QE2 Story Forum

Non-QE2 Area => Sea Shanties => Topic started by: Chris on Jul 07, 2009, 02:39 AM

Title: Norovirus
Post by: Chris on Jul 07, 2009, 02:39 AM
Passengers aboard Marco Polo are ill after contracting a ship-board sickness.

Read the article here: http://news.ninemsn.com.au/health/834548/150-people-fall-ill-on-uk-cruise-ship

Interesting to note the reference to QE2 - even after she is retired the mainstream news channels rely on her fame to boost their story ratings.

Title: Re: "150 people fall ill on UK cruise ship" NineMSN Report (Mentions QE2)
Post by: cunardqueen on Jul 07, 2009, 08:41 AM
If you recall the article the Daily Express ran recently about QE2 and her Maiden Voyage, The guy l put the lady in touch with is onboard Marco Polo now. If only he had a mobile or an email address to get in touch with
 He was on QE2s Maiden Voyage 
Title: Norovirus
Post by: Rob Lightbody on Jul 12, 2009, 04:33 PM
There was a big fuss in the media here recently about the 'marco polo' and a possibly badly handled noro virus outbreak on board.  A member of this board also had an encounter with the dreaded bug on a recent cruise.  It got me thinking, its a very common virus - the doctors all make that clear - so, is it a new thing (on ships) or is it just that the media coverage is greater?  What happened in the old days?  Think of QM1 with her 16,000+ troops on board!!

Just wondering... any doctors on board?
Title: Re: Norovirus
Post by: Louis De Sousa on Jul 12, 2009, 04:47 PM
I thing the media coverage is greater than the older days.
Most of these outbreaks comes from outside when people board the ship,and not from the ship itself.But then again how many wash there hands when leaving the toilets,etc,etc.

Talking about the USPH on the ship it is mostly up to standards on inspections days or when ship is in New York otherwise forget about it.
I have seen things in the kitchens of the QE2 that people wont believe.Now can you imagine what goes behind the scenes on shore side restaurants?

Title: Re: Norovirus
Post by: Louis De Sousa on Jul 12, 2009, 04:58 PM

Norovirus is Not a "cruise ships" virus..............

Title: Cursed! Boudicca
Post by: Louis De Sousa on Jan 05, 2010, 02:03 PM

Cursed! Hundreds stricken as bug hits luxury liner three times in three weeks


Title: Re: Norovirus
Post by: jdl on Jan 05, 2010, 10:00 PM
I'd also say it's probably being assisted by the rise of international travel and the increasing numbers and eating facilities on board modern cruise ships - lots of new people with lots of new bugs coming into contact with each other and the ability to pass these things on. 

In the troopship days of the Mary and Elizabeth my guess is that most of the troops would not have been able to travel as widely as we are able to - only based on my 'pub' medical degree as they say where I'm from!

Title: Re: Norovirus
Post by: Louis De Sousa on Feb 28, 2010, 06:18 PM
Cruisers hit by norovirus


Title: Re: Norovirus
Post by: Pat Curry on Feb 28, 2010, 08:32 PM
Most of these outbreaks comes from outside when people board the ship, and not from the ship itself. But then again how many wash there hands when leaving the toilets,etc,etc.

You are absolutely correct, Louis. 

Two incidents I know about:
On the 2007 World Cruise an outbreak of norovirus hit the ship, if I recall after LA and on route to San Fran.  The USPH got onto the case.  500 pax got the bug and the UK press had its usual field day denegrating the ship. 
Anyway, the USPH interviewed all the sick pax (who were confined to cabins) and discovered an American woman who had embarked in NY and when questioned, admitted to falsely signing OK to the health form all pax and crew sign saying they have no health problems.  When she boarded, she was already badly suffering from the norovirus bug, but was ashamed, she said, to admit it.  USPH tracked it back to her hotel in NY.   
Incidentally, I never heard of crew getting norovirus.

The fact is as Louis says, that many pax are, excuse me for saying this, and I'm sure the forum are not included, but the average pax are frankly filthy.  They ignore the alcohol dispensers at all restaurant stations, and at the gangway.  They do NOT wash their hands, seemingly ever.  Cabin stewards know when their pax take a bath or shower, and surprise, surprise, many pax go for days without bothering.  Sad, sad, sad.

The Lido stopped allowing passengers to self serve to try to prevent the bug being transmitted by handling serving spoons, so the cooks served the food and they wore plastic gloves.

One more observation:  We were on part of a World Cruise when the ship went to Egypt.  We paid for a tour to Cairo.  4 hrs in a coach from dock to city.  About 8 coaches in convoy. First stop lunch in Cairo.  All the pax got out and rushed into the restaurant and headed straight for the self service buffet.  Not one , NOT ONE,  washed their hands; they just scrambled for the food, jostling for position, like they'd not been fed for days.

Dom and I were with Thomas Quinnone.  We and the other QE2 reps held back until last, and yes we did wash our hands, but the memory of that experience haunts me today.

Title: Re: Norovirus
Post by: Louis De Sousa on Mar 01, 2010, 11:57 AM
Celebrity postpones cruise out of Charleston after major outbreak of illness


Title: Re: Norovirus
Post by: Mauretania1907 on Mar 02, 2010, 07:47 AM
You would be surprised how many people do not wash after toilet or before eating. I thought I was a bit paranoid about always washing my hands but I will tell a story. When I cleaned a rest-home, we all had to do a course about preventing the spread of illness in the hospital. We were all asked to wash our hands as we would normally do. Then our hands were treated with stuff that showed the unwashed portions. I had washed as I usually did, quite carefully and even I had one or two unwashed spots show up. Some of the caregivers and cleaners were shocked at being shown up with 'dirty' hands.
Title: Re: Norovirus
Post by: cunardqueen on Mar 15, 2010, 10:20 AM
One more observation:  We were on part of a World Cruise when the ship went to Egypt.  We paid for a tour to Cairo.  4 hrs in a coach from dock to city.  About 8 coaches in convoy. First stop lunch in Cairo.  All the pax got out and rushed into the restaurant and headed straight for the self service buffet.  Not one , NOT ONE,  washed their hands; they just scrambled for the food, jostling for position, like they'd not been fed for days.

 I have done this trip from Alexandria twice once to the Pryamids and the other the Nile in style.all l can say l found the whole thing filthy, the Meni House where lunch was being held the toilets were disgusting the food didnt look at all exciting and l just went for the safe bets of the puddings and our bottled water had been tampered with so that went untouched. The cruise on the nile was however marginally better, at least the food had names to it, so we could see what not to have.
Alexandria is a place l hope never to visit ever again, dirty isnt a word to be used lightly. All l can say is a coach toilet is never a thing to be used lightly and never when the coach is moving. On these visits the coach toilet was a welcoming haven and an utter joy to use, even if you have to sit down!!!
And to arrive back at QE2 and find some of the waiting staff lined up on the dock with glasses of water and orange juice was indeed a very welcome sight indeed.

 On one such cruise the neighbour in cabin 3002 was struck down with norovirus and had been confined to his cabin for  a few days. I spotted him one night at the midnight buffet and remarked that he must be feeling better . Far from it he replied he was just so bored being stuck in his prison and took the view he was paying a lot of money for this cruise and wasnt going to be stuck inside, and that was a minister !!! 
 The worst examples of human behaviour l saw were on the MSC Melody at buffet times, you really had to wait half an hour till the masses had been fed and the buffet was topped up then it was safe to enter.
Im surprised to hear that the average passenger is filthy. I always thought the hand gel machines seemed to work ok... 
Title: Re: Norovirus
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Mar 15, 2010, 10:25 AM
Minister?  Surely not, I hope, the Health Minister?
Title: Re: Norovirus
Post by: cunardqueen on Mar 15, 2010, 10:43 AM
Minister?  Surely not, I hope, the Health Minister?

A man of the cloth, and he was on holiday.....
Title: Re: Norovirus
Post by: Louis De Sousa on Apr 02, 2010, 06:44 PM
Norovirus outbreak on Oceana


Title: Re: Norovirus
Post by: Kathy M. on Apr 02, 2010, 08:45 PM
My Dad was supposed to be on a Celebrity ship right now - but had gone out and come back 4 or 5 times with Norovirus (in Charleston, SC).  He and his wife are elderly and didn't want to take a chance on getting siick so they cancelled last minute - Celebrity is losing alot of money because of it - they can't seem to get it off the ship!
Title: Re: Norovirus
Post by: Isabelle Prondzynski on Feb 19, 2012, 05:42 PM
Funny how Norovirus is given its proper name when it occurs on board a ship, but is called "winter vomiting bug" when it infects people on land, particularly in hospitals.

This seems to make it a specific bug related to seaborne travel...
Title: Re: Norovirus
Post by: Twynkle on Feb 19, 2012, 09:15 PM
Funny how Norovirus is given its proper name when it occurs on board a ship, but is called "winter vomiting bug" when it infects people on land, particularly in hospitals.

This seems to make it a specific bug related to seaborne travel...

Hi Isabelle - to be clinically a bit more precise - there can be a significant difference between the causes as well as symptoms.
Potentially, 'The' 'winter vomiting bug', the term that you and the media refer to, this can be caused by one or more of many different types of bug, (virus or bacteria), the symptoms include vomiting, sometime together with - but not always, diarrhoea.
It can occur summer winter or in between!

Symptoms of infection with Norovirus usually begin with 'explosive diarrhoea' (as described in the literature by the ship's Dr M C.)
Vomiting can also occur, but usually this isn't the first sign of infection with the norovirus - which importantly, isn't restricted to cruise or other types of ship.
Because of it's 'nature of spread' it's highly infectious; easily spread through wards in hospitals and other areas where there may be people living in close proximity, such as boarding schools, colleges, hotels, prisons etc etc
It seems to be more prevalent in winter - this may explain the use of the term referred to - and in winter, people tend to be in crowded indoor environments - including cruise ships!

Does anyone know whether the yellow pennant signifying the ship (in port) is / isn't in quarantine is flown when anyone on board has been diagnosed with the Norovirus?

It would be interesting to know from Matron and or anyone else who worked in the Hospital on QE2 when the use of sticky black and yellow tape, and isolation / barrier techniques began - if they did.

There is also a virus that can be caused be eating poorly re-heated pre-cooked rice - this can also cause similar symptoms as the Norovirus, the difference here being that the onset is usually withing minutes to short hours - the Norovirus usually takes longer to work!

Rosie (now wondering whether Legionnaires Disease has ever been diagnosed at sea...)