QE2 Story Forum

Community => The QE2 Story Jigsaws => Topic started by: Peter Mugridge on Aug 15, 2014, 09:50 PM

Title: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Aug 15, 2014, 09:50 PM
June, if by my photo you mean the one I offered a few posts ago for a future jigsaw, it's actually the painting I did in spring 2011 - see this thread https://www.theqe2story.com/forum/index.php/topic,1269.0.html the paintings part of the forum.
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Aug 18, 2014, 06:28 PM
Hi Peter -

Thank you very much for your post and pointing me in the direction of the topic about your paintings.  Awesome, absolutely awesome.

I think it would be great to have a jigsaw based on a painting ! 

Would you suggest a puzzle size the same as your painting ?

Thanks !!

June  :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Aug 18, 2014, 09:37 PM
Well, the painting is 20 x 30 inches but the image could of course be sized to fit on a standard 1000, 1500 or 2000 piece puzzle size - or indeed any other standard size; I do have a professional digital scan of it on disk so there should be no problem doing that.
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Aug 19, 2014, 03:18 PM
Hi Peter -

Thank you very much for your message.

The 1000 piece Ravensburger puzzle is 27" by 20" and that is closest to the size of your painting. 

If you want to check out the various sizes available, go to Ravensburger Global and then go to Picture or Photo Puzzles.

What is your feeling about that size ?


June   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Aug 19, 2014, 07:00 PM
Looks good to me - yes, it's a very close fit.

Do I need to think about getting that disk copied yet?  ( I'm not going to risk the original disk in the post am I?! )
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Aug 19, 2014, 07:14 PM
Hi Peter -

Thanks very much for your message.  I am thinking perhaps in early Fall sending in for another puzzle.

The image is uploaded directly from a file into Ravensburger's order form.  Attached is the resolution chart from Ravensburger's website.  Maybe Alan can offer advice as he got Alan Kirby's photo ready for the puzzle.  Also, if your painting is not signed, it would be nice to sign it on the file so you have credit for the painting. 

Definitely not send your disc.

Then we have the collage one in the works too.

June   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Aug 19, 2014, 07:17 PM
I don't have the file on my computer; only on disk.  Easy enough to get it duplicated.  Not sure how big the master file actually is...!!

Yes, the painting is signed; lower right hand corner.
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Aug 19, 2014, 07:28 PM
Hi Peter -

Thanks very much for your post.  I think it should be easy enough to upload the image from the disc to a computer file.  I brought the picture of the painting back up and see where you have signed it.  I think your painting will make a marvelous jigsaw and it will I am sure be rather nostalgic and emotional doing the puzzle based on where our beloved QE2 is now and the direction in which the ship is sailing in the painting. 

June   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Aug 19, 2014, 07:35 PM
Into the sunset, you mean?  Yeah...  If you PM me your address I can get a copy of the file made for you to handle with Ravensburger ( my home software is a bit ancient and might not cope if the file is really massive ).
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Aug 19, 2014, 07:43 PM
Thanks, Peter, I will do that. 
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Adam Hodson on Aug 23, 2014, 08:23 PM
Very interesting reading about possible future jigsaws.  :D
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Sep 01, 2014, 07:29 PM
So, to review our jigsaw plans.

I will have Peter's painting made into a jigsaw mid to late September if that works for Peter.

And I had another thought about the next jigsaw for after the New Year.  It would be a large one with "The Pride of the Clyde" photo or a similar one across the top.  And then have the photos from the 2015 QE2 Story Calendar underneath, 4 blocks across and 3 blocks down, gaining, of course, permission from the photo owners for this project.

Feel free to come back with comments
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Sep 01, 2014, 09:18 PM
OK June, sounds like you're ready so I'll get the master disk copied this week.
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Sep 01, 2014, 09:27 PM
Hi Peter - Thanks very much for your post.  No hurry, though.  It sounds like you have something time consuming happening soon.  So whenever you can find the time is fine, but don't do damage to your business schedule.  June   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Sep 01, 2014, 09:29 PM
I do, June, it's a huge charity stunt later this month - but getting the disk copied wouldn't get in the way of that.
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Sep 01, 2014, 09:38 PM
Great, Peter, that would be wonderful then. 
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Sep 05, 2014, 09:36 PM
The copy disk with the image if Evening at Sea on it is now on the way to June...
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Sep 05, 2014, 09:40 PM
Wonderful !  Thank you, Peter, very much ! 
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Lynda Bradford on Sep 05, 2014, 10:11 PM
Good image for the jigsaw thanks for making it available Peter.
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Sep 11, 2014, 04:26 PM
June has mailed to say that the disk has arrived and is awaiting her collection from the US Post Office.  :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Sep 11, 2014, 04:59 PM
I have just picked up Peter's disc from my post office and it has arrived safe and sound. 

June   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Sep 12, 2014, 02:13 PM
Update: We're having a Houston moment with the disk, but the forum should not worry - all it will mean is a slight delay.

From talking to the bloke who copied the disk; we think it may have become corrupted by the airport security scanning of the mailbags...  >:(
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Sep 12, 2014, 04:55 PM
The disc may have become corrupted during the airport security screening of the mail bags.  But the first of the week, I will ask one of our art graphics people to have a look at it to see if I am missing something about how to open the file. 

But just as our beloved QE2 had a few teething problems, our disc is also.  All will be well in the end !

June   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Adam Hodson on Sep 12, 2014, 07:05 PM
The disc may have become corrupted during the airport security screening of the mail bags.  But the first of the week, I will ask one of our art graphics people to have a look at it to see if I am missing something about how to open the file. 

But just as our beloved QE2 had a few teething problems, our disc is also.  All will be well in the end !

June   :)

Best of luck to you June.  :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Sep 12, 2014, 07:16 PM
Thank you, Adam !  June   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Sep 12, 2014, 09:38 PM
In the meantime, once I'm back from my week long charity challenge this week I'll see about getting another copy made unless June has been able to retrieve the data off the first copy before then.
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Lynda Bradford on Sep 13, 2014, 08:48 AM
How disappointing that the disc has been corrupted.  Lets hope it can be fixed.
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Sep 15, 2014, 04:22 PM
We're checking it out and see if the file is there.

Good luck, Peter, on your charity challenge !! 

June   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Adam Hodson on Sep 20, 2014, 12:16 PM
Any luck yet Peter and June?
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Sep 21, 2014, 01:57 PM
Charity challenge completed - as for the jigsaw, I'll look at getting another copy made this week if there is no news from June's digital recovery experts.
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Adam Hodson on Sep 21, 2014, 10:34 PM
Charity challenge completed - as for the jigsaw, I'll look at getting another copy made this week if there is no news from June's digital recovery experts.

I hope you get it all sorted soon.
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Sep 22, 2014, 02:22 PM
Hi Peter and Adam -

Peter, congratulations on completing the charity challenge.  I hope all went well !

Adam, things are moving along and I should be able to access Peter's painting from an on-line file that Peter has provided.  I think the disc was wiped clean during security screening by the mails. 

More news to follow soon.

June   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Sep 22, 2014, 04:14 PM
It should work because the file transfer was done directly by the company that scanned the original painting; they very sensibly keep copies of everything on their system.  All I had to do was pass on the access link they sent me this morning...  :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Sep 22, 2014, 04:34 PM
Hi Peter -

Thank you very much for your post.  I have opened the link and your painting looks awesome !  I will download it shortly.  Thank you very much for all of your help and I hope to get this next jigsaw featuring your painting in the works soon.

June   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Isabelle Prondzynski on Sep 22, 2014, 05:44 PM
Excellent news all round! Looking forward to more as and when it happens :) .
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Sep 22, 2014, 05:48 PM
Thank you, Isabelle !  June   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Sep 22, 2014, 10:59 PM
Yay!  It worked! :D
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Sep 23, 2014, 01:49 PM
Yes !!   ;D
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Adam Hodson on Sep 24, 2014, 09:35 PM
Great news! I will look forward to seeing it when it's been printed onto the Jigsaw. :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Sep 24, 2014, 09:43 PM
The new jigsaw will be very good as we do not have an evening view of our QE2 in jigsaw. 
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Sep 26, 2014, 03:08 PM
Hi All --

The new QE2 Story Jigsaw, "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge has been assigned Yard No. 736D.

It will be a 1000 piece puzzle with challenging sky and sea and a happily lit up QE2 !

More to follow ! 

Thank you Peter !

June   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Sep 26, 2014, 07:33 PM
Yard No. 736D update -

Alan Snelson has graciously offered, as busy as he is, to prepare Peter's painting for production.

I, as I am sure we all do, thank you very much ! more than words can say !

June   :)

Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Adam Hodson on Sep 26, 2014, 10:58 PM
Brilliant news June! Looking forward to hearing more. :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Lynda Bradford on Sep 27, 2014, 10:43 AM
Good to see the 736D is progressing through the concept and design stage and hopefully not long until the build process will begin. 
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Sep 29, 2014, 04:03 PM
Laying of keel imminent !!   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Oct 01, 2014, 09:42 PM
Yard No. 736D update.  Keel sections being hauled into place as we speak... ;D
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Oct 01, 2014, 09:47 PM
Does the yard have an estimated handover date for you?
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Oct 01, 2014, 09:52 PM
The yard works really fast, so I am "guesstimating" a couple of weeks.   ;D

Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Oct 01, 2014, 09:57 PM
Alan Snelson has graciously edited "Evening at Sea" Jigsaw Yard No. 736D for production, and we thank him very much for doing that what with his very busy schedule.  I believe Peter will be taking a final look at "the plans" and by then, the keel should be laid down and building will go into fast forward.  June  ;D
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Oct 03, 2014, 02:52 PM
Peter's painting of our beloved QE2 'Evening at Sea', made ready for production by Alan, is ready to be uploaded to Ravensburger (builders - keel already laid down). 

I am waiting to hear back regarding pricing for multiple copies for those who want one of their own and answers to a couple of other questions.

It won't be long before this new jigsaw will be adding on miles to our QE2's record (by proxy).  So who wants to sign up for fitting her together ?

Peter Mugridge
June Ingram

June   :)

Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Oct 10, 2014, 06:11 PM
Great News ! - Launch of Yard No. 736D imminent !

Our next QE2.Story Jigsaw, 'Evening at Sea' by Peter Mugridge and made ready for building by Alan Snelson is being built as we speak with an enormous yard crew. 

Launching will be in a few days, a short stay will follow in the fitting out basin, and sea trials should commence in ten days at the most.

More information will be forthcoming as I receive it from John Brown's (aka Ravensburger). 

June   ;D

Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Isabelle Prondzynski on Oct 10, 2014, 07:26 PM
Wonderful news, June! Lovely to think that Peter's work of art and of commitment will be enjoyed by many in form of a regular refit (jigsaw).

Great teamwork -- Peter, Alan and June!
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Oct 10, 2014, 07:35 PM
Thanks, Isabelle, and I am wondering what our QE2's accumulated proxy miles will be with all of the jigsaws voyaging around !  June   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: jdl on Oct 10, 2014, 08:47 PM
brilliant effort, well done all!

Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Lynda Bradford on Oct 12, 2014, 09:37 AM
Fantastic news that the work of the design, concept and built team is on schedule for the launch.   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Oct 13, 2014, 03:08 PM
Hi Lynda and jdl -

Thank you for your posts.

Our QE2 (Jigsaw Yard No. 736D) is currently being built and will soon go to the fitting out basin.

Very exciting prospects !

June   ;D
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Oct 13, 2014, 08:48 PM
My goodness !

John Brown's Ravensburger Division sure is speedy !

Yard No. 736D was launched on Saturday, went to the fitting out basin on Sunday, and QE2 Jigsaw Evening at Sea embarked on her sea trials this morning.  I understand her sea trials will end at the mooring at my house.  So my docking crew is on standby.

More to follow !

June   ;D
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Oct 14, 2014, 01:49 PM
Pilot picked up - docking crew on standby.   ;D
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Oct 15, 2014, 02:23 PM
Hi Everyone -

When I arrived home yesterday from work, the tugs were just leaving my house, and the docking crew were making fast the last mooring ropes.  QE2 (Jigsaw Evening at Sea) greeted me with a mighty whistle blast !

Here are some photos.  The colors are much better in the jigsaw than those captured by my camera.  I was getting a reflection with the flash so took the photos in natural evening light.

June   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Oct 15, 2014, 04:43 PM
Now, where am I on the list to complete this one? :D
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Oct 15, 2014, 04:55 PM
Hi Peter -

You are #1 on the list to refit QE2 Jigsaw 'Evening at Sea'.  You will be pleased when you see the colors in "real life".  They are just like your painting.  My photos are giving the jigsaw and the box an odd hue.

If you will e-mail or PM your mailing address, our QE2 (jigsaw) will be on her first North Atlantic passage and on her way to the moorings at your house.

June   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Oct 15, 2014, 05:02 PM
I shall e-mail you immediately.  :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Adam Hodson on Oct 15, 2014, 05:12 PM
Hi Everyone -

When I arrived home yesterday from work, the tugs were just leaving my house, and the docking crew were making fast the last mooring ropes.  QE2 (Jigsaw Evening at Sea) greeted me with a mighty whistle blast !

Here are some photos.  The colors are much better in the jigsaw than those captured by my camera.  I was getting a reflection with the flash so took the photos in natural evening light.

June   :)

Brilliant news! Well done to Peter for painting it, and for all June's work in organising it. :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Oct 15, 2014, 05:32 PM
Great, Peter, and thank you, Adam !

June   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Oct 20, 2014, 03:50 PM
Our QE2 (Jigsaw 'Evening at Sea') left Dock 352 at my house at 10:00 on Saturday 18 October.

She picked up her pilot and left Old Mystic, CT, USA, at 12:31 on Saturday 18 October.

She fueled and provisioned at Springfield, MA, USA, and departed with pilot still aboard at 03:22 on Sunday 19 October.

QE2 (Jigsaw) arrived at New York, NY, USA, at 08:46 today and will soon depart on her transatlantic voyage.  She is currently boarding a few more passengers. 

Peter, please alert docking crew and puzzle crew to be on standby as she will come into sight in a couple of days. 

June   :D
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Oct 20, 2014, 09:30 PM
Docking crew* were in fact alerted last week....  :D

*i.e. the internal postman at work
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Oct 20, 2014, 09:41 PM
Very good, Peter !   :D

QE2 (Jigsaw) left New York at 14:24 this afternoon 20 October 2014.  She is moving fast these days and she should be in sight tomorrow or the next day.

June   :D
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Oct 21, 2014, 09:05 PM
Docking crew on immediate standby ! 

QE2 (Jigsaw) has just passed by Customs at 18:14 today !

June   :D
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Oct 21, 2014, 11:22 PM
Would that be 18.14 US time or 18.14 UK local time?
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Oct 22, 2014, 01:37 PM
QE2 has arrived at an anchorage at my office and is currently awaiting a favourable tide ( i.e. going home time - 17.15 ) before moving into her berth at home.
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Oct 22, 2014, 01:54 PM
Hi Peter -

Great news !!   :D  I trust she had a good voyage, and I am sure that she is very much looking forward to making her way to the moorings at your home on the appropriate tide.  (I do believe the 18:14 time of clearing Customs yesterday was UK local time.)  Please send photos !

June   :D
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Adam Hodson on Oct 22, 2014, 10:55 PM
Great news! :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Oct 23, 2014, 01:30 PM
I started the jigsaw last night and yes, I have done photos of the progress so far.  If I get time I'll do more tonight.

So far I have done 100% of the edge, 99% of QE2 and 100% of the horizon line...  All that took about two hours in total.  :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Oct 23, 2014, 03:17 PM
Awesome work, Peter !   :D  Keep up the good work as I am sure our QE2 is enjoying the attention (in proxy) being lavished upon her !

June   :D
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Oct 23, 2014, 11:32 PM
95% of the reflections part of the sea done...  :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Oct 24, 2014, 01:58 PM
Excellent !   :D
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Oct 25, 2014, 11:43 PM
I had no time yesterday, but I did get to do three hours on it tonight.

All water areas now 100% done; only the sky to do now!  :)

This jigsaw is "deliciously challenging" but as my progress indicates it is not so difficult as to be impossible to do.
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Adam Hodson on Oct 26, 2014, 12:09 AM
I'm impressed how quickly you've progressed! :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Oct 26, 2014, 11:57 PM
118 pieces remaining to do.........

Not sure if I'll get much time during the week, though.
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Lynda Bradford on Oct 27, 2014, 08:12 AM
118 pieces remaining to do.........

Not sure if I'll get much time during the week, though.

Good to hear you are enjoying the construction process and looking forward to photos
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Oct 27, 2014, 01:30 PM
Hi Peter -

You are making wonderful progress in fitting together our QE2 (Jigsaw) during her very first refit !  I hear then that she is already out of dry dock and has been refloated !  Very good !  Keep up the good work ! 

June   :D
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Oct 27, 2014, 01:48 PM
Rest assured, I have taken photos at each of the stages detailed above and will post them up later this week once the puzzle is fully completed.  :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Oct 27, 2014, 02:05 PM
Great news, Peter !  I am so looking forward to seeing the progress in photo form and hearing more commentary to accompany same !

June   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Oct 27, 2014, 10:41 PM
Well... I've finished it!  :D

There are 12 photos, 6 pairs - I had to do two of each stage using slightly different angles because this is quite a reflective jigsaw and it was not possible to show every detail clearly in a single picture.

I hope these post in the correct order, although it will be obvious what order they should be in, but I marked them 001, 002 etc anyway.

Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Oct 27, 2014, 10:42 PM
The rest of the pictures...

Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Oct 28, 2014, 01:25 PM
Hi Peter -

Thank you very much for your posts and the photos of your painting in jigsaw form.  Congratulations on her speedy refit and great work !

Your painting looks absolutely awesome in jigsaw form !!

June   :D
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Oct 28, 2014, 01:36 PM
Thank you June.

Now....  We need to generate a list of destinations for this jigsaw don't we?

I imagine that for safety we will be using the same principle as for the others of minimising the number of international postage transits and, if possible, arranging manual handovers if people are close enough?
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Oct 28, 2014, 02:32 PM
Hi Peter -

Thank you very much for your message, and yes, we do need to generate a list of destinations for 'Evening at Sea' QE2 Jigsaw. 

I would agree that manual handovers are good wherever possible and to make the rounds in UK before embarking on another Transatlantic crossing. 

So who will add their names to the list ?  I do know that Pete Cain wants to be added to the list.

Myself and perhaps Rod in the US so far.

Let the list begin !

Peter Mugridge (completed)

June   :D
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Oct 28, 2014, 04:53 PM
When we get a few names we'll see if any of them are close enough to me ( within a couple of hours by rail from London, say ) to do a manual handover.
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Oct 28, 2014, 05:48 PM
QE2 Jigsaw 'Evening at Sea' by Peter Mugridge Sign-Up List --  :D

Peter Mugridge (completed)
Rod ?
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Nov 02, 2014, 06:32 PM
QE2 Jigsaw 'Evening at Sea' by Peter Mugridge Sign-Up List --  :D

Peter Mugridge (completed)
Rod ?

More names needed for the 'Evening at Sea' QE2 Story jigsaw   :D
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Nov 11, 2014, 12:35 AM
No further names?  :(

OK.... of those so far, who is the nearest to Epsom please?
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Nov 11, 2014, 04:03 PM
Hi Peter -

Let's ask again if someone in the UK would like to have a go at QE2 Evening at Sea refit before she starts another transatlantic crossing.  Pete will be interested in a few weeks, I believe. 

Where shall QE2 head for her next refit ?

June  :D
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Isabelle Prondzynski on Nov 11, 2014, 09:58 PM
I'm very much hoping to tackle this really difficult jigsaw as well.

However... to be realistic... it would have to be over the Christmas break or at some other time when I get a decent period of time at home.

Good news though! I am about to get stuck into the "Liverpool Calling" jigsaw again and hope to post pictures of progress over the next few days.
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Rob Lightbody on Nov 11, 2014, 10:14 PM
What about asking, for example, Ian and sue mcNaught to do it... ?
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Lynda Bradford on Nov 11, 2014, 10:37 PM
I cannot take on the jigsaw at the moment but would be willing to have a try in the New Year. 
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Nov 12, 2014, 01:46 PM
Hi Isabelle - Great news that QE2 Jigsaw Liverpool Calling will soon continue her refit.

Hi Rob - I think that is a marvelous idea to ask Ian and Sue McNaught to do the puzzle.  Will you ask them perhaps ?

Hi Lynda - I am sure after the New Year would be fine.

Revised list -

Peter M.
Ian and Sue M. ?
Pete C.
Isabelle P.
Alan S.
Jim B. ?
John ?
Catherine ?
Lynda B.
Rod ?

June   :D
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Nov 12, 2014, 10:07 PM
I like the idea of a former QE2 Captain assembling this jigsaw; will he take on the challenge, I wonder?
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Nov 13, 2014, 03:06 PM
I agree, Peter, it would be truly awesome !   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Bruce Nicholls on Nov 13, 2014, 10:01 PM
Could there be any potential publicity angle in this? Might make a nice photo in the press.
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Nov 14, 2014, 02:43 PM
Yes, Bruce, it would indeed make a nice photo in the press and for our puzzle page.
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Nov 14, 2014, 05:08 PM
Ok - so am I to hold fire on making any despatch arrangements until someone has had an answer from Captain McN about this?
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Nov 14, 2014, 06:43 PM
Perhaps we should.   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Nov 15, 2014, 06:02 PM
If he's in the UK and wants to try it, I'll deliver it in person even if it's more than 2 hours from London -there would be a huge PR aspect for the forum of the artist handing over the jigsaw to a high profile former QE2 Captain to do wouldn't there?
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Nov 16, 2014, 04:45 PM
Has anyone contacted Capt. McNaught ?
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Rob Lightbody on Nov 16, 2014, 05:12 PM

Yes I emailed them last night just hadn't had a chance to update you guys.
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Rob Lightbody on Nov 16, 2014, 11:23 PM
Sue and Ian have replied to say they'd be delighted to take a shot at the jigsaw! They are busy with the 500 year celebrations for trinity house.
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Lynda Bradford on Nov 17, 2014, 10:20 AM
Good to know that they are willing to be added to the list of "QE2 jigsaw constructors".  It would be good if they send photos as well.   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Nov 17, 2014, 05:00 PM
That is very good to hear that Sue and Ian McNaught have signed on to fit together QE2 'Evening at Sea'.  Will they want to do it now or wait until after The Trinity House celebrations ?   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Rob Lightbody on Nov 17, 2014, 05:28 PM
I think maybe you should make them 2nd in line if possible?
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Nov 17, 2014, 05:41 PM
Thanks, Rob !

Peter M.
Ian and Sue M.
Pete C.
Isabelle P.
Alan S.
Jim B. ?
John ?
Catherine ?
Lynda B.
Rod ?

I think Pete C. needs to be moved down a few weeks also.  Who will take on the QE2 challenge ?
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Nov 17, 2014, 09:50 PM
Great news - what's the dates of this Trinity House event sequence?

In fact, if he's based at their London HQ that's less than an hour from my house...  So if everyone else is happy to wait a bit, all the pieces can fall in place ( groan! ) for a bit of forum PR here very easily.
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Nov 17, 2014, 10:02 PM
Sounds very good !   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Twynkle on Nov 17, 2014, 11:08 PM
Captain McNaught is Deputy Master of Trinity House.

Just for info - the building has an extremely valuable collection of maritime nautical treasures...just wondering whether they already have
or indeed, would like a QE2 jigsaw to display :)
They are rarely open to the public, however tours can be arranged and rooms are for hire at a cost.
Not so long ago I attended a family gathering at the church of All Hallows by the tower - which also has strong maritime links, this was followed by a special 'event' at Trinity House as well. 
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Nov 17, 2014, 11:15 PM
Handing the jigsaw over would probably be classed as a meeting rather than a public opening, though?  :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Nov 18, 2014, 01:49 PM
Captain McNaught is Deputy Master of Trinity House.

Just for info - the building has an extremely valuable collection of maritime nautical treasures...just wondering whether they already have
or indeed, would like a QE2 jigsaw to display :)
They are rarely open to the public, however tours can be arranged and rooms are for hire at a cost.
Not so long ago I attended a family gathering at the church of All Hallows by the tower - which also has strong maritime links, this was followed by a special 'event' at Trinity House as well.

Marvelous thought, Rosie !  How would we go about finding out if Trinity House have or would like a jigsaw ?  What kind would be appropritate - one that was actually on QE2 ?, a new one of QE2 ? or a new one with QE2 and Capt. McNaught ?   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Twynkle on Nov 18, 2014, 05:05 PM
Why not offer a jigsaw puzzle to Captain McNaught which had already travelled with him on board QE2?
They still come up on eBay fairly often, don't they?

What about this?
We can't be certain of its provenance, however it needs to be an 'old one' - as there's less doubt that it was carried on the ship!
I'll add more here when there's more to report
In the meantime if anyone else is thinking of bidding for this - please can you tip me the wink!

Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Nov 18, 2014, 05:14 PM
Hi Rosie -

Thank you for your e-mail and information and link to the jigsaw.  That one is just like one of the QE2 Story jigsaws currently in circulation, and it was copyright by Cunard in 1967.  I think jdl may be working on this one right now to verify the copyright date.  Please let us know of others you come across.  As far as you know, is anyone in possession of a QE2 jigsaw that was fit together on QE2 ?

June   :D
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Nov 21, 2014, 03:24 PM
Hi Peter - Do you know yet when you will be able to hand off QE2 Jigsaw 'Evening at Sea' to Captain McNaught ?  Pictures for our page here would definitely be in order if it can be arranged.

June   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Nov 21, 2014, 06:16 PM
As soon as the Captain gets in touch ( if Rob hasn't yet passed my e-address on to Captain McNaught he is free to do so ) I will sort out a convenient date for a handover with him as soon as possible.  :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Nov 21, 2014, 06:19 PM
That is awesome, Peter !   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Dec 02, 2014, 07:48 PM
Rob - has Capt. McN got my e-address?  I'm still waiting to hear from him in order to arrange a handover date...
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Dec 14, 2014, 09:23 PM
Update: Contact has been made and pilotage instructions are awaited...
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Dec 15, 2014, 02:52 AM
Very good news, Peter.  Do let us know when pilot is aboard.   :D
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Dec 16, 2014, 12:03 AM
The sailing from Epsom is scheduled for Monday 5th January; it will be a short voyage to Trinity House for handover in person.  :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Dec 16, 2014, 02:28 PM
Hi Peter -

Wonderful news !! and most exciting !!  I hope the voyage will be pleasant and that Captain McNaught will be pleased with QE2 (jigsaw).

June   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Jan 05, 2015, 06:06 PM
Hi Peter -

Has QE2 (jigsaw) made her voyage from Epsom to Trinity House ?

June   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Jan 05, 2015, 11:14 PM
Indeed she has, and Captain McNaught very kindly gave me a quick tour of the very impressive interior of Trinity House while I was there - I had a bit over half an hour with him.

He has said he will forward me some construction progress photographs for me to post up on to the forum in due course.
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Jan 06, 2015, 04:18 PM
Great news, Peter !  That is wonderful that you had some time with Captain McNaught and that he gave you a tour of Trinity House while you were there.  We will look forward with anticipation to photos of Captain McNaught's refit progress.  And I am sure that your painting made into a jigsaw of our beloved QE2 is looking forward to as happy and as long a career as our QE2 !  Now looking forward to the soon to be fitted together QE2 Liverpool Farewell.

June   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Lynda Bradford on Jan 06, 2015, 05:57 PM
Wonderful to hear that Captain McNaught had taken time to give you a tour of Trinity House.  Looking forward to seeing the photos. 
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Feb 26, 2015, 02:05 PM
Hi Peter -

Any word on Captain McNaught's puzzle progress ?  I imagine he is tremendously busy, but just thought I would ask.

June   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Feb 26, 2015, 08:57 PM
Not yet; I'll try to remember to drop him an e-mail tomorrow.
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Feb 26, 2015, 09:10 PM
Great !   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on May 27, 2015, 09:57 PM
Right.... who is next for "Evening at Sea" please?

QE2 has docked after her voyage with Captain McNaught, and what a voyage it has been!  :)

The Master Mariner himself completed the puzzle on 17th February; QE2 then proceeded to his Washington house where his wife completed it and then his son Steven had a go as well, completing it on 22nd May.  What is especially special about that is that Steven McNaught completed QE2 while he was off duty in his place of work... for those who don't know, he is the navigator on board P&O's brand new Britannia.

This means that QE2 has once again been cruising the Mediteranean and Canaries as well as clocking up a round trip to Washington...
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on May 28, 2015, 05:57 PM
Thank you very much, Peter, for the update on QE2's (jigsaw) refits. 

She certainly has had a lot of work done in a short period of time.  Marvelous work Captain McNaught, his wife, and his son.

Do you know how many miles QE2 has put on since the beginning of her travels ?  And just think of the stories that QE2 (jigsaw) had to tell to the new Britannia !   :)

I want to be on the list but perhaps she should make the rounds of the UK before her next Transatlantic !

June   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on May 28, 2015, 08:13 PM
Yes, let's get a few names then see who's nearest to me - might be able to do another very safe person to person handover. :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Isabelle Prondzynski on May 28, 2015, 09:55 PM
I would be interested in July, when I expect to have a period of leisure :) .
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on May 29, 2015, 05:04 PM
Hi Peter -

Did you have a bit of a visit with Captain McNaught upon QE2's return ?

June   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on May 31, 2015, 10:41 PM
Not this time June, it had to be a secure postal return.
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Jun 01, 2015, 05:49 PM
Thanks, Peter !   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Jun 18, 2015, 09:57 PM
Below is the most recent list I can find for who wants to do this one; I have struck through those who have done it.

Who on the list is in the UK please?  And who is nearest to Epsom?

Hi Isabelle - Great news that QE2 Jigsaw Liverpool Calling will soon continue her refit.

Hi Rob - I think that is a marvelous idea to ask Ian and Sue McNaught to do the puzzle.  Will you ask them perhaps ?

Hi Lynda - I am sure after the New Year would be fine.

Revised list -

Peter M.
Ian and Sue M. ?
Pete C.
Isabelle P.
Alan S.
Jim B. ?
John ?
Catherine ?
Lynda B.
Rod ?

June   :D
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Jul 27, 2015, 09:21 PM
Hello?  Anyone???   ( see post above )
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Jul 28, 2015, 03:28 PM
If there are no takers at the moment in the UK, maybe our QE2 (jigsaw) would like to make an Atlantic crossing ?   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Sep 02, 2015, 09:28 PM
Last call for anyone in the UK who wants to do this one.....
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Oct 08, 2015, 07:53 PM
Since Fall is here and thoughts may be turning to inside pursuits, does anyone in the UK want to do a refit on QE2 (jigsaw - Peter Mugridge's marvelous painting "Evening at Sea") ? 

It would be good for QE2 (jigsaw) to do a "Round UK Cruise" before starting on her next Transatlantic.

Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Isabelle Prondzynski on Oct 08, 2015, 10:22 PM
If I may be so bold... I'd love to have a go at this over the Christmas / New Year's break, when the UK shipyards will have done their thing. If I may :) .
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Oct 09, 2015, 01:42 PM
That sounds wonderful, Isabelle !   :)

Does anyone's shipyard have an opening before Christmas/New Year's break ?   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Nov 12, 2015, 08:46 AM
QE2 is departing Epsom for Isabelle's shipyard today.  The voyage continues...  :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Nov 12, 2015, 02:23 PM
Great news !  and I am sure our QE2 (jigsaw) is looking forward to stretching her legs and being on the move again !   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Nov 12, 2015, 11:02 PM
The voyage is under way and will take roughly the same length of time as the real QE2 would for an Atlantic crossing; for anyone wishing to follow her on AIS ( a.k.a. Royal Mail Trace and Trace ) the call sign ( a.k.a. tracking number ) is RN 211 205 8GB.

I rather like the first two letters in the code!
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Nov 13, 2015, 01:56 PM
Hi Peter -

Marvelous news that our QE2 (jigsaw) is under way and making her passage to Isabelle's moorings, which I understand is a very good shipyard ! 

It is interesting that the time is roughly the same as a transatlantic crossing.  Great to be able to follow her AIS and her tracking number is most apt.

In addition to her Royal Navy designation, she is also carrying GB, the first two letters of her call sign.  Sometimes it is very interesting how things line up !

God speed QE2 (jigsaw) !

June   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Isabelle Prondzynski on Nov 18, 2015, 12:06 AM
Thanks to the wonderful sailaway organised by Peter, and calm seas to see her to her refit shipyard, QE2 (jigsaw) has arrived, and a beautiful Evening at Sea is about to be enjoyed :


This refit will take some time but will hopefully give QE2 a lot of TLC :) .

As a jigsaw, she will not be alone, as the picture shows!
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Nov 18, 2015, 08:03 AM
Ah, good - it arrived safely.  :)

Have you found the very special letter in the log book bag?
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Isabelle Prondzynski on Nov 18, 2015, 10:12 AM
Ah, good - it arrived safely.  :)

Have you found the very special letter in the log book bag?

No, the box has not yet been opened... and there is only a small chance that this will happen before Christmas. But be assured that I shall enjoy the jigsaw when the moment comes -- at least initially, while working on QE2 herself...  ;) .
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Nov 18, 2015, 01:23 PM
Great picture, Isabelle, of you welcoming our QE2 (jigsaw) to your shipyard for refit.  The time between now and Christmas will allow her to settle in and enjoy her pleasant and safe surroundings while waiting for her refit to begin.  I am very sure she will be enjoying the TLC being lavished upon her.  June   :)

P.S.  Looking forward to hearing what has been written in the "very special letter" in QE2's (jigsaw) log book !!   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Nov 18, 2015, 08:30 PM
No, the box has not yet been opened...

I bet you're itching with curiosity about the addition to the log aren't you?  ( Like June obviously is! )  I did think about scanning it in to post it on here*, but then I thought... nah, let the next person do that...  ;)

*Blanking any address details first, of course.
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Nov 18, 2015, 08:35 PM
Very good, Peter, very good !   ;D
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Isabelle Prondzynski on Dec 06, 2015, 10:11 PM
Well, here are some much awaited details of the scheduled refit of QE2. It is evening, and she is at sea, but we have received some information as regards her travels in recent months :

Here she is :


And here, we get a bit closer to the details :


The plans for the refit (still requiring finalisation) :


The voyage so far :


Greetings from Captain Ian McNaught (Trinity House) :


Ian McNaught working on the refit :


Greetings from June in Mystic Seaport, where the voyage began, and where QE2 (jigsaw) will be heading in future :


The (jigsaw) refit crew is being assembled, and work is scheduled to begin during the final weeks of December 2015. Looking forward to the result!
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Dec 06, 2015, 10:38 PM
Ah... you found the special letter within the log.  :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Dec 07, 2015, 05:01 PM
Awesome letter in QE2's (jigsaw) log !  That is marvelous that Captain McNaught wrote out a letter to include !  QE2 (jigsaw) has accumulated quite a number of miles "sailed" and is now ready for her next refit.  Glad to hear that refit crew is being assembled !   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Dec 07, 2015, 11:12 PM
You no doubt noticed that QE2 was present on "the rival's" newest boat, quite possibly even on the maiden voyage...?  :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Dec 08, 2015, 01:39 PM
Yes, Peter, I did notice that and thought that it was very good !  Our beloved QE2 (jigsaw) perhaps gave "the new kid on the block (er, ocean)" a few pointers.   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Dec 16, 2015, 03:06 PM
Hi Isabelle - How did our QE2 (jigsaw) fare during the storms that lashed Ireland ?  Did she have to put out to sea, or are your mooring in a sheltered area ?  June   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Isabelle Prondzynski on Dec 16, 2015, 10:43 PM
QE2 (jigsaw) found a sheltered cove at the right time, where the storms were not as bad and the downpours not as severe as elsewhere.

But the jigsaw crew absconded when they were really needed... negotiations are on for them to come back soon, now that fairer weather has returned.
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Lynda Bradford on Dec 16, 2015, 11:13 PM
Good to know that Isabelle is continuing the family tradition of getting the refit crew together for the Christmas refit.  :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Dec 17, 2015, 02:01 PM
Great to know that QE2 (jigsaw) found safe shelter at Isabelle's moorings.  It is no wonder that the jigsaw crew absconded under the conditions.  Glad to know that they will be reassembling !  QE2's (jigsaw) excitement must now be building as the Christmas tradition of her refit approaches !   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Isabelle Prondzynski on Jan 01, 2016, 01:35 PM
Happy new year to everyone here in the Forum! And happy new year also to our QE2, still awaiting her next refit :

(https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5696/24093093715_25abe14d14_z.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/CH2pnv)
Happy new year! (https://flic.kr/p/CH2pnv) by seikinsou (https://www.flickr.com/photos/seikinsou/), on Flickr

The jigsaw is a bit more advanced at this stage, and the refit crew is making (slow...) progress!
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Jan 01, 2016, 01:40 PM
Oh goodness - don't catch any of those pieces on a sleeve or something when leaning across to pick something out will you?!
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Jan 01, 2016, 03:40 PM
Glad to see that the refit crew is assembled and off to a good start !  :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Isabelle Prondzynski on Jan 11, 2016, 11:27 AM
Well, the (jigsaw) refit crew regarded this as a tough assignment! And so, they took on the easiest and most pleasant tasks first :

(https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1581/23627110204_54b1ac9db3_z.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/BZR7H3)
The frame and the centre (https://flic.kr/p/BZR7H3) by seikinsou (https://www.flickr.com/photos/seikinsou/), on Flickr

(https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1500/23930171419_b112c66d79_z.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/CsCofp)
Jigsaw at New Year (https://flic.kr/p/CsCofp) by seikinsou (https://www.flickr.com/photos/seikinsou/), on Flickr

... leaving the more difficult and taxing bits to be tackled later. And then, they drifted away...

As all skilled tradespeople the world over, they were only too happy to abandon a project that had become challenging and needed to be completed, when other work called!

I shall do my best to reassemble them (and assemble the jigsaw) as soon as possible!
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Jan 11, 2016, 06:00 PM
Hi Isabelle -

Thank you very much for the marvelous pictures of QE2's (jigsaw) refit.  I am sure she is enjoying the attention being lavished on her.  It does look as if great progress has been made so far.  The perimeters of her "floating dry dock" have been outlined and then it does appear as if the crew are working on her exterior.  Very good !  The refit crew probably were called away to an "emergency" knowing full well that QE2 (jigsaw) is safe and sound and enjoying her stay at your shipyard.  And since she does not have a deadline to meet, she can relax and relish her time off. 

June   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Lynda Bradford on Jan 11, 2016, 07:42 PM
Well done Isabelle for mustering the crew to try this challenge and hope they return soon to finish the refit.
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Isabelle Prondzynski on Apr 02, 2016, 11:13 PM
A little bit of progress has been made, so I thought I would post a wee update :

(https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1490/24991942024_c7d565526f_z.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/E5seE9)
A little more progress (https://flic.kr/p/E5seE9) by seikinsou (https://www.flickr.com/photos/seikinsou/), on Flickr

Only red and black pieces remain -- it will take a fair while more I think... but she will look so beautiful once the refit is complete!

(https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1458/25326800420_c226c3f3e1_z.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/EA3toL)
All black and red pieces (https://flic.kr/p/EA3toL) by seikinsou (https://www.flickr.com/photos/seikinsou/), on Flickr
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Apr 02, 2016, 11:17 PM
Only red and black pieces remain -- it will take a fair while more I think... but she will look so beautiful once the refit is complete!

Ah... the fun part!  It's challenging, but not as bad as you might think at first sight.
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Lynda Bradford on Apr 03, 2016, 10:35 AM

Only red and black pieces remain -- it will take a fair while more I think... but she will look so beautiful once the refit is complete!

......and it looks like there are a lot of red and black pieces......

Well done Isabelle for keeping with the jigsaw challenge. 
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Apr 05, 2016, 05:56 PM
Good work, Isabelle, and no need to rush her refit.  She appears to be very content to be worked on as time permits.  Thanks for posting the photos and please continue to post photos as work progresses.  June   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Isabelle Prondzynski on Aug 02, 2016, 09:54 PM
She's done! Evening, sea, ship and all :) .

This is how I started, last week-end :

(https://c4.staticflickr.com/9/8272/28470812571_55dd616616_z.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/KnSmEP)
A couple more pieces found (https://flic.kr/p/KnSmEP) by seikinsou (https://www.flickr.com/photos/seikinsou/), on Flickr

And it's all done now. Too dark at present to take a picture, but I shall do so tomorrow.

Now, who would like to take on this challenge? One good thing though...these evenings at sea are long and leisurely... no rush!
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Aug 02, 2016, 10:15 PM
That's good - now do tell, please, how much of a challenge did you find the sea and the sky?  I'm guessing you were cursing a bit while doing it, but once finished you were wondering why it wasn't a bit faster?

It's probably clear now why it took so long to do the actual painting in the first place, bearing in mind that I don't paint "wet on wet"?  :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Isabelle Prondzynski on Aug 02, 2016, 10:34 PM
Luckily, I am not much prone to cursing -- but I did find it a huge challenge, the most difficult jigsaw I've done!

Finally, with the black areas (the sea), I tried out an entirely "new" technique which worked for me amazingly well. And yes, you are right, once it was finished, I did see lots of shades and streaks and wondered why they helped so little during assembly...

I really liked the challenge and eventually wanted the pride of having carried out the refit all on my own -- but I believe that, while my back was turned a fortnight ago, Pia and a couple of friends also helped and deserve some thanks!

The list of interested Forum members is here :

QE2 Jigsaw No. 4 "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
    Isabelle P. (current holder)
    Pete C.
    Alan S.
    Jim B.

Pete, would you like me to send the jigsaw to you? If not, are any of the others on the list interested?

As for myself, I was recently given a 1,500 piece jigsaw as a birthday present -- nothing to do with QE2 for once! It will be very different, and will keep me occupied for the next few months... :) .
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Aug 02, 2016, 10:39 PM
Ah... the shades and streaks don't help much on the jigsaw simply because there are so many of them with little size differential; they are after all the waves in the sea and it's a calm sea...
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Aug 03, 2016, 06:10 PM
Congratulations, Isabelle, and a fine job indeed !  Peter's capture of QE2's elegance at sea in her element is marvelous !  I am sure QE2 (jigsaw) enjoyed her stay at your shipyard.  QE2 Liverpool Calling is currently in my shipyard so having my name at the bottom of this list is good.   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: pete cain on Aug 03, 2016, 08:41 PM
Isabelle, please count me out this time, am still getting through 'Pride of the Clyde ' photo to follow, am done with Jig saws for some time!!!!!!
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Lynda Bradford on Aug 04, 2016, 09:26 AM
Well done Isabelle!
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Isabelle Prondzynski on Aug 04, 2016, 04:02 PM
And here are the final stages of the jigsaw :

(https://c5.staticflickr.com/9/8560/28755742340_70da7b59c5.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/KP3Gn3)
Four gaps remaining (https://flic.kr/p/KP3Gn3) by seikinsou (https://www.flickr.com/photos/seikinsou/), on Flickr

(https://c6.staticflickr.com/9/8248/28686046781_4fe679a38b.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/KGTuit)
Three gaps remaining (https://flic.kr/p/KGTuit) by seikinsou (https://www.flickr.com/photos/seikinsou/), on Flickr

(https://c8.staticflickr.com/9/8812/28686046431_4454d58aa3.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/KGTucr)
Down to two gaps (https://flic.kr/p/KGTucr) by seikinsou (https://www.flickr.com/photos/seikinsou/), on Flickr

(https://c6.staticflickr.com/9/8078/28686046221_113ac3ac7a.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/KGTu8P)
Just one gap (https://flic.kr/p/KGTu8P) by seikinsou (https://www.flickr.com/photos/seikinsou/), on Flickr

(https://c5.staticflickr.com/9/8782/28658260852_035df5718d.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/KEr5vJ)
The final piece of 1000! (https://flic.kr/p/KEr5vJ) by seikinsou (https://www.flickr.com/photos/seikinsou/), on Flickr

(https://c7.staticflickr.com/9/8791/28658260622_e70a9e1f01.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/KEr5rL)
The very last piece to go in (https://flic.kr/p/KEr5rL) by seikinsou (https://www.flickr.com/photos/seikinsou/), on Flickr

(https://c3.staticflickr.com/9/8396/28658260082_e2b4586b1b.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/KEr5hs)
Completed! (https://flic.kr/p/KEr5hs) by seikinsou (https://www.flickr.com/photos/seikinsou/), on Flickr

(https://c3.staticflickr.com/8/7536/28658259762_f317d348cd.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/KEr5bW)
Back into its box it goes (https://flic.kr/p/KEr5bW) by seikinsou (https://www.flickr.com/photos/seikinsou/), on Flickr

Ready to send to the next naval architect ready to give her another refit!
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Aug 04, 2016, 05:54 PM
Absolutely marvelous, Isabelle ! QE2 (jigsaw) looks wonderful on completion of her refit, and her Naval Architect looks very happy with the outcome !   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Isabelle Prondzynski on Aug 21, 2016, 08:54 PM
Pete C has let me know that his shipyard is not available right now for "Evening at Sea". Quite a number of other shipyards (i.e. Forum members) were tendering to undertake this refit -- if you see your name in the quote below, would you like me to send you the jigsaw? Please let me know. I would then ask you to PM me your address, so that I can ship her off to you :) .

QE2 Jigsaw No. 4 "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
    Isabelle P. (current holder)
    Pete C.
    Alan S.
    Jim B.
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Isabelle Prondzynski on Dec 14, 2016, 02:46 PM
Pete C has let me know that his shipyard is not available right now for "Evening at Sea".

Pete's shipyard has been refurbished, and QE2 yesterday set sail with pride (and in the package that already brought her here!) to have some fine rebuilding done.

And so, the updated list is this :

QE2 Jigsaw No. 4 "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
    Isabelle P.
    Pete C. (current holder)
    Alan S.
    Jim B.

Pete, Mrs Pete and Jim, enjoy having QE2 to take care of, and let us know from time to time how she is faring :) .
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Dec 14, 2016, 05:02 PM
Hi Isabelle -

This is very exiting news that QE2 (jigsaw) has set sail for Cain International Shipyard.  I am sure supervisor Jim is ready to receive her along with docking crew.  I understand that Jim is able to get together exceptional staff in all areas of his and Pete and Mrs. Pete's shipyard. 

I look forward to hearing of QE2's arrival and hopefully photos of her and shipyard staff !

June   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: pete cain on Dec 14, 2016, 05:25 PM
Well done Isabelle, I'll give it a go, but wait till post Christmas postal rush I think. Don't know if you have my postal details , let me know & I'll send a PM, once again well done,     pete ;)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: pete cain on Dec 20, 2016, 07:55 PM
Well travelled jigsaw arrived without ceremony today trusted postie Martin, opened door & she slipped in....
local customs have  been cleared(i'e the many knots hand tied by Isabelle, have been released) & crew have been given shore leave until new year 2017. How not to do a jigsaw done by Ian McNaught???????????????
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: pete cain on Jun 26, 2017, 06:03 PM
Just look at the date, I've had this jig saw  for 6 months & have no excuse  whatsoever for not starting & completing it, however events have overtaken me , it looks like I should send it on to a more deserving place (Alan perhaps), pls send me a PM & I'll forward it to you
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Isabelle Prondzynski on Jul 16, 2017, 06:27 PM
It looks like I should send it on to a more deserving place (Alan perhaps), pls send me a PM & I'll forward it to you

Yes, Alan is the next person on the list. Alan, are you ready to take on this refit?
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: pete cain on Aug 30, 2017, 07:53 PM
Isabelle , so sorry not to've replied to your last post, but have got to thinking , I'll bring said jig saw to the 50 event if it helps & do a personal handover, I've sat on it far toooooo long. Let me know Alan regards Pete..
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Aug 30, 2017, 09:40 PM
That gives me an idea...

How long are the conference breaks?  We could have a "mass assembly effort" on this jigsaw at lunchtime with everyone invited to assist...???  Try to do it in record time...
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Trevor Harris on Aug 30, 2017, 11:02 PM
That gives me an idea...

How long are the conference breaks?  We could have a "mass assembly effort" on this jigsaw at lunchtime with everyone invited to assist...???  Try to do it in record time...

That would be really awesome to see.
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Grill Britannia on Sep 02, 2017, 08:39 PM
That would be really awesome to see.
I'm up for that!! :D
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: pete cain on Sep 16, 2017, 05:53 PM
May be a good idea , bt doubt it would be possible without detracting from the main event (shame it isn't over 2 days) , however I'm still willing to bring it through for somebody to do at their leisure , if not , maybe just maybe after Christmas  I'll have a go  ::)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Isabelle Prondzynski on Sep 16, 2017, 08:11 PM
May be a good idea , bt doubt it would be possible without detracting from the main event (shame it isn't over 2 days) , however I'm still willing to bring it through for somebody to do at their leisure , if not , maybe just maybe after Christmas  I'll have a go  ::)

Gav is already bringing "Pride of the Clyde", and one jigsaw is probably enough...

If you're willing to have a go after Christmas -- give it a go! It's a fine jigsaw, and you will enjoy it... over many months... there is no hurry if you can spare the table!
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: pete cain on Dec 18, 2017, 08:25 PM
So:   here it begins 12 months behind schedule, hope this brings a wee smile to Isabelle ;)     bit blurred sorry (not a good start)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Dec 18, 2017, 08:48 PM
All the best, Pete, for a great refit for our QE2 (jigsaw).  I am sure that Jim is ready to assist as needed !   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Isabelle Prondzynski on Dec 18, 2017, 10:47 PM
Great to see that, Pete! And I note with admiration that you have chosen the right colour of plant to go with it :) .
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: pete cain on Dec 22, 2017, 07:41 PM
The last  till after Christmas, have decided to do this as 3 different coloured mini jig saws , it might or not workout , it's packed away again till new year  :-\
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Dec 27, 2017, 03:09 PM
Hi Pete -

Thanks very much for the update on the QE2 refit.  Has Jim been helping out in supervising the refit ?  I know that he checked in with me on when the refit of QE2 (Liverpool Calling) was to start as he was going to have to split his time between Cain International Shipyard and Ingram Shipbuilding.  But I do know that the lad is up to the task !   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: pete cain on Dec 29, 2017, 05:24 PM
House suddenly empty, bad day, rain wind cold--  so why not start with the easy bit, the rest won't be :'(
  Shipyard mascot not to be seen anywhere June,  he's seen & heard all the mutterings before, Will let him off for the 12 days  of Christmas then it's back to work..........
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Isabelle Prondzynski on Dec 29, 2017, 06:56 PM
Looking excellent, Pete! It must be tempting to leave it like that and just feast your eyes on the beautiful ship...

The shipyard mascot is quite right to take the twelve days of Christmas off and renew his energy in time for the more taxing part of the jigsaw :) .
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Pete Hamill on Dec 29, 2017, 09:55 PM
I always start with the outside edges first - at least that way I discover the thing won't fit the table before I've gone too far!
Good luck with the rest!
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Dec 29, 2017, 09:57 PM
I always start with the outside edges first - at least that way I discover the thing won't fit the table before I've gone too far!
Good lick with the rest!

With any jigsaw I, too, always start with the edges - not just for size reasons ( always measure the table first if not sure! ) but it gives a good context for the placement of the rest of the puzzle.
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Dec 30, 2017, 02:14 AM
Looking good, Pete ! And I am sure that the Ship's Mascot is resting up and saving his energy for the upcoming part of the refit !  :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: pete cain on Dec 30, 2017, 02:14 PM
Thanks all, note to 2 Peters, I always have started with the outside also, for the same reasons, I just thought that because this jig saw seems to have different colour zones I'd try & do it as 3 or4 smaller ones & slide them togethr later on & do the surround at the end. 
    Well that's the theory let's see it work out :-\
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Pete Hamill on Dec 30, 2017, 03:04 PM
Professional jigsaw builder indeed!
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Dec 31, 2017, 09:22 PM
And Mascot Jim will make his appearance when he deems it necessary !  :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: pete cain on Jan 10, 2018, 07:29 PM
 The story so far:   not  a lot to show for a lot of work, but 1/3 complete, I'm sick of Red tones , so am going for the black, that is , black,   black with green,   black with blue,    black with who knows?
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: pete cain on Jan 10, 2018, 07:30 PM
Oh & the dock staff have been left wanting (big style)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Jan 10, 2018, 08:00 PM
Great progress, Pete ! and many thanks for the update.  It appears that the dock staff are catching up on rest to be on hand whenever needed ?!   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Jan 10, 2018, 09:45 PM
The story so far:   not  a lot to show for a lot of work, but 1/3 complete, I'm sick of Red tones , so am going for the black, that is , black,   black with green,   black with blue,    black with who knows?

Well... trust me, assembling the jigsaw isn't as bad as actually doing the original painting.  At least with the jigsaw you can't drop a brush* at a critical moment and have to do an awkward bit again later - and ensure the colour mix matches exactly!

*The story is in the thread where I was posting progress reports while actually creating it.
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Isabelle Prondzynski on Jan 10, 2018, 11:37 PM
I think the dock staff are highly vigilant -- trust is good (i.e. keeping their distance) but control is better (as you will note from the ever watchful eye).

I am most impressed by the jigsaw progress and the way you are tackling it!

My own current jigsaw (2016 tiny pieces to be assembled into Mount Fuji) is making no progress at all and may be the first one to be abandoned... but maybe only temporarily, I have too much pride...
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Pete Hamill on Jan 12, 2018, 01:05 PM
I think the dock staff have the right idea  8)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: pete cain on Jan 19, 2018, 08:15 PM
 Gettin' there only 257 pieces to go ( WHO's counting :-X)
 Well Jim isn't
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Jan 19, 2018, 08:18 PM
Great work, Pete !  Thanks very much for sharing the progress !   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Rob Lightbody on Jan 19, 2018, 08:33 PM
Gettin' there only 257 pieces to go ( WHO's counting :-X)
 Well Jim isn't

Well done! Last bit looks like it might be the hardest though!
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Isabelle Prondzynski on Jan 19, 2018, 09:05 PM
I really admire your technique, Pete! So organised and so tidy, and all that with a really difficult jigsaw.

257 pieces will hopefully fall into place quite easily -- and maybe the supervisor will even encourage you!?
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Pete Hamill on Jan 22, 2018, 04:35 PM
I find scissors often help with the tricky parts . . . .
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: pete cain on Jan 23, 2018, 08:00 PM
Earlier today, as they say on the telly.

 note to Pete H, scissors at the ready , thanks for the hint, could've cut this beauty up a few times!.
 The pen is used to point to a gap when I take a piece out to try for fit,  after a while I forget where I took the piece from, old age eh  :)
  If I get a good day tomorrow, it'll be done, send a search party out for the dock staff, for the photo op..
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Jan 24, 2018, 01:45 PM
Awesome work, Pete !  Congratulations and champagne toast at ready for the final piece !   :)

Did dock staff have other commitments to oversee ?  I do know he's due for a Trans-Atlantic very soon !

Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: pete cain on Jan 25, 2018, 03:45 PM
After what must be one of the longest refits to date (June you're not far behind) QE2 sits awaiting her next port of call . Thanks for an interesting & challanging picture .. Pete M.
   As for the reluctant hero, he wasn't in the mood for a photo shoot (again)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Thomas Hypher on Jan 25, 2018, 03:49 PM
After what must be one of the longest refits to date (June you're not far behind) QE2 sits awaiting her next port of call . Thanks for an interesting & challanging picture .. Pete M.
   As for the reluctant hero, he wasn't in the mood for a photo shoot (again)

Excellent job and excellent painting! What breed is he?  :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: pete cain on Jan 25, 2018, 04:40 PM
Hi Thomas, he's a Whippet who thinks he's better than the rest of us, aloof I think you'd say
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: June Ingram on Jan 25, 2018, 05:46 PM
Hi Pete -

Yes, indeed, QE2 (jigsaw Liverpool Calling) is still patiently awaiting the refit crew.  Hopefully, soon !  I said that a couple of times before.

Jim, who is indeed a fine looking lad, will be supervising QE2's refit at my shipyard soon.

June   :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Thomas Hypher on Jan 25, 2018, 06:05 PM
Hi Thomas, he's a Whippet who thinks he's better than the rest of us, aloof I think you'd say

I'm much more a cat person, but I particularly like Whippets (and a couple of other breeds) among dogs. Yes I'm familiar with aloofness in another context I won't mention here  ;)

Back to topic!  :)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: pete cain on Feb 02, 2018, 08:12 PM
SOOOOO peoples, Qe2 needs another refit, the Alan S ship repairers are unavailable, anybody out there ready to give this beauty a go?.   She's well behaved, complicated as befits her era, but rewarding as a contract completed, to let go for new horizons.
  She can stay here for ever, but is designed to 'be out there doin' her stuff'
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Isabelle Prondzynski on Feb 02, 2018, 09:24 PM
Congratulations, Pete! Looking forward to seeing the final product :) .
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: pete cain on May 13, 2018, 04:01 PM
I've a feeling that this wee masterpiece will be laid up for as long as the 'real thing', if somebody doesn't show any interest. I don't mind she can stay safely anchored here & I get to look at the Mc naught signature for a while longer, so with the tumbleweed blowing around, is there anybody out there????????????
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Isabelle Prondzynski on May 13, 2018, 07:04 PM
Dear Pete,

Thank you for the reminder! I have sent a message to Alan, Jim, John, Catherine, Rod and June, all of whom had indicated a wish to take on this jigsaw :


Hopefully, this will give us the information that will help us to establish the best route for it to continue on its way.

Just as the life-sized QE2 re-awakens, this jigsaw will want to re-awaken too!
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on May 13, 2018, 08:42 PM
I've a feeling that this wee masterpiece will be laid up for as long as the 'real thing', if somebody doesn't show any interest. I don't mind she can stay safely anchored here & I get to look at the Mc naught signature for a while longer, so with the tumbleweed blowing around, is there anybody out there????????????

Pete - thinking of the record of the travels of the jigsaw, you do realise you now have your own "log book" entry on the same piece of paper as him don't you...?  :D 8)
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Isabelle Prondzynski on May 14, 2018, 09:55 AM
We have news! Jim Bennett has started to prepare his dry dock for the refit  ;D .

Rod no longer has the space -- he has my full sympathy, as I am confronted with a slightly similar problem.

Looking forward to hearing from the others, and very happy to add further names to the list.

Pete, you can start organising a sailaway date with the pilot!
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: pete cain on May 14, 2018, 05:17 PM
Pete - thinking of the record of the travels of the jigsaw, you do realise you now have your own "log book" entry on the same piece of paper as him don't you...?  :D 8)

 Nice one Pete , hadn't thought of it that way, guess my charges will have to increase with all that kudos ;D
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: pete cain on May 19, 2018, 07:53 PM
Well then, ignoring Royal wedding protocols (why not when QE2 is concerned), Jim & self called in to our little Post office (aka departure terminal) this morning, duly carried out Customs duties (posted it), & dock staff untied our lady & sent her into the wild blue yonder (if only, really only) i/e took it from us & sent it down the chute.
  Jim seemed relieved I think, or was it the thought of getting home & having treats, who knows.
 Any way Godspeed to Jim in Cambridgeshire ;) & thanks to Pete M for this beauty..
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Isabelle Prondzynski on May 19, 2018, 08:02 PM
Wonderful, Pete! And to think that you even had workers on hand to help her on her sailaway :) .

And now...  ;) ... which jigsaw would you like next?

Greetings to both Jims! Enjoy whatever the week-end has in store for you :) .
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Isabelle Prondzynski on Dec 26, 2022, 08:33 PM
Looking at the above correspondence, it seems to me that the current holder of this jigsaw is Jim Bennett.

Previous holder : Pete Cain
Owner : Peter Mugridge

Could we clarify please where the jigsaw is at present, and whether it should be sent back to Peter Mugridge now?
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Dec 27, 2022, 07:49 PM
Am I actually the owner, though?

I have a vague recollection triggered by June's comment on one of the other jigsaw threads a few minutes ago that I originally made the image available so that the jigsaw could be created as one of the calendar competition prizes and it then went on tour around the membership...?

Genuinely can't remember now...!!!

One point about all these jigsaws floating around ( pun intended ); those that are not back at their home port right now - I should flag up for those who are not in the UK that we have a long running postal strike in this country at the moment which has led to huge delays and backlogs and even most of the courier companies are experiencing delays because of so many people switching away from Royal Mail while the strikes are on.

Although the most recent post strike dates have passed, the union can call further strikes at 14 days notice and everyone does expect further strikes will be called.

This means it may not be safe at the moment to send anything unique to or within the UK.
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Isabelle Prondzynski on Dec 28, 2022, 09:22 AM
Thank you for responding, Peter!

Let us then conclude that :

(i) you are the owner of the "Evening at Sea" jigsaw,
(ii) Jim Bennett is kindly requested to return it to you as soon as possible,
(iii) Peter, if you want to make it available as a prize in a photo competition, please let us know -- but that would be a separate issue.

Please let us know how things develop from here :) .
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Dec 28, 2022, 08:21 PM
I'd be more than happy to have it - I just can't remember if we did issue it as a prize to someone or not... it's several years ago now and my memory is... well... I'm not going to search through dozens of threads!  :D
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: pete cain on Dec 30, 2022, 01:09 PM
Isabelle/Peter, is that the jigsaw witch Cpt Mcnaught  completed?, if so I remember sending Jim a message yonks ago asking  for it to be returned, never had a reply-- sorry if this is a red herring.
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Lynda Bradford on Dec 30, 2022, 03:29 PM
You have a good memory Pete it was the jigsaw Captain McNaught completed.

This is the link to the post

The last entry looks like departed Epsom for Ireland

Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Lynda Bradford on Dec 30, 2022, 03:39 PM
Pete you mentioned in post 236 that you had posted the jigsaw to Jim in Cambridgeshire. I think this is Jim Bennet.
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Isabelle Prondzynski on Dec 30, 2022, 06:44 PM
This is the link to the post

The last entry looks like departed Epsom for Ireland

That is quite right, but that is not where the jigsaw ended up. Last heard of when Jim Bennett got his shipyard ready :)  .

Looking forward to some news!
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Dec 30, 2022, 08:28 PM
That's correct - it's not always the case that the logbooks get posted on here at every move.

Good grief - was it really that many years ago?!?!?
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Lynda Bradford on Dec 30, 2022, 10:14 PM
That is quite right, but that is not where the jigsaw ended up. Last heard of when Jim Bennett got his shipyard ready :)  .

Looking forward to some news!

That’s correct and what I posted. I only mentioned the log in relation to the entries last posted .  I followed up with the following. So looks like Jim may still have the jigsaw.

Pete you mentioned in post 236 that you had posted the jigsaw to Jim in Cambridgeshire. I think this is Jim Bennet.

Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Isabelle Prondzynski on Jan 01, 2023, 08:51 PM
That’s correct and what I posted. I only mentioned the log in relation to the entries last posted .  I followed up with the following. So looks like Jim may still have the jigsaw.

Does anyone here know Jim, to give him a gentle nudge? He has not responded to my messages.

Pete, you may still have his address. If so, could you let me have it by PM please, so that I send him a card with our request?
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: pete cain on Jan 28, 2023, 04:14 PM
Isabelle , sorry for the delay, unfortunately, I don't have contact details , maybe it'll never be recovered :(
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Rod on Jan 28, 2023, 08:34 PM
I sent him a message couple of weeks ago. Will send another.
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Isabelle Prondzynski on Feb 10, 2023, 06:20 PM
I sent him a message couple of weeks ago. Will send another.

Thank you, Rod, for having tracked down Jim Bennett! Three cheers!

He apologises for his long silence and is happy to send the jigsaw back to Peter, and so I shall encourage him to ask Peter for his address. All good things come (back) to him who waits :) .
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Feb 22, 2023, 09:41 PM
QE2 made best speed to Epsom and docked safely this morning.  :)

Jim is extremely good at wrapping things securely and making them watertight; it took me twenty minutes to get through all the brown tape. If only everyone was as careful as him when sending one-off items to people...  :)

Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: Isabelle Prondzynski on Feb 27, 2023, 09:36 PM
So glad to read that the QE2 (jigsaw) has returned to her home port. That is definitely one to treasure!
Title: Re: QE2 Story Jigsaw "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Post by: pete cain on Nov 23, 2024, 02:21 PM
It only goes to show how long it is since I corresponded on (in?) the  forum,  I don't know why my memory was jogged about this item
  but, as I was directly involved at the time --- being the last person to handle said jig saw & all the valuable memorabalia attached to it
  was concerned to say the least.
  Having belatedly read the above  thread I am so glad things turned out o k , & it is back where it now docks  good news