QE2 Story Forum
Community => The QE2 Story Jigsaws => Topic started by: Lynda Bradford on May 15, 2014, 08:01 PM
Hi Isabelle - Thank you very much for your post. I do believe both QE2s (jigsaws) are moored at their respective houses and are in the process of refit. I too would like to see a 750 piece jigsaw and I think the one I have chosen from the calendar will provide enough detail to make it enjoyable to fit together but add a little bit of "frustration" into the mix (there always has to be some water where there is our QE2). June :D
sounds good to me :)
Hi Lynda -
Thank you very much for your post. Now I have to contact the person who took the photo and get their permission, then Alan so kindly said he would get it ready to print, and then we will be on our way. I think it would be very nice to have the person's name who took the picture and Alan's name in one lower corner and QE2 Story in the other lower corner.
June :)
Hi June,
Just a couple of ideas....Might it be a good idea to have a puzzle that is as near as possible similar to the size of the jigsaws we did on board?
They were completed on a big table, below the great picture of the Mauritania.
Isabelle, am incorrect in thinking you might have taken a photograph during your autumn sojourn in 2008?
This would give us some idea of the measurements....possibly 3' x 2'? Almost certainly 1000 pieces!
If you chose a large size, instead of one image of QE2, might it then be an idea to have a collage of images printed onto jigsaw card!
Well, all these ideas sound great!
This would give us some idea of the measurements....possibly 3' x 2'? Almost certainly 1000 pieces!
I was suspecting 2,000 pieces -- but amazingly I captured a box, and what does it say? 1,000 pieces just as you guessed :) .
(https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3169/2688853612_719c0e5196_b.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/56B5v3)The jigsaw table (https://flic.kr/p/56B5v3) by prondis_in_kenya (https://www.flickr.com/people/55206992@N00/), on Flickr
Well, I'd certainly prefer a 1000 piece puzzle rather than the smaller numbers... :)
Yeah - Isabelle - You are so Cool, and Such a Star!
(Was it in your Autumn Sojourn collection, btw?)
So June - it'll be brilliant if you can make the puzzle as difficult as is possible ;) - With Loads of Federal Gray hull, much white aluminiun, fair amount of Red, preferably with a hint of orange, and as much sea, waves and sky as is possible! It may be that anothoer photo from the Gallery fits the bill - and an an acknowledgement with something like 'Courtesy of....'
This will be a masterpiece - and QE2 will love it!
Hi June,
Just a couple of ideas....Might it be a good idea to have a puzzle that is as near as possible similar to the size of the jigsaws we did on board?
They were completed on a big table, below the great picture of the Mauritania.
Isabelle, am incorrect in thinking you might have taken a photograph during your autumn sojourn in 2008?
This would give us some idea of the measurements....possibly 3' x 2'? Almost certainly 1000 pieces!
If you chose a large size, instead of one image of QE2, might it then be an idea to have a collage of images printed onto jigsaw card!
Hi Rosie -
Thank you very much for your post and all of your great ideas. I think having a jigsaw the same size as the ones on board is great - 1000 pieces sound good. I was also thinking of a large puzzle with a collage of pictures from the calendar. Perhaps there are two jigsaws in the making.
June :D
Thank you, Isabelle, for posting the great picture of the jigsaw on board. Yes, 1000 pieces.
Peter, thanks for your comment of size. I think we are heading toward 1000 pieces.
Adam, thank you for your post. You had mentioned earlier about 500 pieces. We have two jigsaw circulating now that are 500 pieces, so I think we are ready to move up in our challenge.
June :)
Yeah - Isabelle - You are so Cool, and Such a Star!
(Was it in your Autumn Sojourn collection, btw?)
So June - it'll be brilliant if you can make the puzzle as difficult as is possible ;) - With Loads of Federal Gray hull, much white aluminiun, fair amount of Red, preferably with a hint of orange, and as much sea, waves and sky as is possible! It may be that anothoer photo from the Gallery fits the bill - and an an acknowledgement with something like 'Courtesy of....'
This will be a masterpiece - and QE2 will love it!
Hi Rosie _
Thank you very much for this post too. I appreciate your interest very much ! It was great that Isabelle provided instantaneously the perfect example !! :)
I think I have a good selection of difficulty and encouragement. And definitely, yes, we do need to put "courtesy of" for the photographer, and a thank you to Alan for readying it for print, and QE2 story also on the puzzle. It will be one of a kind ! and I am very excited.
June ;D
Adam, thank you for your post. You had mentioned earlier about 500 pieces. We have two jigsaw circulating now that are 500 pieces, so I think we are ready to move up in our challenge.
June :)
I actually prefer the idea of having a 1000 peice jigsaw! :)
Update - I have just contacted Ravensburger regarding shipping a puzzle to the US. It does not appear that they ship to the US. An option would be that I set it up and pay for it and then have it shipped to Rob, Isabelle, Lynda, or Alan. I will wait to hear back from Ravensburger and I am awaiting permission to use a particular photo. June :D
Update - I have just contacted Ravensburger regarding shipping a puzzle to the US. It does not appear that they ship to the US. An option would be that I set it up and pay for it and then have it shipped to Rob, Isabelle, Lynda, or Alan. I will wait to hear back from Ravensburger and I am awaiting permission to use a particular photo. June :D
Sounds great!
Making progress !! ;D
Making progress !! ;D
I have just now heard from a Ravensburger representative, and they have a US branch located in New Hampshire. :)
How is the progress regarding the QE2 Story Forum Jigsaws June?
How is the progress regarding the QE2 Story Forum Jigsaws June?
Hi Adam -
The picture is chosen, it will soon be prepped for production and be made available to be uploaded to Ravenburger for the puzzle.
So, soon, there will be a third QE2 making her way around the globe !!
June ;D
Great! ;D
The new QE2 jigsaw is almost ready to be sent off for production. I think Forum members will really like it when it goes into circulation.
Each member must be sure there is adequate docking space at your house to accommodate our QE2's arrival (jigsaw) at your home.
Our QE2 may be stuck in Dubai, but she is still travelling the world by proxy !! ;D
Great news, June! I shall certainly want to make that sure she docks at my place (although I shall need to do some dredging first...).
Looking forward to a picture once she is launched :) .
While on the subject, what is the current status of the two circulating jigsaws?
Hi Isabelle - Thanks for your post and yes, dredging should be in order soon ! Launching should be soon although exact date not yet set.
Yes, Peter, I was wondering too where QE2 (jigsaws) are currently docked.
June ;D
I have one that I promise I will start this weekend!
QE2 Jigsaw #3 is scheduled for launch shortly after noon Eastern Daylight Time in the US tomorrow, Wednesday, July 2, 2014.
She will then move directly to the fitting out basin.
June :)
The photograph for QE2's jigsaw number 736C is "Liverpool Calling" by Alan Kirby. He has kindly and generously granted his permission to use his photograph for the new jigsaw. Alan Snelson, who generously gave of his time and talents, and I have been working together to ready the photograph for production. "Liverpool Calling" was chosen in honor of our QE2 and also of The QE2 Story's Gathering in Liverpool in May. June :)
The photograph for QE2's jigsaw number 736C is "Liverpool Calling" by Alan Kirby. He has kindly and generously granted his permission to use his photograph for the new jigsaw. Alan Snelson, who generously gave of his time and talents, and I have been working together to ready the photograph for production. "Liverpool Calling" was chosen in honor of our QE2 and also of The QE2 Story's Gathering in Liverpool in May. June :)
Really looking forward to seeing her starting her new cruise! I wonder what new adventures await her...
Hi Isabelle -
Thank you very much for your post. I am sure the new jigsaw will enjoy entering service and by proxy adding many more miles to our beloved QE2's record.
Update - Yard Number 736C was launched (ordered) at precisely 12:30 PM US Eastern Daylight Time. She was named Liverpool Calling by Alan Kirby and has moved to the fitting out basin (production). She should be ready for sea trials (shipping) in approximately 10 days.
Thank you again very much to Alan Kirby for allowing us to use his photograph and to Alan Snelson for preparing the photo for production.
June :)
News update --
QE2 Jigsaw Yard Number 736C set off on sea trials today according to her builders.
She should arrive at the dock at my house within 2-3 days.
June ;D
Great news June. ;D
Yes, Adam, great news and I am very much excited to see her !! June ;D
...I am very much excited to see her !! June ;D
I'm sure you are! :)
Looking forward to seeing photos.
Hi Lynda -
Thank you very much for your post.
When I arrived home from work yesterday evening, QE2 (Jigsaw No. 736C - C stands for the third jigsaw in circulation) was docked at my house and happily awaiting my arrival home. She had a wonderfully satisfactory and enjoyable sea trial and is pulling at her lines to be off on her maiden voyage. More to follow about that and more pictures to follow too. Whether our beloved QE2 is in the flesh or in the form of a jigsaw, she is just absolutely beautiful !
June ;D
Here are a couple more pictures. June :)
The new QE2 puzzle has 1000 pieces and is in a handsome metal box with the photo on the cover. Attached are two closeups. June :)
The new QE2 puzzle has 1000 pieces and is in a handsome metal box with the photo on the cover. Attached are two closeups. June :)
Goodness, June -- congratulations! This is excellent news and I am not surprised that she is tugging at her lines.
For the purposes of travel, the metal box will come in very useful.
I wonder did Ravensburger say whether she would also be offered to other potential crew, passengers or enthusiasts? If so, we could advertise the deal a bit via our Facebook and Twitter accounts.
Thank you, June, for having done a wonderful job for the Forum! And thanks also to both Alans (Kirby and Snelson) for the photo and the advice on same.
Hi Isabelle -
Thank you very much for your post and kind words.
Yes, the metal box is very sturdy and will provide our QE2 (jigsaw) great protection.
I will check with Ravensburger and find out what the cost would be for additional puzzles.
And, again, many thanks to Alan Kirby for allowing use of his photograph and to Alan Snelson for preparing the photo for production and offering sound advice on its production.
June :)
It looks fantastic! :) and I second your thanks to Alan Kirby and Alan Snelson
and a big thank-you to June for organising this :)
Hi Lynda -
Thank you very much for your post regarding the puzzle and your kind words.
The puzzle pieces came shipped inside a sealed plastic bag inside the metal box. The colors of the puzzle pieces look to be very good and the thickness of the pieces appear to be sturdy.
The turn around time between ordering QE2 and her arrival at my house was amazingly fast - just like our QE2 out on the Atlantic. :)
Glad to see it has docked safely at your house June. I look forward to seeing photos of the completed jigsaw. Enjoy ;D
The jigsaw looks wonderful June, fantastic! Well done and thank you!
Hi Alan - Thank you very much for your post and thank you very much for all of your help. I could not have carried through with the project were it not for your generosity of time, and your expertise and talent.
Our QE2 is straining at her lines to be off, but starting a voyage on a Friday is probably not the best idea.
So forthwith, QE2 jigsaw will be sailing for Isabelle's house. Since Isabelle was the first person to loan her jigsaw, it would be nice if Isabelle fits together our new jigsaw for the first time.
Then I thought QE2 (jigsaw) might like to go to Lynda's house and to your house.
And perhaps now, we could start adding names to the list of those who would like a visit from our QE2 (jigsaw).
June ;D
The jigsaw looks wonderful June, fantastic! Well done and thank you!
Thank you, Rob, very much for your kind words. I do appreciate it very much ! This has been a work in progress by many of us on The Forum and it has been exciting to see it take place. I can not tell you how excited I was to come home yesterday and find QE2 at my door (It made me think of your picture on the calendar "Can I take her home with me") !
June ;D
Hi All --
QE2 (Jigsaw No. 736C) has embarked on her maiden voyage and is currently headed to Isabelle's house, where I believe the dredging is completed at QE2's dock.
Updates on her voyage will be posted as received.
June ;D
QE2 (Jigsaw No. 736C) has embarked on her maiden voyage and is currently headed to Isabelle's house, where I believe the dredging is completed at QE2's dock.
Excellent news, June! Dredging has been completed and all dockers have been notified that she is underway, arrival time as yet unknown.
Jigsaw crew are standing by and camera batteries being recharged.
Greatly looking forward to this new adventure! Thank you, June, for allowing me to provide her first port of call :) .
Hi Isabelle -
Thank you very much for your post. I am glad to hear that dredging has been completed and glad to hear the dockers are awaiting her arrival, as well as the jigsaw crew. She was very anxious to begin her voyage so I think she will be making good time. Her arrival should be between 22 July and 26 July.
Thank you, Isabelle, for allowing QE2's (Jigsaw No. 736C) maiden voyage destination to be at your house. I hope you will be pleased with her as well as all who follow in fitting her together at their respective houses.
June :)
QE2 (Jigsaw No.736C) voyage status -
She departed the USPS Sort Facility in Springfield, Massachusetts, USA, this morning, Thursday, 17 July at 5:01 AM.
QE2 (Jigsaw No. 736C) voyage status --
Our beloved QE2 (in jigsaw form) cleared ISC New York NY at 3:58 PM EDT yesterday 17 July 2014.
She is currently en route to Ireland.
Thanks for providing the virtual AIS for us June. ;)
Hi Adam -
She is adding more miles to our beloved QE2's record by proxy as Peter had mentioned regarding one of the other jigsaws !
June ;D
Good to know that the QE2 jigsaw No. 736C is making good progress on her journey.
Hi Lynda - Thank you very much for your post. Since she only covered 147 miles from the Shipyard (manufacturer) to her dock at my house, she is taking if off to an easy start and bringing herself up to speed gradually. Now that she is actually away and at sea, her progress will be quite fast. June ;D
No virtual AIS reading so far today, so our QE2 (Jigsaw No. 736C) must still be in transit over the Atlantic or perhaps waiting to go through customs.
There is a log sheet inside her box logging the first 147 miles covered.
June ;D
Hi Isabelle -
Be sure to have your docking crew and your puzzle crew ready !
Virtual AIS gives the following information --
21 July processed through sort facility in Ireland at 4:08 PM.
22 July arrival at post office in Ireland at 6:24 AM.
22 July delivered in Ireland at 8:30 AM.
June ;D
Hello June,
Amazing what the virtual AIS can tell us!
Despite the early hour, the dockers were ready as they always have been for QE2, and she has landed safely.
The puzzle crew are now being assembled, and are expected to be fully operational by the week-end.
More reports to follow! :)
Hi Isabelle -
Thank you very much for your post and I am so excited that our QE2 (jigsaw) has docked at your house. I knew that your dock workers would be ready !
Glad to hear that the puzzle crew is being assembled and will soon be at work.
Have an awesome day !
June :)
The big day has dawned, and the jigsaw crew have got down to work. Here is a little progress report in picture form :
By this evening, when daylight had faded, we had assembled most of the frame and sorted some of the pieces into areas of the same colour. This picture is excellent for a jigsaw, with sufficient variety to allow for some progress, and sufficient difficulty to keep us interested. Thank you all -- Alan Kirby, Alan Snelson and of course June Ingram!
It is a good thing, by the way, that the jigsaw is safe in its metal box. This has already received its first few dents during a stormy transatlantic...
I have created a new album in the QE2Story Gallery for jigsaw pictures -- this is here :
Great news Isabelle. I'm looking forward to seeing it finished.
Hi Isabelle -
Thank you very much for your progress report and pictures and to see our QE2 (jigsaw) during her refit. I do hope you and the puzzle crew are enjoying her. You have made great progress already, and yes, the metal box will serve well as protection. Thank you very much for creating a jigsaw gallery - marvelous idea !
Have a wonderful day and continued enjoyment !
June :)
The QE2Story jigsaw after two days :
The photos are in the Gallery, here :
Thanks to all involved -- I am really enjoying this! June, you chose an eminently suitable photo -- just the right degree of complication for us here! And of course it is lovely to fit together QE2 all over again and see her again at her best.
I am not sure if I will be up to the jigsaw challenge but will give it a try. Isabelle has a very experienced jigsaw team (QE2 trained)
Hi Isabelle -
Thank you very much for your post, and I am so pleased to see our beloved QE2 (jigsaw) taking shape. Marvelous job to you and your puzzle crew. QE2's first refit is certainly moving along. Thank you very much for the pictures and for adding them to the gallery !
Hi Lynda -
I am sure you will be up to the jigsaw challenge, as QE2 (jigsaw) is very much excited about returning to the Clyde after her stay at Isabelle's dock in Ireland. I am sure our QE2 (jigsaw) is feeling very well cared for as she will have many refits in a short period of time. Is Alan Snelson next after QE2's stay on the Clyde ?
June :)
Well done Isabelle, it looks like you are off to a flying start. I am looking forward to seeing the finished puzzle.
I would be happy to receive her at our house for another rebuild after she has passed through her birthplace.
Hi Alan -
I am very pleased to hear that you will be hosting our QE2 (jigsaw) at your home dock for her next refit after her visit to The Clyde. I believe she is a very happy ship (jigsaw) with prospects of visiting many who adore her.
June :)
Hi Peter -
Would a visit from our QE2 (jigsaw) be in order at the dock at your home after Lynda and Alan S. Dredging is completed ?
June :D
Yes please - and I think I'm still in line for one of the older ones aren't I? :)
I'm also prepared to offer this image for a future jigsaw should one be arranged - I do have a professional digital scan of it somewhere...
Looking forward to welcoming QE2 back to Scotland. I have a couple of cadets who are currently training in Crete who I hope will be able to help with the QE2 refit. :)
Yes please - and I think I'm still in line for one of the older ones aren't I? :)
I'm also prepared to offer this image for a future jigsaw should one be arranged - I do have a professional digital scan of it somewhere...
Hi Peter -
Thank you very much for your post. That is great that our beloved QE2 (jigsaw) will make her way to the dock at your home for another refit - so Lynda, Alan, Peter so far.
Yes, I am sure you are on the list for one of the older jigsaws.
Your image is spectacular and would make a great jigsaw. Thanks very much for offering it and yes, it would be awesome to have another jigsaw made up.
If all of the jigsaws are "cruising" worldwide, can you even imagine the mileage our QE2 is adding to her record even if it is by proxy.
June :)
Looking forward to welcoming QE2 back to Scotland. I have a couple of cadets who are currently training in Crete who I hope will be able to help with the QE2 refit. :)
Hi Lynda -
Thank you very much for your post, and I am very pleased to hear that you have cadets in training and will be in Scotland for QE2's refit. I do believe that one of the aspects of "Cunard Cadets" training includes the fitting together of a QE2 jigsaw.
June :)
Progress has been made.
The funnel and mast had been dismantled for the refit, but were doing well.
The superstructure almost completely refitted, and the funnel back in position.
Now, just as the jigsaw crew started to tackle the hull with great vigour, it received a call to report for duties to refurbish the interior. We shall therefore not see them from this angle for a while, but as soon as the new carpets are laid and the furniture has been freshly upholstered, they will reappear here to finish refitting the hull.
Finally, of course, they will also need to create a port and some weather -- after which they are scheduled to sail away to their next destination!
Hi Isabelle -
Thank you very much for creating the new topic for our beloved QE2 (jigsaw).
Great progress has been made by the awesome jigsaw crew ! She is looking very good undergoing her current refit ! That is very exciting that the jigsaw crew have been called to refurbish QE2's interior. I am sure it will be very well done with port and weather awaiting their return !
I am sure that our QE2 is thoroughly enjoying the attention being lavished on her and I am sure the well-trained jigsaw crew is thoroughly enjoying completing her first new refit.
June :)
Looks as though you are making great progress Isabelle, keep up the good work.
This is what I have for our QE2's itinerary (Jigsaw No. 736C) so far -
After Isabelle's house, then
Lynda Bradford
Alan Snelson
Peter Mugridge
Pete Cain
Have I left someone off the list inadvertently ?
June :)
Have I left someone off the list inadvertently ?
Yourself, June :) .
The interior work refitting QE2 is going well so far, although it is quite a major job. Hopefully, the crew will be released soon to continue working on the hull, the port and the weather!
Hi Isabelle -
Thank you very much for your post. Yes, definitely, me ! :)
I am most pleased to learn that the interior work refitting our QE2 is going well. Yes, indeed, it is a major job as this is her first refit. All good wishes to the jigsaw crew when they finish the interior work and continue on her hull and the port and weather in Liverpool !
How's QE2's fitting out going Isabelle?
How's QE2's fitting out going Isabelle?
Going well, thank you Adam. I expect to reassemble the jigsaw crew at the end of next week to enjoy the fresh air once more and get the exterior properly ship-shape!
We shall then need a second jigsaw to show all the work they did on the interior! ;)
Going well, thank you Adam. I expect to reassemble the jigsaw crew at the end of next week to enjoy the fresh air once more and get the exterior properly ship-shape!
Great news.
We shall then need a second jigsaw to show all the work they did on the interior! ;)
I must say, I do like your thinking :)
Hi Isabelle -
Many thanks for the update on the most recent refit for our QE2 (Jigsaw No.736C). How many miles of carpeting did your crew put down ?
Do you have any "photos" of the interior work which could make a jigsaw ?
My jigsaw crew is assembling and passing muster to be ready to start on the refit of QE2 (jigsaw no.2) this weekend.
June :D
Many thanks for the update on the most recent refit for our QE2 (Jigsaw No.736C).
The interior work is progressing well, but has been delayed a bit, as one of the key workers was careless and had an accident while cycling to a local pub during his off duty hours. His arm is now covered in plaster, and while we are waiting for his replacement to take up duty, work has been slowed down.
I am glad to see that a discussion on QE2 artwork and future jigsaws is taking place in the meantime, here :
Hi Isabelle -
Thank you very much for your message and so sorry to hear that one of the key workers has been injured in an accident. I do hope that key worker will make a speedy recovery. I am sure, though, that our beloved QE2 (Jigsaw No.736C) is enjoying her time moored at your house where she is safe and sound.
June :)
Hi Isabelle -
Thank you very much for your message and so sorry to hear that one of the key workers has been injured in an accident. I do hope that key worker will make a speedy recovery. I am sure, though, that our beloved QE2 (Jigsaw No.736C) is enjoying her time moored at your house where she is safe and sound.
June :)
I am afraid the time has come to confess that the injured crew member is myself, although I am sure that you might have guessed! Although I was not actually cycling to a pub at nighttime, but running an errand during broad daylight, I did take a massive fall together with my bicycle and fractured a bone in my elbow. And so, I shall have to wear a plaster covering my entire left arm for a total of five weeks.
All this happened while I was away from base, and for the time being, I am not allowed to travel. My jigsaw crew is also unwilling to finish the puzzle without me, and so, it is waiting at home for me to return.
Deepest apologies to both June and Lynda, as for the time being there is nothing that I can do about the situation. Meanwhile, I am so happy that my computer takes dictation, as this enables me to stay in touch via the Forum.
The QE2 (jigsaw) is safe and well cared for, but work on the hull will not resume for a while... looking forward to it greatly though!
Hello Isabelle,
Hoping that it'll be very soon that you and your elbow will be beginning to recover from what must have been a nasty shock and really tricky accident. Sending you lots and lots of Good Wishes - as well as thoughts, and a pm! :)
Hi Isabelle -
I want to send to you all good wishes for a very speedy recovery !
June :)
Hi there,
Hope Isabelle that your injury is recovering?
Don't want to appear pushy but could I add my name for a go at this lovely jigsaw?
Also is there any possibility of it being able to be purchased?
Regards to all.
Just watching a repeat of "QE2 The Last Voyage" on BBC Four tonight.
Catherine D
Hope Isabelle that your injury is recovering?
Don't want to appear pushy but could I add my name for a go at this lovely jigsaw?
Hi Catherine,
Thank you so much for your good wishes! My injury is healing, slowly, and my expectation is that I shall be able to return home very soon and should have finished the jigsaw in two weeks' time.
Very glad to add you to the list!
This is what I have for our QE2's itinerary (Jigsaw No. 736C) so far -
After Isabelle's house, then
Lynda Bradford
Alan Snelson
Peter Mugridge
Pete Cain
To which list we can now add June herself, and Catherine (Grill Britannia). Apart from June, everyone else seems to be based in the UK (I think).
June, as the owner of the jigsaw, when would you like to tackle it yourself? In other words, shall I send the jigsaw to you or to Lynda when the refit is done and QE2 shines once again in Liverpool, complete with port and some weather?
Hi Isabelle -
Thank you very much for your post. I am very pleased to learn that your injury is healing and that you will soon be back to our QE2's refit.
That is great to add Catherine's name to the list and also Jim Bennett and my name.
I would say to circulate our QE2 (jigsaw) in the UK, and then she can come along to me on an Atlantic voyage. Maybe at that point in time, Rod might like a go at her refit too.
While I was the originator or this jigsaw of our beloved QE2 using Alan Kirby's superb photo and with Alan Snelson's help in preparing the image for production, I feel she belongs to all of us here on The Forum !
Catherine, I am inquiring of Ravensburger about obtaining copies of 'Liverpool Calling' as well as our new forthcoming puzzle 'Evening at Sea', and I will share that info as soon as I hear. 'Evening at Sea' is using Peter Mugridge's wonderful painting and Alan Snelson has also prepared the image for production.
June :)
This is what I have for our QE2's itinerary (Jigsaw No. 736C) so far -
After Isabelle's house, then
Lynda Bradford
Alan Snelson
Peter Mugridge
Pete Cain
Have I left someone off the list inadvertently ?
June :)
Would it be possible to change the order so that I receive the jigsaw last. My back has been giving me a bit a problem recently and I would prefer to try the jigsaw later.
Hi Lynda --
I am sorry to hear that your back is bothering you and I do hope you feel better soon !
Let's revise the list and I think there are some more names to add --
Isabelle P.
Alan S.
Peter M.
Pete C.
Jim B.
John ?
Lynda B.
Rod ?
Please reply if your name has been inadvertently left off the list or if you would like to join "The QE2 Story Jigsaw Club" !
June :D
Glad to say that some progress is being made :
First, the hull was completed and also the port itself.
But the weather is very difficult indeed, and it is only piece by piece that the meteorologists are working out what to do about the sky :
And so, it may take another while until the sky is in place... I am out of practice...
Looking forward to hearing how fast Peter M can do this!!
Great work, Isabelle ! Our QE2 looks grand in Liverpool and she has been in very good hands for her very first refit. And of course with changing weather conditions, the meteorologists will have quite a time in completing the sky, but that is to be expected ! June :D
Looking forward to hearing how fast Peter M can do this!!
I think I just heard the thud of a gauntlet being thrown to the ground! :)
Bottom 2 pics make it look like snow is falling! An omen perhaps?
Bottom 2 pics make it look like snow is falling! An omen perhaps?
I like that, Rod! May she be back in Liverpool by the time the snow falls...
Another tiny bit of progress to report -- following QE2's smoke trail :) :
Hi Isabelle -
Your meteorologists are progressing nicely. And wouldn't it be nice to have our QE2 back in time for snowfall ?
June :D
The meteorologists have issued their forecasts and been proved right -- QE2 in Liverpool is surrounded by blustery weather, with sunny spells and the odd brief flurry of snow.
As there is a fair chance that I might be able to show you the final version tomorrow or on Saturday, it would help me greatly to know who would like to take it next?
Lynda? Peter? I would be very grateful to receive your address so that I have it when packing the parcel.
Not an easy one, this, I found -- but it may just be my jigsaw skills getting older and weaker, like the rest of me ;D !
My address is now in your PM box. :D
Looking forward to seeing QE2 (jigsaw) in all her glory in Liverpool ! Good work, Isabelle ! :)
Good news! The jigsaw was completed this evening, all pieces were there, with one extra piece from another jigsaw to add to the fun, and the wonderful box has been repacked in the parcel in which I received it, and addressed to Peter, who will presumably finish it much faster than me (almost 6 months!).
June, thank you for a great puzzle, which I thoroughly enjoyed (often during very late night hours) -- and thanks also to Alan Kirby and Alan Snelson for making the picture available and preparing it for the jigsaw. An excellent jigsaw picture, and very sharp too -- well chosen and prepared.
Wishing all those who try it next, as much fun as I had :) .
Looking forward to the next jigsaw already -- later in the year would be great.
Well done Isabelle, the extra piece sounds intriguing.
I believe my name is still on the list and I would be interested to see in the flesh, what I have so far only seen on my monitor screen. Perhaps when Peter has completed the build I could try it next.
Of course Alan, just PM me your address - I doubt you'll have very long to wait; I tend to do jigsaws at quite a high rate of knots... :D
Great news, Isabelle ! Congratulations ! I look forward to seeing pictures. Yes, many thanks to Alan K. and Alan S. for the wonderful photo and for preparing it for "building" into a jigsaw ! Let QE2's journeys (jigsaw) continue !
June :)
The Liverpool QE2 jigsaw docked in Epsom this morning; haven't opened the box yet - very busy evening - but I hope to make a start at the weekend?
Who will be after me?
Great to hear she made it in good time across the Irish Sea. My cue to post the final photos!
And that intriguing extra piece (which appears in eavery photo sitting on the water bottom right) ...
All these photos are in the Forum Gallery, here :
Now Peter! Looking forward to studying you skills and enjoying your photos :) .
Great work, Isabelle, and congratulations on this QE2's (jigsaw) first build ! The spare piece is indeed intriguing !
I would definitely like to have a go at fitting her together after she has made the rounds in the UK.
I am looking forward to Peter's refit (second build) !
June ;D
Construction started last night ( photos to follow ) but as I only had 90 minutes to spare I didn't get very much done; just sorted the edge out and assembled it and roughly 25% of QE2 herself assembled plus a few other pieces here and there.
I did very quickly locate the stowaway piece; I am guessing that whoever had a special done immediately ahead of us is missing a piece - it must have got stuck in the die cutting equipment.
*** Update ***
A further 90 minute session last night has seen QE2 and the Liver Building substantially completed, so I am already pretty much at the half way mark.... :)
Also, it is evident that our [sarcasm] wonderful [/sarcasm] postal system has imparted a severe dent to the metal box the jigsaw lives in; it looks to me as if the parcel had actually been walked on at some point! Isabelle, was this dent present before or has it been incurred on the way to me? About a quarter of the underside of the tin, one entire end, has been stove in! :o :( :'(
Also, it is evident that our [sarcasm] wonderful [/sarcasm] postal system has imparted a severe dent to the metal box the jigsaw lives in; it looks to me as if the parcel had actually been walked on at some point! Isabelle, was this dent present before or has it been incurred on the way to me? About a quarter of the underside of the tin, one entire end, has been stove in! :o :( :'(
It is probable that neither Ireland nor England are to blame for the dent, as the box already arrived with dent in place :
It reminded me of QE2 in Newport (I think), where I remarked on a major dent in her hull and was told "Those were the New York tugs... they always do that...". Perhaps the QE2 (jigsaw) started her transatlantic voyage in New York!
Sounds like Peter is working hard on the refit.
If there is no one else on the list I will have a try after Alan.
Looks as if my iMac has lost the Likes on this topic -
I Love Isabelle's post!
In her real world, QE2's funnel dents added so much character to her already profoundly Good Looks - she was no stranger to denting and subsequently carried them off with typically superb style - No worries there then, Peter! (That is, unless the tin doesn't shut as it needs to!)
Interestingly, my "Like" button is gone also and I am on a PC.
Awesome work, Peter ! I am looking forward to photos !
Actually, QE2 (jigsaw) did leave the US through New York. That probably explains the dents by the tugs.
Yes, Rosie, our QE2 carried off dents with style and they added to her character.
Lynda, that is great if you would like to have a go at QE2's refit.
The sky is now all that remains to be done following a further 90 minute session tonight.
Rather worryingly I cannot seem to find one piece of the hull...!!! ???
Hi Peter -
Great progress. What part of the hull is it ? Perhaps that piece of the hull is being replaced after being dented by tugs.
June ;D
It's near the stern, just above the waterline!
Cherbourg, 1974!
Rod has explained it all ! ;D
Of course, the stern of the jigsaw is actually midships on the QE2 - remember the picture is only of her forward two thirds...
I only had ½ hour on Thursday and no time last night or today, so progress has been stalled for the moment - not sure yet if I'll have time tomorrow or Monday either.
I did, however, manage a couple of dozen sky pieces in that short session a couple of days ago.
I did, however, manage a couple of dozen sky pieces in that short session a couple of days ago.
You really are a jigsaw master, Peter! When I had got to that stage (i.e. most of the sky still to do), I would be happy to manage 2 pieces within half an hour...
I'd love to know your method!
I'd love to know your method!
I'm comparing the shapes visually as well as the colours.... When I look at the spaces I build a picture in my mind of the likely shape of the piece that goes in it and then I go looking for that piece; I don't spend too much time searching for any one piece though - if I don't find it quikly I'll move on to another piece. quite often I'll then recognise the earlier pieces while searching for the later ones... :)
I'm comparing the shapes visually as well as the colours.... When I look at the spaces I build a picture in my mind of the likely shape of the piece that goes in it and then I go looking for that piece; I don't spend too much time searching for any one piece though - if I don't find it quikly I'll move on to another piece. quite often I'll then recognise the earlier pieces while searching for the later ones... :)
That is pretty much what I did when it came to my final efforts on the sky. As colour was of very little help at that stage, I focused on shapes and laid out the pieces in accordance with their shapes so as to find them more easily. I had never done this before, but ended up enjoying it a lot!
There are noticable differences in the colour of the parts of the sky, which helps. Anyway, fingers crossed I'll get a bit of time tomorrow evening to do a bit more...
Very good ! It sounds as if the meteorologists will be back at work soon ! ;D
I finished it in a two hour session tonight - photos to follow very soon...
As to the missing piece, if it does not turn up I will fabricate a subsitute piece as closely as I can to the original.
Alan - please allow a week or two for the previous and current ports to both be thoroughly searched and then a few days more for any repairs that are required before the next sailing commences.
Congratulations and thank you!
Yes, the previous port too will be thoroughly searched within the next two weeks, and should the piece of hull (hopefully) appear, it will be expedited.
I am in admiration of your hull making skills, Peter, as well as your good relations with the meteorologists :) .
Let's wait and see the results of the search first! :)
I have two possible methods for carrying out the hull patching should it prove necessary:
1) Cut a piece of stiff white glossy card to the correct size and shape using the hole and an outline on ordinary paper as a template and then try to colour it to match.
2) As above as far as preparing the piece goes, but then printing part of the image of the jigsaw to the correct size and then cutting out the matching piece from that and fixing it to the blank piece with UHU.
I favour the second method, but I will need an extract from the master image ( not the entire file! ) of the relevant area of the hull e-mailed to me in the same size format as was used by Ravensburger in order to do it this way.
Hi Peter -
Congratulations to you on completing QE2's (jigsaw) refit. I can't wait to see pictures. I am sure the missing piece was removed for repair after damage by tugs. And if the hull piece can not be repaired, a new one can be made as you say. I will send you by e-mail the file used by Ravensburger to make the jigsaw. In the meantime, hoping a search of each port will find the hull piece. If only our beloved real QE2 could know the attention being lavished on her through the jigsaws !!
June :)
Image received and standing by just in case, thank you.
Great !! :)
Good news! Following unsuccessful searches around the dry dock, we finally went out again with sniffer dogs and had a good scout around all the workshops.
One of our workers then found the piece of hull, hidden away in a dark corner where it was barely visible.
It will be expedited to rejoin the ship and to take its rightful place in the jigsaw :) .
Great relief all round... and apologies for the loss and the anxiety caused...
Great news indeed Isabelle,
I shall have to get the shore party ready in Cornwall for her arrival.
That's great news - Alan, as soon as the piece has been inserted I will do a "completed" photo, post up the lot of the photos and then forward the puzzle on to you. It'll probably take about a week for the piece to reach me from Isabelle, so watch this space. :)
Great news ! I just knew that was the plate taken out for repair after having a run in with the tugs ! ;D
The errant piece arrived in the post this morning and has now been inserted into place in the puzzle, which is therefore now complete. ;D
Photographs will follow. :)
Alan - I will probably post the puzzle on to you on Monday by Special Delivery so you should get it on Tuesday. :)
That is excellent news.
All the more so, since I received a message today that a Christmas card I had sent in mid-December had finally reached its destination -- today. But I should not complain -- it did at least arrive ;D .
Looking forward to the pictures, Peter!
I must say, the envelope the missing piece arrived in was both appropriate and appreciated! :)
I thought you'd like it ;D .
Brought from on board QE2 and saying so in golden letters...
Sorry Alan - there is going to be a 24 hour delay in departure; two urgent things have cropped up relating to my wife's care agency ( monthly invoice on one hand and quarterly financial reconciliation report for the council's Adult Services on the other hand ) which I'll have to deal with during lunch time tomorrow... :(
Just bad timing, but I won't be able to fit in a visit to the Post Office as well...
Sorry Alan - there is going to be a 24 hour delay in departure; two urgent things have cropped up relating to my wife's care agency ( monthly invoice on one hand and quarterly financial reconciliation report for the council's Adult Services on the other hand ) which I'll have to deal with during lunch time tomorrow... :(
Just bad timing, but I won't be able to fit in a visit to the Post Office as well...
Peter there are always priorities in life and your wife's care is a top priority. Jigsaws are about the relaxation and the enjoyment of being part of the forum, which fits in with the other priorities of life. :)
Take care!
True, although this is only the bloomin' paperwork part so it is a bit annoying...
Sorry Alan - there is going to be a 24 hour delay in departure; two urgent things have cropped up relating to my wife's care agency ( monthly invoice on one hand and quarterly financial reconciliation report for the council's Adult Services on the other hand ) which I'll have to deal with during lunch time tomorrow... :(
Just bad timing, but I won't be able to fit in a visit to the Post Office as well...
Take all the time you need Peter, as Lynda has already said 'some things are more important'
*three blasts on the whistle*
QE2 is today sailing on the short voyage from Epsom to Cornwall; this will be a quick journey and docking should be tomorrow morning. In accordance with forum tradition, the previous delivery details have been preserved and the dates of travel noted in the log.
Alan - have fun finding the stowaway piece... :)
Meanwhile, before I forget, here are the pictures including a close up of the space for the errant double spade-footed piece of the hull! ( Lighting deliberately kept subdued until the completion image ).
Great work, Peter ! Congratulations ! :)
Just been thinking... Epsom to Bude via the somewhat indirect way the Royal Mail take.... it's about 300 miles. From the time of posting until the probable time of delivery tomorrow is roughly 10 hours.
What's the average speed....? ;D
26.07 knots
In other words, pretty much her normal in-service cruising speed. Now have a look at how long it took the other one to reach me from yours, June. Pretty much the same as an in-service Atlantic crossing took!
Isn't this just starting to get a little bit spooky?
Speed matching.
Grounding damage.
Hull side repairs.
A stowaway.
Yes, Peter, it is ! QE2 living vicariously through the jigsaws ?
Great to see QE2 perfectly refitted once more, and the hull damage expertly repaired. Thank you for the photos, Peter!
And now she is sailing safely to her next port, first leg on a Round Britain Voyage perhaps :) .
Interestingly, "Liverpool Calling" is the only one of the four jigsaws which is an actual photo of QE2.
I think I should add, I'm measuring the journey time from when the post departs the local collections office, not the time I'm actually handing it over!
What is the current itinerary (ports of call) for QE2 Jigsaw 'Liverpool Calling' ? Alan, is your docking crew at ready ? ;D
She has arrived in Cornwall but unfortunately the pilot was engaged on other duties. QE2 has anchored off and will have to wait until Saturday when the crew will be available to bring her in.
Hmmm.... not the first time QE2 has festered in the Cornish area for a few days is it...?
Glad to hear that she has arrived in Cornwall. May she have a pleasant few days awaiting the arrival of the pilot ! :)
Alan - a thought; have you contacted the Royal Mail to arrange collection or delivery on Saturday? Special Delivery post is only held for a very few days before being returned to sender; far fewer than Recorded items are.
Hi Peter,
According to the card left by post office they keep parcels for 18 days so hopefully should be bringing her in tomorrow.
Hi Alan - That sounds awesome ! The best of luck with her next refit and I am sure our QE2 (Jigsaw) is enjoying the attention ! June :)
Manoeuvring is completed and she is safely in harbour, next refit will commence very soon.
That is good, Alan. Enjoy yourself. :)
Great to see her continuing her Round Britain Voyage.
Every refit en route will help, and will be enjoyed. Have fun, Alan, and take it at your own speed. None of us (as far as I know) can even attempt to approach Peter's timing...
Glad to hear that our QE2 (jigsaw) has made her next stop on her Round Britain Voyage. I trust your docking crew enjoyed mooring her and that the puzzle crew is waiting in anticipation of her refit. Enjoy, Alan, as you see her take shape during this refit ! :)
Making good progress with the Cornish refit. I have taken a couple of photos which I will try to post over the weekend.
I had forgotten just how quickly an hour or two can disappear whilst sitting over a jigsaw puzzle.
How long did it take you to locate the stowaway piece?
Looking forward to seeing photos ! ;D
The stowaway was quite easy to find thankfully, so that was put out of the way at an early stage.
First photo was after two sessions totalling about three hours and the second photo after another two or three hours. So that's the easy bits done, now for the sea and sky!! It is quite a challenge but very enjoyable to see it coming together before your eyes.
Very good, Alan ! and great to see QE2's refit progress at your shipyard. I am sure QE2 is enjoying the attention albeit by proxy ! :)
Finally the build is complete, I put the final piece in place this evening. A big thumbs up from Lily in one of the photos.
I am very pleased that the finished photo is so clear. Having only seen the enlarged image on my monitor up till now, I wasn't sure how it would turn out.
Who is up next for this challenge?
So glad you enjoyed it, Alan! After all your work on it... and yes, the picture is excellent and clear.
Did Lily help you with the refit?
Fantastic piece of refitting work and good to see that Lily is giving the thumbs up to the jigsaw challenge.
I am on the list further down but I think it is Peter Mugridge and then Pete Cain next on the list.
Very good work, Alan ! Your shipyard has done an excellent refit, and the thumbs up from inspector Lily is a great touch ! :)
The photo is indeed very good and clear.
I believe Pete Cain may be next on the list, as Peter Mugridge's shipyard has already done a refit as has Isabelle's yard. Lynda, are you next after Pete ? I do want to be on the list but only after our QE2 (jigsaw) has made the rounds in the UK. Then she can commence another Atlantic crossing.
Yes it was an enjoyable task and both Lily and Karen were a great help with the reconstruction.
If Pete Cain can PM me his address I will send our ship on the next leg of her voyage.
Going back through previous posts, the following have asked to participate in the series of refits :
Pete Cain (and Jim in Jimland)
Catherine (Grill Britannia)
Jim Bennett
Very good, Isabelle ! :)
Word has just been received from a reliable source that Pete Cain's shipyard supervisor, Jim, has been taking soundings of the channel leading to Pete's shipyard to make sure no dredging is needed in anticipation of the arrival of our QE2 (jigsaw). I understand Jim has also been busy assembling the docking crew and the puzzle crew. ;D
QE2 will set sail on the next leg of her round Britain tour on Saturday. No one available to guide her away from the treacherous coastline of North Cornwall until then.
I received the coordinates for her next port of call this evening and am assured the next crew are standing by.
Hi Alan -
Thank you very much for the update regarding our QE2's (jigsaw) itinerary. I am sure she is enjoying very much being in the company of yourself, Karen, and Lily while she awaits favorable weather and suitable pilotage.
QE2 has had three refits in a fairly short period of time. She must be feeling absolutely well taken care of !
June :)
She departed Cornwall and is on passage to Cumbria. Scheduled to arrive on Monday given fair winds and tides.
I hope Pete & Jim enjoy having her around as much as we did.
Great news, Alan ! I understand Jim is getting everything in order, pilot waiting, docking crew ready, monitoring the weather, and advising Pete of our QE2's (jigsaw) progress. :)
Well then, she arrived safe & sound, shrouded in Cumbrian mist, she's by-passed Barrow on quite a few occasions on her round Britain trips, but we've managed to snare her for a wee while (many thanks to Alan for her safe onward departure to us). Jim has indeed been very busy , after chasing the dockyard staff (birds) & helping in person to deepen her berth prior to docking (digging for bits in the garden) he is determined to prove that he is not a 1 hit wonder, & is prepping his non opposable digits (licking his feet) in readiness for our task this weekend!!!!
Marvelous news, Pete and Jim ! I can see that Jim is preparing himself for the task at hand (paw) and will be a worthy assistant (or supervisor ?) in the latest refit of our QE2 (jigsaw). All the best ! and do keep us informed. :)
Excellent news that the ship is docked ready for the next refit. Jim is an excellent choice of crew and good to know he will be involved - supervisor I think! :)
Well here we are earlier today, about 2 1/2 hours in, mrs Pete helping out. Jim getting ready for his stint after a mornings sleep his eyes glazed over at the thought of (not) doing another jig-saw..........I didn't think that you could get so many pieces into such a small plastic bag, I'm sure that the bulk doubled in size on contact with air
Congratulations on your excellent crew! They look vigilant and committed, and it is good to see that the refit is taking shape :) .
I can't resist asking if you have already located the stowaway piece? :)
A Jim fan club is forming here Pete! Would love to meet him one day!
It certainly looks like excellent work is taking place and that Jim has it all under control. With Pete and Mrs. Pete, the latest refit is moving along tremendously well. And yes, I do think there is a Jim Fan Club in the making ! :)
Thanks Rob, maybe I'll do that before he gets too old. Myself & mrs Pete have spent the best part of today doing this jigsaw (F1 grand prix allowing) & we're really struggling with it, No sea or sky attempted yet,even QE2 is incomplete, it's a pig to do(or is it us?)I think we might've located' the piece', don't recall QE2 having a rooftop garden,however small, although we're worried by previous mentions of hull bits, maybe we havn't found it after all :-\
I took six months to do it, even resorting to a broken elbow as an excuse, so despair not and take your time!
Interesting idea, QE2 with a roof garden... ;) .
Good progress being made.
I vote for Jim to be in every QE2 jigsaw refit picture you post, he is the star of the show! :)
just an update of progress so far, earlier this afternoon, (since then the hull has been completed). I'm sorry Lynda no Jim shot here I was stood on a chair looking directly down to get her all in. Promise to get him in the 'finale'. Mrs Pete has bagged the Mersey leaving me with the blue sky, our daughter might be home over Easter celebrations & will help out for sure.
Looking good Pete, it looks like exactly the same sequence that we used to put it together.
You will love the sky section ::)
Excellent work, Pete and Mrs. Pete, and I am sure Jim was steadying the chair whilst you took the picture. Our QE2 really must be enjoying all of this attention being lavished on her ! :)
Thanks Alan, pure coincidence I promise , we tend to go for the easy bits first (easy who am I kidding?), thanks for the warning about the sky, why didn't you post any of those ? :'(
Hi June, he was saving himself for the Grand Finale (asleep , those good looks are heavy maintenance you know ::)
Very good, Pete, very good ! ;D
Well done, Pete! I see you have the tug in position -- it confused me no end for a while... :) .
Looking good and I am sure that Jim was supervising!
Lynda , I think you are next to host QE2 Liverpool calling, hope you aren't in any hurry coz me & mrs Pete spent about 8hrs today (a murky wet & dank Good Friday afternoon) putting in 10 pieces of Mersey, & 4 pieces of sky!!!!!!.
At this rate with a little over 300 pieces to go all sea & sky, none of it discernable , shapes & colours meaning nothing, I'll call you 'bout Christmas at this rate :'(
Glad to see I am not the only one who had to put in the hours while progressing at a snail's pace!
It was worth it though :) .
And of course as you (re)fit some of the pieces, the remaining ones become fewer and the day will dawn when they all get fitted in one go!
Glad you can do it together though! My companions gave up fairly soon and I did the sky on my own, with just the odd word of encouragement to keep me going.
Thanks Isabelle, promise to persevere (I think)
Hi Pete -
Thanks very much for the update on our QE2's (jigsaw) latest refit. Now it does not want to be hurried. I do think she is purposely hiding the needed pieces so it will take you longer to finish. She does after all relish in all the attention she is receiving. It is making her feel good after all the neglect in Dubai. How are Jim's supervisory skills these days ? June ;D
Final pictures for a while, progress this earlier afternoon. Jim having made the choice , then directs Mrs Pete as to where he wants it to go. Actually Mrs Pete deserves all the recognition for this project, I've been outside doing garden works for what seems ages, just placing the odd piece in position.
See you in a few weeks ;D
Hi Pete -
Marvelous ! Thanks very much for posting the jigsaw crew hard at work supervised by Jim. Great progress has been made and our QE2 is definitely looking in fine form. I see Jim making the choice and directing Mrs. Pete on the placement. Mrs. Pete is doing a fine job and it seems that the meteorologists are next in line for completion of the weather picture. :)
Safe and happy travels, Pete and Mrs Pete!
I am sure that Jim will keep everything under control and get the meteorologists to come up with the correct forecast as soon as you are back!
Word has it that our QE2 (jigsaw) is in good hands (paws) while Pete and Mrs. Pete are away. Jim is assembling the meteorologists to be on hand when Pete and Mrs. Pete return. ;D
Hello all,
am sorry to report , that QE2s refit has failed, she has been dismantled & packed ready for better opportunities elsewhere, enclosed is photo earlier today before the decision was made to abandon the project. Cannot blame jetlag now, but 2 pieces in 3hours on average for a few days leaves me desperate to get on with my life, so with 144 pieces on the table , the main objective achieved (QE2)
but the Bl****Y sky defeated me. Mrs Pete did the Mersey whilst I was away so I feel sorry that she wasted her time on this occasion.
Hello all,
am sorry to report , that QE2s refit has failed, she has been dismantled & packed ready for better opportunities elsewhere, enclosed is photo earlier today before the decision was made to abandon the project. Cannot blame jetlag now, but 2 pieces in 3hours on average for a few days leaves me desperate to get on with my life, so with 144 pieces on the table , the main objective achieved (QE2)
but the Bl****Y sky defeated me. Mrs Pete did the Mersey whilst I was away so I feel sorry that she wasted her time on this occasion.
I cannot commit to starting the jigsaw until July, so would someone else like to have a go?
Hi Pete -
Thank you very much for your message and photo ! And not to worry - QE2 in her element looks awesome and I think she has successfully completed her refit and is in her glory with the Three Graces in view. I believe the meteorologists were not on hand to assist as there is no longer a Concorde to fly overhead.
My best to Jim !
June :)
Hi Pete, congratulations to you and your crew on finishing QE2 herself and the city too, as well as the Mersey! The weather is in any case variable, we never quite know what it will turn out to be...
I was in the same situation as yourself, with my Mum determined to abandon the jigsaw and have her table back! It was night work from there on, with a deadline looming after which the jigsaw would have to go. And I just about managed it by the skin of my teeth and by several very short nights.
Hope you put your location and dates on the note inside the box before you closed it.
Greetings to Mrs Pete and Jim :) .
As much as I would love to put together QE2, I wouldn't be able to start until July as well.
She's welcome here in the interim& quite safe(who knows might start it again in the meantime whilst waiting) NOT.
Hi Pete -
QE2 is more than welcome at my moorings at any time, but it might be best to wait until she has finished all of her refits in the UK. Then she can make a transatlantic crossing for her US refits. :) I am sure that no matter where she is made fast or where her anchor is, she is enjoying it immensely being in sympathetic, caring, and happy company.
June :)
She's still here (& very very welcome), however , we are away to Germany on our venerable camper in 3 weeks time , for a month, so , if anybody is thinking of giving her a new , temporary home, nows the time to start thinking..........
Hi Pete -
It sounds like a great trip coming up.
June :)
8 months & counting QE2 the forgotten Jig Saw, 'Liverpool Calling', she's been laid up here (& still very welcome) but QE2 in proxy has expressed her wish to journey onward, she thinks that my failure to complete has had a negative effect on her chances, so, c'mmon peoples do what I couldn't & complete this mammoth task,mooring lines loosened, permission to sail granted,...................................
If no one in the UK has time for a refit, I would be more than willing to welcome QE2 (jigsaw) to my shipyard after 1 February. :)
Right then June, here she is (at last), tugs pulled her away from the dock this afternoon, shipyard manager aka Jim, says' he is sorry to see her go, coz he's had many a good night on board courtesy of ships staff'.
Local press report that' QE2's refit , whilst not being complete on this occasion, does not stop future tenders from U K ports of call ' (Brandon take note!).
She is now in the isolation lock awaiting Customs clearance (literally) in the hope that she makes a successful transatlantic crossing toomorrow.
Hi Pete -
Thanks very much for your message and it does sound as if excitement is mounting as our QE2 (jigsaw) is preparing for her Transatlantic. (Might I find Jim stowed away on board ?) In keeping with QE2's past experiences, some refits have been completed while as sea. I am sure she is anxious to stretch her legs, and perhaps as in leaving Southampton waters for the last time in 2008, maybe she will "floor it" as soon as allowed.
June :)
Moorings slipped at lunchtime (UK) quite a solmn occasion, apparently only 1 man & his dog witnessed the departure. ::)
Hi Pete - Thanks very much for your message and it must have been a very solemn occasion indeed. So our QE2 (jigsaw) is now feeling the salt breezes and spray as she heads out to sea ! June ;D
Pier 352 has been cleared of traffic and is happily awaiting the arrival of our QE2 (jigsaw). The docking crew is on standby and the refit crew has been notified that work will begin quite soon. Jim's photos have been set up in the refit basin to assist ! :)
We're in the window June,I was told a minimum of 5 working days (that takes us to tomorrow), as for the Jim 'bit' I would recommend constant nudging just to make sure he's awake, & paying attention ::)
Hi Pete -
Thanks very much for your message and I believe she has been sighted a bit off shore. She'll be picking up her pilot off of Sandy Hook and heading over to Connecticut probably sometime tomorrow.
Yes, I did mention to Jim that he needs to be awake when the refit crew starts in and he reassured me that he would check in on our progress periodically. He said that in between his visits to the refit basin, he would be catching up on sleep (I mean paperwork) !
June :)
Hi Pete -
Our QE2 (jigsaw) had already docked and been made fast when I arrived home from work. She was all settled in and looking very pleased with herself regarding the speed of her Westbound Atlantic crossing.
She was originally going to pick up a pilot off of Sandy Hook and cruise around a bit to look at the sights as she used to do. But her crossing time was so good that she decided to instead pick up her pilot off of Montauk and head across the Sound to New London and then Mystic where she is now moored at Pier 352.
I must say QE2 is looking very good (pictures to follow) so the refit at your yard was very well done !
June. :)
Goodmorning June, Phew, pressure off now, glad landfall was successful, the passage across 'the pond 'was indeed rapid, looks like everybody was caught out
beware of stowaways!.
Hi Pete -
Thanks very much for your message. Yes, I will watch out for stowaways ! I think QE2 (jigsaw) wanted to show that she still has it in regard to her crossing speed.
It's great to have her now at my shipyard !
All the best to you, Mrs. Pete, and to Jim, who will for the next interval be spending his time between your shipyard and mine as he is supervisor for this refit also.
June ;D
I trust that QE2 arrived with you, June, after a safe passage.
Your shipyard is busy, I know... are there any photos of QE2's refit so far?
Hi Isabelle -
Thank you for your message, and yes, QE2 (jigsaw) arrived safely at my yard after a great Transatlantic crossing from Cain International Shipyard. (no photos yet) QE2 (jigsaw) is enjoying a leisurely summer basking in safety at her pier and making an occasional jaunt to some of her ports of call on the East Coast here in the US. She is patiently awaiting the assembly of my refit crew. Hopefully, work will begin soon.
June :)
Ever since QE2 (jigsaw) arrived at Ingram Shipbuilding from Cain International Shipyard, she has been cruising between her different ports of call and having a wonderful time. With some slight urging, I convinced her to come in for her next refit, and she has now gone into dry dock and will soon undergo her next refit. Refit crew has been assembled with good wishes being sent from Jim, Jigsaw Supervisor and Mascot. QE2 (jigsaw) is rather excited to undergo her next refit as is her refit crew (me - :))
Good luck June, we all hope you have more success than us, inspite of Jims urging the sky beat us, have yet to look at 'evening at sea', finish bedroom decorating first , then have a feeling that it'll be a long haul on this one, more world cruise than atlantic crossing :-\
I am glad to see that this jigsaw too has been accounted for, having arrived back at the shipyard of the original owner, i.e. June.
I wonder whether QE2 (jigsaw) had her refit and emerged fully fit again?
QE2 jigsaw Liverpool Calling is still in refit - awaiting skilled refitters !