bay---
<dead link removed>
I have been looking for a model kit of the QE2 in 1/450 scale made origonally by Gunze-Sanyo--then re-issued by Revell without success. Does any member have this model in unmade form and complete that they would be willing to sell to me? If so--please get in touch via my e-mail address. My intention is to build the kit and to have it fully illuminated with miniature LED's and Fibre Optic cables.
Many thanks.
Have you tried Hobbycraft? They have quite a few ship kits in, though stock will vary from branch toi branch.
Thanks Peter, will try them and see if they have one for sale.
I have been looking for a model kit of the QE2 in 1/450 scale made origonally by Gunze-Sanyo--
Its probably not what you want to hear, But l purchased mine onboard Queen Mary in Long Beach.Sadly lm not selling BUT l can easy have another look in January for you... There was somewhere in the UK selling them, but for the life of me l cant remember where..
OK I'll admit it - I have two of the subject unassembled models purchased way back in the early 70's.
BUT...they are stored in an attic in a house I have in Jacksonville, FL and do not have ready access to them. Plus I have not seen them in 6 years and don't know what condition they are in. Hopefully, since they survived over 30 years at the point of gong in the attic, they have survived a few summers up there.
Many thanks to Cunardqueen for your help in looking for the model of the QE2 by Revell. I am still trying to find this model on sale in the U.K. No luck yet but i will keep trying. I have a friend in Chino Hills, not far from Long Beach and i will ask him to look for the kit when next he visits the QM
Many thanks also to Bob C. I am sorry you have not managed to build this fine model but i understand that time is something a lot of us are short of. It would be lovely to see the finished result when you do build the kit. I hope the years in the attic have not damaged the mouldings.
My friend Théo have begon the building of " your " Flagship ::)
It's not so easy , because you found not many QE2 builders in FRANCE ;D
Does anyone know what happened to this lovely model of the QE2?
In reply to Peter Mugridge--i have tried Hobbycraft to see if they have the QE2 model by Gunze and their reply is that they have not seen this model for sale for years and to try E-Bay. This is what i have been doing for ages now so it looks as though i will just have to keep looking. Thanks for your help though, it is appreciated.
Scratch built model of QE2
My QE2 and my friends QM
Lovely models of the QE2 and QM. Are these models scratchbuilt or from kits? Also what scale-size are they? Could you put them on to U-Tube so we can see them working?
Thanks for posting the picture
These people seem to have it in stock, and will ship to the uk.
Not as cheap as buying it here, but probally a lot quicker than finding one ready to go in UK....
....I have one which I am converting to waterline and a few other modifications, want to buy more to show the ship at different stages of its life eventually, hope the kit is still in production!
I saw a website a couple of years ago when I had much more time to look for such things that showed a great technique for painting decks to look like wood, can't find it now, andyone know what I mean ?
All the best 8)
Hi Andrew,
Many thanks for telling me about the QE2 model from the USA. I have seen this model advertised there before but the price is too much for me just now. If you add the postage cost to the kit price, it is not economical to buy. Also, a few years ago i bought a kit of the S.S. United States from America and i had to pay customs duty on it--it finished up a VERY EXPENSIVE KIT. So, although i do sincerely thank you for telling me about the kit of the QE2, i will pass this time. I WILL find one eventually and in this country --i will just have to keep looking.
As regards your wanting info. on painting decks to look like wood--here is link to a site that may give you what you are looking for.---
Hi Bobso,
Understand completely about the cost, i'm not up for it at those prices right now either!
Very interesting link that, thanks. I had seen that website before, but not that post which you link to, deffinatly worth considering, looks fairly painless too....maybe a few practise runs first thoo?! It would solve one issue with the kit i am not happy with, which is the markin on the deck of planks, massively overscale and witht eh lines tween the planks raised instead of slight indents, sticking on the paper printed deck would allow a nice approximation of the night of the planks compared to the bare steel/aluminium for the waterways round edge of the deck....imagination goes into overdrive....
Cheers 8)
Hi Andrew, Here is a link to the site that gives you more details of improving deck planking---
Another link for deck scribing---
Sorry dont have a video camer so can not do a video.
QE2 is at 1:450 and is made by Gunze-Sanyo
QM is about 1:180 ish and is scratach built.
A nother friend of mine is making QM2 at 1:150 and is huge.
I have just got hold of a 1:200 QE2 hull now I have to find a good set of GA planes
Re: Models of QE2 Reply to John
The model of the QE2 in 1/450 scale by Gunze-Sanyo is the kit i have been looking for. It makes in to a lovely model. I am hoping to find this kit in the not too distant future.
Just a quick mail to let you know that i have (eventually) been successful in my quest for the model of the QE2 in 1/450 scale by Otaki. ;D
Not the-- "still shrink wrapped" -- brand new as i was hoping for--but i have at last managed to find this elusive kit. It means i now have this decent size kit to build. I am going to illuminate it with hundreds of LEDs and Fibre Optic cable and also fit it with "passengers". I am also going to fit it with something that has not been done before--but what that is will have to remain with me until i put the model on show. However, the fellow modellers here on the Forum will be the first to see it later on.- 8)
Here is the link to my winning bid on E-Bay--
If we are permitted to guess what that feature is, the thought that instantly came into my mind is that this model will have a working whistle?
Thanks for your reply to my earlier post Peter.---that is a good guess--but is it the right answer?--time will tell!!--LOL :)
Good luck with building this beautiful kit, bobso.
I made mine 20 years ago from the Gunze Sangyo box and am still very proud of it (actually posted a pic on another thread: https://www.theqe2story.com/forum/index.php/topic,2265.0.html)
Can't wait to see your model complete with light, passengers... and whistle(?) or whatever that has never been done before...
To reply to QE2 forever.---That is a lovely model you have made, i have saved the pictures in my picture album as reference for my future model. It will be a while yet before i get round to building it as i have 2 greenhouses full of plants and also my garden to look after. However, it will be a challenge to build and i am looking forward to doing so.
I am about a half way through building a kit of a multi masted sailing ship. Then i have to finish a three quarter finished model of the sister ship to Titanic--the "Britannic". It is fully lit and if you have ever watched the film of the Britannic, you may remember that the real ship in Hospital colours had two sets of green lights running down both Port and Starboard sides. I have managed to replicate this in my model and have fitted this and it is in working order. I did it with E.L.wire and an inverter and it looks well. Once i have finished this i will then begin building the QE2 with lights. This in itself takes a good while to do as each LED has to have a resistor soldered to it as i use a 12 volt supply to light up my models. Led's are rated at about 2 volts hence the need to wire a resistor to each one. If i use in the region of say 150 led's you can imagine the work involved. Then there is the Fiber Optics to run!!! It will take quite a while to do,but hopefully the result will be worth it. Rob--(our Rob) has kindly given me his advice on the lighting of the model and that is something to live up to!!
I am happy i have managed at last to find this kit and time will tell if i have done it justice.
Thanks for uploading the photos, looks great! Especially like the green line, do you know why they did that? Had never heard of it until now.
Glad to hear you are recovering noticably, all the best. 8)
That would make sense because on most of the Continent a pharmacy is indicated by a green cross. From memory I think at least in France so are the A&E hospitals.
An extremely generous forum member recently made me this. Something i will treasure forever.
The fact that I am not the type of person who is capable of this makes it all the more special to me.
You know who you are... thankyou!
Lovely QE2 model gifted from a talented and generous person.
This is certainly a gift to treasure.
Rob--this is a superb model that you have been given by a VERY talented modeller. May i please ask you what scale is the model?
For the fascinating discussion about the beautiful non QE2 models that our members have made, please see the following topic within our sea shanties area.
It looks like the 1:450 scale model which has been very well put together and beautifully painted.
I've just finished the vintage airfix model (1:600) from 1968 so will also be posting some pics soon ;D
To reply to Alistair--i would be extremely interested in seeing pictures of your Airfix 1/600 scale QE2 ;D
I have a number of these kits still in their boxes to build --"sometime"--3 of the QE2 as it was when built when powered by steam--easy to find , they turn up frequently on E-Bay, and 1 as it was re-built and powered by Diesels--these are harder to find and have been described as "rare"--not sure about the rare part as they must have been turned out in their thousands. Then their is the one i tried to find for ages--the "Otaki" in 1/450 scale. Which i did eventually find but already started. I will see what i can do with it.
Here are some pics of my just completed Airfix QE2 model.
I had a few problems with it. Even though it was still sealed in the plastic bag a lot of the pieces had been prized off the moulding bars and a few stairs were broken off...managed to find them and glue them back together but one was completely missing so that could have been a manufacturing fault. Then when I was sticking the hull together I lined up the rear end with the the openings on the rear decks. Then, after the glue had set I noticed that the hull down by the rudder was about half a millimeter out of alignment. This has given the whole thing a slight twist once the decks are on. Still...it's over 40 years old so can't complain really!
Anyway......some pics of the airfix model then a picture of all three of my QE2 models and a final one including a recently finished vintage Airfix Concord as QE2 had a symbiotic relationship with the aircraft for a number of years...and I have had too much time on my hands over the past couple of months!
Thanks Alistair for posting those very nice pictures of your own models of the QE2. They look good indeed. The picture with all 3 models on it--i take it the bottom one in the Revell one in 1/1200 scale, the middle one is the Airfix QE2 in 1/600 scale, but is the top one the Gunze-Sanyo/Revell/Otataki one in 1/450 scale? Either way-- they look very good indeed and show a considerable skill as a model maker.
Well done and i only hope my models turn out as good.
The 40 year old Airfix model shown above is the one I have of two unassembled models. I hope they are still OK in that attic in Jacksonville, FL!
Amazing models !!
Yes the big one is the 1:450 Gunze Sanyo model I sweated over last year. My secret is 6mm masking tape...miles of it...to get the hull lines straight, also, without my contact lenses I am very short sighted so I pop them out when I'm doing the fiddley bits :D
One thing I forgot to mention was that on the Airfix model the mast has an extra pole section on top that the other two don't have. I think this may be a mistake but I left it on for now. I will confer with Rob before I decide whether to snip it off or not. Anyway thanks for the kind words and I wish you well in your own model making enterprises. I think I'm all QE2'd out now. Maybe I should try something else though the pleasure in assembling the QE2 is seeing the beautiful hull and superstructure form take shape.
Blooming brilliant Alistair!!
Just a quick post as i am EXTREMELY tired right now--but--VERY HAPPY. The reason being that as it was a beutiful day here with the sun shining and nice and warm, my wife a i went to a place called "Tayport"--about 9 miles from our home. It was full of cars probably around 300 or thereabouts, and i found one car selling the 1/350 scale Titanic---AND he also had the elusive "Gunze-Sanyo" QE2 for sale.!!!. I jumped the the chance of buying it--he asked £25-00p for the QE2 and i immediatly gave him the money and took both it and the Titanic kit back to my car. (he asked £5-00p for the Titanic so i just bought it as well) Full story later, but that is the jist of the story.
My heart was racing when i first heard of the QE2 kit and could hardly believe it when he only asked a fraction of what it costs to buy. It is not shrink wrapped but IS complete with all parts still in the clear plastic bags and with full instructions. :)--amazing what can be found at boot sales.!! :D
As we were both feeling well this morning my wife and myself went to the Car Boot sale in a small village called "Tayport". It was a very nice day warm and sunny with hundreds of cars. We go our different ways at the boot sale and meet up after a time. While wandering around the stalls, i say one man selling a number of plastic kits. Most were of planes--i am not really interested in these, but i noticed at the bottom of his pile a 1/350 scale model of the "Titanic". As i already have built this kit and have another 4 or 5 Titanic kits to build in different scales i went on my way. There was a crowd round his stall anyway so i wandered off to look around. having bought some DVD's and soft "Squeeky" toys for my dog, i found myself back at the same stall. I asked about the Titanic model and he said it was his fathers but there were too many small bits for his Dad to hold so he was selling it. I looked in the box and the kit seemed all there. I asked what he wanted for it and he said "a fiver". I bought it--for that kind of money even if it was not all there it would do for spares. I asked him if he had any other ship kits and he shouted to his wife who was in the car and she said there was another ship kit behind the front seat. He found it and showed it to me. I nearly dropped when i saw that it was the "Gunz-Sanyo" kit of the QE2 i had been looking for. It was not shrink wrapped but was in "AS New" condition with all parts still in the bags and including instructions. I asked what he wanted for it and he said £25 Quid--sir!!--I did not argue and paid him the money quick fast!! :) I will post pictures soon so you can see what i bought. i will also post pictures of the other kit i bought recently.
Three QE2 models I have; a Japanese kit which I must admit is the best I've ever put together- fitted perfectly. That was bought on board in 1983. Then the Airfix kit as old as the ship herself and finally a metal model bought on board in 2000. These show her changing appearance throughout the years quite well.
To reply to Fairfield--these are lovely models and you have made a beutiful job of building them. Thanks for posting them for us to see and admire. The Japanese kit--is this the "Gunze-Sanyo" kit that in 1/450 scale i was so fortunate to see and buy yesterday? If it is--and i think it is--i am REALLY looking forward to building the model and fitting it with hundreds of lights.
Hi Bobso - you got one heck of a bargain at the car boot sail. I paid over £60 for the Gunze Sanyo kit and it does fit together very well as Fairfiled so brilliantly shows in his picture.
Great purchase Bobo, when l think l had to buy a new suitcase to get my model back from the Queen Mary.
Car boots, quite often people have no idea what their selling. I discovered one at Long Beach, and a guy selling heaps of shipping stuff. With the wisdom of hindsight l should have bought a lot more, but time was limited and l only saw a quarter of what was there. He just wanted rid of the stuff and clearly had no idea what it was worth, Which is how you want it..... ;)
To reply to posts by Cunardqueen and Alistair--thanks for your comments. I was EXTREMELY lucky yesterday. It was a really sunny day and i was feeling fine. After finding and buying the model i had been looking for--the large QE2--i left the sale feeling FANTASTIC ;D
The man as you say had really no idea of what he had for sale. My own heart was racing when i discovered what he had behind the seat and even more so when i got it for what was a "rock bottom" price. I will take some pictures and post them when i get a few minutes--it just takes time to take pictures, save them and reduce the size and crop them--add them to my album and then finally post them for you to see. However---they WILL be posted soon.
Here are the pictures of both QE2 kits. On closer look the one from the USA is very hard to decide what to do with. I may be able to scratchbuild it as origonal from 1969. The one bought yesterday at the boot sale is like new--all the parts are still sealed in the clear plastic bag. THIS is the one that i am going to build with all the lights etc. ;)
To reply to Fairfield--these are lovely models and you have made a beutiful job of building them. Thanks for posting them for us to see and admire. The Japanese kit--is this the "Gunze-Sanyo" kit that in 1/450 scale i was so fortunate to see and buy yesterday? If it is--and i think it is--i am REALLY looking forward to building the model and fitting it with hundreds of lights.
I'm not too sure but others seem to think it is. I might still have the assembly instructions so if I find them will confirm!
Two shots of the QE2 model in the new Riverside Museum in Glasgow.
To go back to the posts of mine number 169--170--to the Gunze-Sanyo model kit of the QE-2 i bought at a local car boot sale for the bargain price of £25-00p ;D-- :)-- Here is the same model kit for sale just now on E-bay--BUT---look at the price!!!
Here is the same model kit for sale just now on E-bay--BUT---look at the price!!!
Same model for sale on ebay. Different box but nice price:
A very interesting advice site for anybody lucky enough to have one of these once readilly available kits, (not me though, doh!)
http://www.modelships.info/debrisfield/reviews/qe2_airfix/qe2_airfix.html (http://www.modelships.info/debrisfield/reviews/qe2_airfix/qe2_airfix.html).
Maybe useful info for any other modelmaker, perhaps somebody can help me here, seeing as how I don't possess one, but an
intriguing sentence in para 6 , Humbrol paint#28, reads something like; was the superstructure planned to be less tapered than
actually built, are the reviewers talking about the model or QE2 , if it were the QE2 then that would be of interest ?
In a previous life I looked after the model kit side of our wholesale business. At the time (probably late 80s & through 90s) QE2 was not listed in the Airfix catalogue. I asked about it and was told it was not officially available at the time, but they did supply it for the shop on QE2. I asked their rep if I could order it, we put in an order and they turned up. From then the Airfix QE2 was always on our shelf and we used to sell lots of them.
The models are beautiful. :) For me the hardest thing to get right on models of QE2 is the ships lines. You've all done very well on that. I had to scan through every picture of the real QE2 in books so I could get my QE2's lines right.
If you have a model of QE2 you may be interested in reading this topic. Rob has been contacted by the BBC "the One Show" researcher looking for a model of the QE2 to be used in the show.
Read what Rob has to say here:
A beautiful model of the QE2 is on display at Oceans, the new store in Southampton:
I have never seen such an amazing shop, apart from the ocean liner memorabilia shop COBWEBS.
I must go there to seen the exhibition whilst it is still up.
Do we know if the opening by Ron Warwick will be on T.V
Its an amazing model.
I'd happily move house to make room for it!!
Just come across this.
Looks like it was built to original launch spec.
Just come across this.
Looks like it was built to original launch spec.
That's brilliant! Slightly amusing though as it looks like the real QE2, dramatically speeded up!
Simply beautiful..and lovely music..
After eight long years of being in the hot summer attic of my rental house in Florida, I finally retrieved these collector's items and found them to be in great shape! One is built (I built it in the 70's) and was in the box I retrieved but it is in need of some major repair. One has the two halves of the hull out of the plastic bag but the smaller parts still in the bag. And one is pristine with everything still in the bag. I don't believe they were shrink wrapping the boxes back then otherwise I think it would still be in it. I'm looking forward to building one of the unbuilt ones to compare my modeling skills now as compared to when I was eleven.
What a treasure to unearth from the Attic Bob and one that will bring back many memories of being on QE2 when you were younger.
Looking forward to seeing the results of your model building. :)
A real treasure indeed because it seems unlikely that Airfix will re-release it anytime.
I recently contacted Airfix to get a replacement part for my own 1/600 QE2 kit, but I was told they didn't have much spares left for anything older than 2008, and there was generally no plan to reissue such an old model.
While rummaging around in my attic treasures I came across this. Its' a toy I bought onboard QE2 and have had since 1972. The mast is detachable and now missing but I can't believe I still have the motor and that it still works! I'll have to fashion a new mast somehow...
Crikey! Talk about a blast from the past.... I used to have one of those when I was about 5 or 6! :)
While rummaging around in my attic treasures I came across this. Its' a toy I bought onboard QE2 and have had since 1972. The mast is detachable and now missing but I can't believe I still have the motor and that it still works! I'll have to fashion a new mast somehow...
I normally take a shower rather than a bath, but with that, I'd be tempted to switch! ;D
5 Images attached to this message...
Dear Sir,
Please can you help ...... I am trying to find information on a model of the QE2 that I have, do any of your members know who the manufacture of the model is and what sort of age it is? all I can seem to find out is that it may be from around the 1970's and an early model as the funnel is white, I am also looking to sell the model if anyone is interested.
John Shore
Hi John,
Beautiful model.
I am pretty sure this is the 1/600 scale plastic model kit manufactured by Airfix.
If yes, length must be 48.8 cm (19.25 inches).
Hello John,
It is indeed the Airfix model of QE2. I built my first one around 1969 as soon as it became available. I think they may have produced further runs of the model in later years but same moulds. I built another one recently which I got on ebay which had been lying in someone's attic for 40 years or so.
Good luck with selling your model. I'm sure there will be interest in it.
While rummaging around in my attic treasures I came across this. Its' a toy I bought onboard QE2 and have had since 1972. The mast is detachable and now missing but I can't believe I still have the motor and that it still works! I'll have to fashion a new mast somehow...
I normally take a shower rather than a bath, but with that, I'd be tempted to switch!
There is one advertised on E-bay at the moment Rob, if you really want one for your BATH !!
Bidding Ends today in approx 9 hours from now. Starting Bid £ 14.99
Do you have a link? I might get it if the price is right so I can replace the mast on mine.
The auction has ended but not to worry, this one did not have a mast either.
Just noticed this Airfix model on eBay. 29 pounds 99, 15 days left with 5 watchers.
Can't remember if I posted this:
It's at the Singapore Jurong Bird Park.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk (http://tapatalk.com/m?id=1)
Interesting review here in 'Fine Scale Modeller' of the Revell 1:1200 QE2 by "jamesatmaisonverre"
This model is available in our shop! (https://www.theqe2story.com/QE2Shop.php)
Thanks, Rob, for the link and information about this model of our QE2.
revell are polling to see what people want . There is a QE2 up there . The more votes she get the more likely is that she may get made . John
revell are polling to see what people want . There is a QE2 up there . The more votes she get the more likely is that she may get made . John
Just added my vote for a new model of QE2.
I received a Revell model kit for Christmas, a dual kit of QE2 and QM2. At 1:1200 scale it is not very detailed but a bit of fun nonetheless when I am able to get the time to put it together.
I think we should notify Revell of their mistakes (plural).
I visited a Transport Museum in Glasgow Last Week its opposite the PS Waveley Berth they have a large scale model of The QE2
Hi Roy,
I have seen the model of QE2 at the Glasgow Transport Museum. It sure is impressive at what is probably 1/48 scale which is a very large model indeed. They have a fine collection of models in the museum and it is a good place for an amateur model builder to get a feel for how one's models compare with the professionally built ones.
Cheers, Lachlan
Hi I have Just received an answer from the Museum, It appears that the model started life as a test hull for QE2 when was being designed,
after the museum received it as they hadn't a model of her they rebuilt it to its present display standard.
Not to sure how I feel about converting a piece of original history into a display model
Hi I have Just received an answer from the Museum, It appears that the model started life as a test hull for QE2 when was being designed,
after the museum received it as they hadn't a model of her they rebuilt it to its present display standard.
Not to sure how I feel about converting a piece of original history into a display model
Good that you heard!
It sounds interesting too; by any chance, did you manage to take a photo of it, too?
Just a thought, and please forgive me if this is 'old hat' stuff! The apprentices in the ship builders yards were required to make models of the ships as part of their early training, it sounds as if the test hull may have also been built when Q4 or other prototypes (later QE2) were being tested in the tanks etc. As you say, it could be a truly historic find. How much conversion has been done?
(PS and Very Off Topic! If you are on board QM2, there is a fantastic 'builders model' of a small boat called The Swan, built in the same yard that built QM2 in France - and maybe the great model behind the bar in the Commodore Club is also one by the builders' apprentices)
I would like the full scale original
In full working order 😁
Lachhlan love your model. Can anybody tell me QE2's 1987 funnel height and the height from waterline to the tip of the funnel. Also if anyone can tell me her width and the span of her bridge wing and wheelhouse of QE2. If anyone can supply me with some sort of plans of her look on her retirement year that would be great. This is for me to build a model of her in the coming weeks.
Best Regards,
Damien McCarthy
HI Damien
Have done a brief search for you and running late!
However, use the search window - trying all sorts - Funnel height, depth of hull etc
I know these are definitely somewhere on here - and you could look on The QE2 Story, Rob Lightbody's website
Have a look at the progress on Lachlan's beautiful 1:96 model, here :
Hi Damien -
Looking forward to hearing more about your plans for a QE2 model !
June :)
Hi Damien,
great to hear someone else is having a go at a model of QE2! What scale are you thinking of building your model at? I don't know if you're an experienced modeller but QE2 is/was a pretty long ship and a model at a scale bigger than, say 1/200 starts to get big. I'd be happy to help with plans if you can give me a bit more detail on your project.
Cheers, Lachlan
Thank you all for your replies :) Sorry bout my late reply. Lachlan I was thinking something like maybe 1:350 scale. As she was when she left the UK shores for Dubai. I would be greatful if you or anyone could help.
Best Regards,
I am currently working on a 1:450 scale Revell model of QE2 which I began, believe it or not, some 20 years ago. It has become my version of "Hull 534", as I have recently dragged it out to finish it!
In the meantime (to quote Valerie Singleton) "Here is one I made earlier." It's the Airfix 1:600 version, representing the ship in 1969/70.
Apologies for the slight discolouration around the joints and faded colours; I made this one over 30 years ago!
PS Please don't derate me for not painting the boat deck bulkhead khaki. At the time, I knew no better; and besides, I think it looks better white - I was just a bit ahead of times, that's all!
Here are a few more photos of the same model. (No idea why that last one doesn't want to turn round like the other one)
I am currently working on a 1:450 scale Revell model of QE2 which I began, believe it or not, some 20 years ago. It has become my version of "Hull 534", as I have recently dragged it out to finish it!
In the meantime (to quote Valerie Singleton) "Here is one I made earlier." It's the Airfix 1:600 version, representing the ship in 1969/70.
Great work, congratulations. Not an easy one to make nicely, this Airfix kit, if I remember well.
Also made the 1/450 one. Still have it, very nice model.
I am currently working on a 1:450 scale Revell model of QE2 which I began, believe it or not, some 20 years ago. It has become my version of "Hull 534", as I have recently dragged it out to finish it!
In the meantime (to quote Valerie Singleton) "Here is one I made earlier." It's the Airfix 1:600 version, representing the ship in 1969/70.
Apologies for the slight discolouration around the joints and faded colours; I made this one over 30 years ago!
PS Please don't derate me for not painting the boat deck bulkhead khaki. At the time, I knew no better; and besides, I think it looks better white - I was just a bit ahead of times, that's all!
I do believe hull # 534 or Yard Number 534 is for Queen Mary. Yard Number 736 is QE2.
The proportion of this model is very good. Good job in putting it together ! :)
Congratulations Captain Martini - it is a beautifully finished model. The paint lines look clean and straight and the details are all neat. The hull in this kit is a better representation of the real ship's lines. As for the khaki boat deck bulkhead I agree it looks much better painted white.
I do believe hull # 534 or Yard Number 534 is for Queen Mary. Yard Number 736 is QE2.
Ah yes, but I was alluding to the manner in which the unfinished Queen Mary lay idle for years during the depression, only to be famously restarted and completed. Hence, my 20 year building of QE2 is my own "Hull 534".
Very good, very good ! Glad you can get her going again now. Please do show us photos of progress ! :)
Well, here it is at last! My Revell 1:450 scale model, recently completed (with modifications: notably, handrails on boat deck, foredeck and after decks). I'm going to try to add a link to the photo(s) on Flickr.....but some attachments as well, just in case!
Notwthstanding the 1983 colours on the box, the model represents the ship as it was about 1972-76, so I have painted it accordingly, with the exception of the boat deck bulkheads, which are white, rather than khaki, because I think the model looks better that way - a decision Cunard took in 1983 anyway!
I began this model about 25 years ago but became quickly unhappy about the lack of deckrails, which made the model look odd, especially at this scale. However, my improvised solution took too long to execute and the model got shelved for many years, only to be fished out and completed in 2015. Even so, I remain unhappy about the proportions of the funnel, which is about 3mm too tall, while the white skirt is also too short. Unfortunately, correcting this problem was beyond my capabilities!
For some reason, I'm having real problems posting photos here....but let's have another go!
At last! A few more.....
(Why does it do this with some portrait photos?)
Congratulations and great work ! QE2 looks great and I especially like the overhead photo. :)
Great work, Captain Martini! The model looks great!
Lots of detail!
This wooden model is at the Bird Sanctity in Singapore. 8)
We stumbled upon it in 2008 after leaving QE2 in Singapore.
Does anybody know if the model is still there?
Does anybody know if the model is still there?
Which model and which location did you have in mind, Brandon?
The model that Chris posted above.
Sorry, the wooden model looks like a North sea ferry.
Sorry, the wooden model looks like a North sea ferry.
It does a bit doesn't it? I have a gut feeling that model - though not that particular example - has been discussed on here before a few years ago. the ferry aspect rings a bell sounds a whistle with me.
Anyone interested?
Quite expensive but really nice. Built by Maritime Replicas, among the best ship model makers.
This wooden model is at the Bird Sanctity in Singapore. We stumbled upon it in 2008 after leaving QE2 in Singapore.
Best leave it there for the birds to do what they do best.. Its one of the most unflattering models out there...
A few years ago, I purchased the Revell 1:200 QE2 model. At the time, I was not the best at painting which is why the color scheme wasn't that perfect. Today, I finally decided to start fixing the hull paint. The funnel's paint was also looking in terrible shape. In doing so, I erased the red paint and as of current the funnel is in it's original colors. I have been debating whether or not to change the funnel colors.
Should I keep the funnel in the 1969 colors or change it back to the 1982 red and black?
The version of the QE2 you have in that model was her configuration from late 1972 to late 1977. During that time, she sported the original color funnel. If you are a purist like me, keep it the original colors. If not, then paint anything on their you want - its your model!
The version of the QE2 you have in that model was her configuration from late 1972 to late 1977. During that time, she sported the original color funnel. If you are a purist like me, keep it the original colors. If not, then paint anything on their you want - its your model!
Thanks Bob for the advice! Since I had it in the Cunard red and black for the past few years and since I am also a purist, I think I will keep it in the original 1969 white and black. Change is good! :)
I would agree to keep the black and white since that was QE2's colour scheme during the time in question. But as Bob said, you should paint the funnel with the colour that you like best. :)
It's only paint, change it as you wish, for me original is best , but I'm anal,
A couple of years ago I was visiting Myrtle Beach South Carolina, went to one of those huge Seafood Buffet Restaurants and got a suprise, huge models of the Queen Elizabeth and Queen Elizabeth 2, check out the pix......
Strangely predictive that there are no lifeboats on the model.....
About three years ago I was lucky enough to find this one on Ebay, the listing photos were not fantastic but it was included with a large collection of QE2 memorabilia for under $200.....My surprise when I opened the shipping to find this, it's one of the Maritime Replicas 1/500 scale, gorgeous detail.
Great photos ! And thanks very much for posting !
The lady in pink on the bridge wing, is she supposed to be The Queen; she is wearing a hat so looks quite formal.
Gorgeous detail! And all the little persons here and there give it extra life. So glad you took the pictures.
The lifeboats must be out at tendering service!
Did QE2 ever have those yellow parasols on deck? And was there ever that font used for her name?
Tim Henderson who worked in John Brown Engine Works and was in the Engine Development Department at the time of tendering for & building the QE2 has sent a photo and specification of a 1:200 scale steam powered & radio controlled model of the QE2 as she left Clydebank 1968/9.
The model is scratch built and this and its development are featured in three articles in Model Boat magazine Sept 2015, Dec 2015 & August 2016. The overall dimensions of the model are length 147cm x beam 16cm x 31.1cm height from keel to top of the funnel. I attach a general specification of the model. As originally built, the model did not achieve the scale speed of 2.3knots equivalent to 32.5knot maximum speed of the original steam turbine driven ship; so the Clyde steam engine was replaced with a larger TVR1A engine.
Specification attached
Thanks very much, Lynda, for posting this magnificent photo and specs of the QE2 model. Really awesome !! :)
Beautiful, just so beautiful, I do admire a master modeller, wish I had so much skill
Tim Henderson has provided a photo of the engine that propels this wonderful model and explained his choice of engine:
I decided that the ‘Clyde’ engine, which was bought in kit form, would be suitable for powering my QE2; but this turn out not to be powerful enough to achieve the required 2.3 knots. I then bought a Graham Industries TVR 1A engine in machined kit form and assembled it with a lighter weight 1:3 speed increasing gearbox of my own design & manufacture. This transmits the drive from the single engine to the two propeller shafts. The original Miniature steam boiler was retained and delivers enough steam to give a continuous cruising speed of 2.2 knots (31.1 knots full size ship) for around 14 minutes. By slowing down the steam pressure builds up to allow a burst of speed over 2.3 knots (32.5 knots). I early on rejected the idea of having twin engines; but this would have been too heavy.
How can one not be amazed at this, awsome in the real sense
Tim Henderson has provided a photo of the engine that propels this wonderful model and explained his choice of engine:
Oh is that a wee compound? Love the gearing !!
Awesome, awesome, awesome ! Wish I could see QE2 (model) in person ! :)
That looks like a twin single expansion engine - similar to the Stuart Models version.
There is a single steam feed to each steam chest and a single exhaust to the oil separator. Doesn't look to be any of the arrangements you would expect to see on a compound. Also both cylinders are the same size.
The main exhaust pipe hides the detail a bit, but it looks like there is no valve gear reverser either, so I think reversing is achieved by the gearbox.
Top marks to the builder though for putting a steam plant into a model that would almost certainly use electric propulsion as the norm.
Fantastic working model.
What a beast!
Another proposition would be to have used two marine glow 4 strokes eg use two or one marine OS-FS40 (a very rare bird I know) with geared shafts. Or if you wanted to build her post 87 you would do it as an Electric with motors to each shafts. In both cases you could end up with quite a speed daemon as you would be looking at around .5 hp across the two shafts.
That looks like a twin single expansion engine - similar to the Stuart Models version.
There is a single steam feed to each steam chest and a single exhaust to the oil separator. Doesn't look to be any of the arrangements you would expect to see on a compound. Also both cylinders are the same size.
The main exhaust pipe hides the detail a bit, but it looks like there is no valve gear reverser either, so I think reversing is achieved by the gearbox.
Top marks to the builder though for putting a steam plant into a model that would almost certainly use electric propulsion as the norm.
Fantastic working model.
Ah yes Pete - didn't notice the fact the two cylinders were the same size - doh!!! ::)
Great layout though - nice example of engineering in miniature!!
Yes, it's a really nice compact steam plant. It would also be interesting to know what the boiler feed arrangements are. There are no obvious signs of a feed pump in that view, but there are some quite intricate electronic gadgets that can monitor the water level via optical sensors on the water gauge and then open and close the feed bypass valve to keep the water level right.
Again, a very fine installation well beyond the complexity of what would be required to provide basic propulsion of a great scale model.
As simply as I can:
I would guess that it would be whatever speed takes it along its own length in the same time that the real one moves its own length is the scale of whatever the speed of the real thing is?
Correct Peter. rate = distance/time. Time is constant but the scaled distance a model travels is the same proportion as the model scale. The scaled speed is therefore equal to the scaled distance divided by the time.
Example: (caution, math alert!)
Lets find out what the speed of a 200:1 scale model QE2 would need to be to match the real QE2 doing 30 knots (30 nautical miles per hour).
For a 200:1 model scale, one model foot equals 200 feet of the real QE2 - in this case our model would be about 4 ft 9 3/4 in long. The scaled speed to emulate one nautical mile per hour would be one real knot divided by the scale of 200 or 1/200 of a knot. So in order to emulate the real QE2 at 30 kts, the model would need 30 times 1/200 of a knot or 0.15 knots. Using some conversions this would be the same as 0.173 mph or about three inches per second.
I'm not sure a radio controlled aircraft, unless it was of an airship, would stay airborne for very long if it was flying at a true scale speed...?
Hi, thanks for all the post about Tim Henderson's model.
He has sent the following in relation to the question regarding "calculating the speed of a certain scale model to be equivalent to the real thing". This is beyond me but I am sure it will mean something to our boat model enthusiasts.
True scale speed is equal to the square root of the scale of the model multiplied by the full size speed.
For example, a 1/200 scale model of the full size QE2 travelling at 32.5 knots would travel at:
square root 1/200 x 32.5 = 2.298097 knots (Rounded off = 2.3knots)
Taking the actual measured speed of my 1/200 scale model of QE2 as 2.3 knots the full size ship would be travelling at:
square root 200 x 2.3 = 32.526912 knots.
This is calculation originating from an article in Model Boat magazine used by me.
I've been playing around with Google Sketchup to create a 3d virtual model of QE2's interiors, 1969-style. I've been working from original passenger deck plans, photos and my memories but in order to do this correctly, I need more details to get things right, especially in the vertical axis (i.e. deck heights).
Can anyone point me to a resource that would have scaled drawings with a bit more detail than a deck plan (e.g. door locations, midships lobby sunken floor diameter, etc.)?
My objective is to create a 3d walkthrough model of public ares, stairways and select cabins for all to enjoy the QE2 interiors - at least virtually.
Here's some examples of my work so far but be kind, virtual QE2 is still being fitted out!
One more photo.
Does this help?
Yes it does Michael! Thanks!!!
Do you happen to know what the frame spacing is? It looks to be around 3 ft (0.9 m).
And is there anything on your plans that indicates deck height? The height from the waterline/keel or between decks would work.
I definitely could use a copy of those plans. Is there a way to get them or are they too rare?
Michael et al,
Does anyone know what the highlighted drawing annotations are at the bottom of the steps in the stairways? My guess is they are the rise of the section of stairs (e.g. 51" or 51 inches). Can someone verify this?
Looking at these numbers again (and again and again...) the measurements seem to be consistent with the width of the staircases. For example, the 51" seen on the above drawing is consistent with a 51" width of of Stairway E. Other examples include 49" of Stairway D from Five Deck to Four Deck, 40" x 2 sections wide on Stairway A, 60" for Stairway G and so on.
Validation of my theory is still requested!
Does anybody know if the model is still there?
It was 2008 when I last saw it, so not too sure if its still there 12 years later :)