QE2 Story Forum

The QE2's Story (in-service) => The QE2 herself => Topic started by: Isabelle Prondzynski on Oct 11, 2009, 12:22 AM

Title: QE2 or QEII? What's in a name?
Post by: Isabelle Prondzynski on Oct 11, 2009, 12:22 AM
I wonder about the ship's "name" QE2. She must have gone from being Queen Elizabeth 2 to QE2 at some stage...

Is it right that QE2 was the ship's name in the first instance? Now, we so often see that the Queen of the United Kingdom herself is called QE2, as are the hospitals, bridges and highways named after her. Can anyone confirm that all this happened only after the ship's name was abbreviated to QE2?
Title: QE2 or QEII? What's in a name?
Post by: Michael Gallagher on Oct 11, 2009, 04:13 AM
Isabelle - using 'QE2' is down to laziness. What annoys me is the fact that the Queen Elizabeth II Bridge at Dartford is known as the QE2 Bridge when it should be known as 'Queen Elizabeth the Second Bridge' as the bridge does not have a 2 in its title. Same for the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre - people call it the QE2 Conference Centre when it shouldn't be. I accept QE2 is easier and what a tribute to our ship!
Title: QE2 or QEII? What's in a name?
Post by: jdl on Oct 11, 2009, 05:56 AM
Isabelle - using 'QE2' is down to laziness. What annoys me is the fact that the Queen Elizabeth II Bridge at Dartford is known as the QE2 Bridge when it should be known as 'Queen Elizabeth the Second Bridge' as the bridge does not have a 2 in its title. Same for the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre - people call it the QE2 Conference Centre when it shouldn't be. I accept QE2 is easier and what a tribute to our ship!

it's also worth noting the reason for the use of 2 rather than the roman numerical II - the roman is used for monarchs, hence things like the QEII conference centre are so called as they are named after the queen of England. The QE2 uses the suffix '2' as she is named after the first queen elizabeth ship not monarch - this also conveniently solved the problem of the royal connection with Scotland - the Scotts don't recognise the first royal queen Elizabeth of Scotland, hence the current queen is known as queen Elizabeth the second only in England in Scotland she is simply queen Elizabeth.

Thus calling the ship after an unrecognised monar b would have been a political minefield so utlising the ship and creating QE2 solved this and created possibly one of the most famous three letters in shipping history!

Title: QE2 or QEII? What's in a name?
Post by: Isabelle Prondzynski on Aug 02, 2011, 09:53 PM
Something that intrigues me...

At the launch, the Queen said :

"I name this ship Queen Elizabeth the Second. May God bless her and all who sail in her".

After the Queen had said this, did anybody else ever call the ship Queen Elizabeth the Second? I am not thinking about the written form, Queen Elizabeth II or QEII, both of which are all too common -- but did anyone (and I am thinking of Cunard above all!) ever call her by the same name that the Queen had given her?
Title: QE2 or QEII? What's in a name?
Post by: Rob Lightbody on Aug 02, 2011, 10:21 PM
The Queen got it wrong!  I still think that she simply got carried away and said her own name.
Title: QE2 or QEII? What's in a name?
Post by: Bob C. on Aug 02, 2011, 10:45 PM
I have no validation of this logic but will offer it anyway - that's what one of the things this forum is for, right?

I believe that the proper way to say the name of the monarch Queen Elizabeth II is "Queen Elizabeth the Second".  The cleverness of the ship's name, decided on pretty much at the last minute, was that QE2 is the second Cunard queen named Elizabeth rather than being named ater the monarch thus the Arabic numeral "2" at the end of the ship's name instead of the monarch's Roman numeral "II".  So with both the monarch and the ship having the same name, but with differing designating number types, the proper way to say both the monarch's and the ship's names is "Queen Elizabeth the Second".

Now who has called QE2 by "Queen Elizabeth the Second"?  I'll bet very few.  QE2, Queen Elizabeth 2, and a multitude of nicknames is what I have always heard her called.  In fact, during my era onboard from August 1969 to July 1979, she was referred to QE2 and Queen Elizabeth 2 by her own crew. 

Bottom line I'm betting "Queen Elizabeth the Second" was short lived.  Perhaps as short as the launch ceremony.   
Title: QE2 or QEII? What's in a name?
Post by: StuM on Oct 28, 2011, 08:00 PM
Re the article, while a small issue, it states that the QE2 is named after the current UK queen. I was always under the impression, since launching in Sept '67, that her name and use of the Roman "II", was in reference to being the second ship of that name. Following the QE of 1939. Did I dream that as I grew up with here in the 60's and watched her develop and become a true ship?
Title: QE2 or QEII? What's in a name?
Post by: Bob C. on Oct 29, 2011, 12:46 PM
Re the article, while a small issue, it states that the QE2 is named after the current UK queen. I was always under the impression, since launching in Sept '67, that her name and use of the Roman "II", was in reference to being the second ship of that name. Following the QE of 1939. Did I dream that as I grew up with here in the 60's and watched her develop and become a true ship?

    You're assumption is correct and the article is wrong.  I read and thought the same thing.
Title: QE2 or QEII? What's in a name?
Post by: lperkins on Nov 28, 2011, 04:41 PM
    You're assumption is correct and the article is wrong.  I read and thought the same thing.

Are you sure about that? I can remember in the captains cabin there was a letter from Buckingham Palace confirming that the ship was indeed named after the current Queen...
I have copy of it somewhere but not sure exactly where it is....

Title: QE2 or QEII? What's in a name?
Post by: Michael Gallagher on Nov 30, 2011, 12:06 PM
This is the letter lperkins refers to. The letter is incorrect.
Title: QE2 or QEII? What's in a name?
Post by: Pat Curry on Nov 30, 2011, 06:39 PM
Some error :o.
It begs loads of questions.  It's a little hard to read but the does the writer refer to the ship as Queen Elizabeth 11? 

And who was the writer and to whom was it sent?

Was it a fake?
Title: QE2 or QEII? What's in a name?
Post by: Rob Lightbody on Nov 30, 2011, 06:53 PM

Buckingham palace shouldn't have been commenting on something it doesn't know anything about (if it was written by the palace).  The palace's PR office must have lots of staff, answering daft questions all day long, they're allowed to make the odd mistake I suppose!

The ship's name is, and always has been, WELDED onto the side of it and has been on every piece of registration with a 2 not a II.
Title: QE2 or QEII? What's in a name?
Post by: Michael Gallagher on Nov 30, 2011, 08:14 PM
Back to the letter in the Captain's Cabin:

While Serving on QE2 in 1988 one of her future Captains wanted to get a definitive response to who or what exactly QE2 was named after. He wrote to Buckingham Palace using the name of a female friend on 17 July 1988.

On 27 July 1988, Robert Fellowes, Private Secretary to HM The Queen, replied to say:

“Thank you for your letter of 17 July. The Queen Elizabeth II was indeed named after Queen Elizabeth II, and the ship’s proper name is Queen Elizabeth II.”

Title: QE2 or QEII? What's in a name?
Post by: Twynkle on Nov 30, 2011, 10:42 PM
Back to the letter in the Captain's Cabin:

While Serving on QE2 in 1988 one of her future Captains wanted to get a definitive response to who or what exactly QE2 was named after. He wrote to Buckingham Palace using the name of a female friend on 17 July 1988.

On 27 July 1988, Robert Fellowes, Private Secretary to HM The Queen, replied to say:

“Thank you for your letter of 17 July. The Queen Elizabeth II was indeed named after Queen Elizabeth II, and the ship’s proper name is Queen Elizabeth II.”

This feels a bit like Alice in Wonderland - however, because the words 'Off with her head' come to mind...had better be just a bit serious for a moment or two!
My understanding was that, like StuM, QE2 was always going to be QE2, after RMS Queen Elizabeth (without a one).
Thoughts now turn to the letter.  Could the original have been answered by Sir Robert in any other way?
It couldn't, could it? Otherwise it might have been 'off with his head.....'!

Flagship, do you know when the first written reference to QE2's name was made, before she was launched?
Maybe it remains confidential, if so - it would understandably remain one of life great little mysteries!
Thank you!
Rosie - way off topic...

Title: Re: QE2 or QEII? What's in a name?
Post by: Michael Gallagher on Nov 30, 2011, 11:40 PM


The final selection of names had been decided in May 1967 by Sir Basil Smallpeice and his deputy Ronald Senior. They met in Cunard’s London offices on the evening of Monday 18 September where Sir Basil took three names from a safe. They then agreed on the final choice.

Later Sir Basil would confirm that the three names in the safe were Queen Elizabeth, Princess Margaret and Princess Anne with Elizabeth joining the list last after the decision to retire the Queen Elizabeth had been made.

When the choice was made, a message was sent by scrambler telephone to the Queen through her private secretary, Sir Michael Adeane, in Balmoral. They were the only four to know the name.

Afterwards when asked why all the secrecy, Sir Basil said:
“It just seemed rather fun. People seemed to having a marvellous time trying to work out what it
would be called. We decided to let them carry on.  We were anxious to continue our tradition of royal
names for our ships. I did not, by the way, have a bet with the bookmaker”.

Princess Margaret became the 4-1 favourite on the eve of the launch when it was announced at the last moment that she would also be attending the ceremony. Workers had chalked Princess Anne on the liner’s hull – that was the name Captain Warwick liked. Prince Charles carried the shortest odds.

Captain Warwick said:
“I have already said in the past that I would not like the name ‘Queen’ to be given to this ship”.

Captain Warwick, when interviewed earlier in the year and asked about the name, stated: “I dare say they’re mulling it over in the boardroom, but if they’re reached a decision they certainly haven’t told me. Why should they? I’m not concerned with names. I’m a sailor.”

In January 1966 the Daily Mirror columnist, Cassandra, wrote:

“The next question for romanticists such as myself is to speculate on what they are going
to call the new maritime giant, which is known simply as No.736. I predict that there will be
enormous pressure to christen the new Cunarder a Queen. But which queen?

“we are short of reigning queens in English history. The Normans, the Plantagenets, the Tudors, the Stuarts,
the Hanovarians, the Saxe-Coburgs and the Windsors have only produced half-a-dozen in the past thousand years.
“Two Marys, two Elizabeths, one Anne and one Victoria. Queen Anne was a colourless nobody and Queen Victoria
was a colourful somebody.

“So RMS Queen Victoria is a distinct possibility for that dumpy little old lady was a real character who
ruled for sixty-four years at the height of British imperial wealth and power.

“The Americans who will be the main clients foe the ship would, I am sure, settle for RMS Winston Churchill.
They are very fond of that old Anglo-American party.

“My own suggestion doesn’t stand a hope in high water. It is that the new ship be called John Brown. A fine
solid British name that any commoner should be proud of.

“Nobody would know which John Brown. The chap who founded the firm that will build the ship. The whisky
drinking Scottish ghillie who for nineteen years dominated Queen Victoria. The John Brown whose soul goes
marching on. John Brown the celebrated Northumberland poet. John Brown who wrote the famous Dictionary
of the Bible. John Brown the celebrated Edinburgh theologian of any of the thirty eight John Browns who are
listed in the London telephone directory.

“It would provide endless argument as to which John Brown was meant that would rage in every bar in the
country, including the bars onboard RMS John Brown.

“I just want to be helpful”.

More than 15,000 bets had been placed with the bookmakers and a Glasgow bookmaker was offering the following odds:

3 – 1      Sir Winston Churchill
4 – 1      Prince of Wales
             Prince Charles
             Princess Margaret
5 – 1      Britannia
6 – 1      Princess Anne
             John F Kennedy
8 – 1      Queen Victoria
10 – 1     Aquitania
12 – 1     Mauretania
14 – 1     Queen Elizabeth II      
              Prince Philip
              Atlantic Princess
25 – 1     Clyde Princess
              British Princess

Other suggestions: Queen of the United States, Great Britain, Ocean Queen, The Crown and Anchor, Rose of England, Twiggy, The New Elizabethan, Gloriana, Windsor Wave and Donald Campbell (he had been killed a few weeks earlier).

Housewife Helen Gormley suggested ‘Helen Gormley’.

Over 400 names were suggested with the last suggestion, Francis Chichester, arriving in the last 48 hours.

Of course The Queen named the ship ‘Queen Elizabeth the Second’.

In July 1967 plans had been put in place by Cunard to ensure the offices in Montreal and New York were advised of the name just as soon as it was known. Each office would have a model of Q4 and the company proposed to keep a hotline from Glasgow to Montreal and New York. The moment the name was announced by the Queen both offices would be informed of the name and perform a little ceremony round their own respective models. Staff in the offices would immediately place the name of the ship on her stern, crack a suitably miniature bottle of champagne on her bows with, the company hoped, the guests cheering!

The name ‘Queen Elizabeth the Second’ immediately caused controversy. “Unimaginative” was the typical English reaction but in Scotland: “insulting”, “provocative”, and “disgraceful”.

The Scottish Nationalists took it as an insult to the people of Scotland. To them the queen was Elizabeth the First. Mr Arthur Donaldson, chairman of the Scottish Nationalist Party, said: "It could not be a bigger insult to the people of Scotland”.

More than 500 calls were made to the various offices of Cunard in the UK to congratulate the company on the choice.

When asked about the other names, Sir Basil’s responses were:


There is already a schooner of that name. And Cunard has not forgotten the day it picked Queen Mary for a name only to find a Clyde steamer already owned it. The name had to be bought and the steamer became QMII.

Prince Philip or Prince Charles?

The tradition of merchant ships in this country is that they always take the name of women.

In his autobiography ‘Of Comets and Queens’ Sir Basil would later write:

“In thinking about the name for Q4, I could not ask the Queen to give it her own name, because only
battleships had ever been allowed to take the name of a reigning monarch. On the other hand, it was
to be a successor Queen ship, as the cipher Q4 indicated. I talked the matter over with the Queen’s
Private Secretary, Sir Michael (now Lord) Adeane. In the end we decided to recommend that it should
simply be named Queen Elizabeth - just as, for example, we had had two Mauretanias and two Caronias.
After all, the new ship would be coming into service almost immediately after the first Queen Elizabeth
was withdrawn, and the two Queen Elizabeths would not be in service on the high seas at the same time.

“Her Majesty had the same sure instinct about a name as her grandfather had had. As was customary at
all launching ceremonies, John Brown’s managing director, John Rannie, had handed the Queen a slip of
paper with the name
written on it – Queen Elizabeth. But those of us standing near noticed she never looked at it. I could
hardly contain my delight when, in launching the ship, the Queen announced without a moment’s
hesitation: “I name this ship Queen Elizabeth the Second”.

“It was what I wanted but had not dared ask for. No name could have assured the ship of more worldwide
renown. It remained only to decide how to write the name. I did not feel we should use ‘Queen Elizabeth II’,
which is the official designation of the Queen as sovereign; it would be wrong to use that style in all our
advertising and publicity. I thought the use of an Arabic 2 instead of a Roman II might make a sufficient
distinction, and I was pleased to hear from Michael Adeane that the Queen had approved the styling of
the ship Queen Elizabeth 2”.

On 1 February 1968 Cunard made its first public statement about the name using an Arabic 2 rather than
a Roman Numeral:

“The name of the new 58,000 ton Cunarder will appear on the ship as Queen Elizabeth 2 – not Queen
Elizabeth II.

“This decision, like other decisions about the design of the ship, was taken for sound practical reasons.

“As with motorway signs, for clarity at a distance it was necessary to use block lettering for the name on
the bow and stern of the ship. Roman numerals cannot all be successfully represented with block lettering
– in particular the Roma figure ‘II’ can only be represented by a repeated Arabic numeral 1 and then
unfortunately appears as a figure 11.

“The decision has the advantages of being in keeping with modern design trends (Roman numerals are
disappearing even from such traditional manifestations as clock faces, and the fly leaves of books), and
the popular contraction of the ship’s name is much more legible and attractive as QE2 than QEII”
Title: Re: QE2 or QEII? What's in a name?
Post by: Andy F on Dec 01, 2011, 12:17 AM
An excellent post Michael and thanks for the detail behind the name. 

It's interesting to think that had history taken a different turn then there would have been no QE2 but rather a Princess.  Had that happened then I suspect she would not have enjoyed the same longeivity or popularity as the connection with the reigning monarch (whether directly or indirectly), was a big part of her pulling power unlike it would have been with a 'Princess' prefix.

No-one can say for certain but I suspect it unlikely there would have been a QM2, QV or QE - indeed it's entirely possible that Cunard itself would not have survived as long as it has had Messrs Smallpiece and Senior decided otherwise.
Title: Re: QE2 or QEII? What's in a name?
Post by: Isabelle Prondzynski on Dec 01, 2011, 12:25 AM
Thank you, Michael, for this superb historical collection and recollection!

What a wonderful and adventurous story there is behind the name and the naming... it is great to have seen it here in extenso for the first time.
Title: Re: QE2 or QEII? What's in a name?
Post by: Bob C. on Dec 01, 2011, 03:36 AM
Thanks Michael.  This forum is quite fortunate to have you as a member!
Title: Re: QE2 or QEII? What's in a name?
Post by: QE2forever on Dec 01, 2011, 07:57 AM
Thank you Michael for this very detailed piece of Cunard history.

I loved it!
Title: Re: QE2 or QEII? What's in a name?
Post by: Pat Curry on Dec 01, 2011, 10:23 AM
Thank you Michael for a most entertaining and informative answer.  I particularly like this quote from Cassandra:

" ... Queen Anne was a colourless nobody and Queen Victoria was a colourful somebody."

Make me think our current QV has the wrong name.  But then, what's in a name?

As to the letter (reply #9), thank you for clarifying that too in your reply #12.

Robert Fellowes got it wrong, it seems.  But before and after he held the office of Private Secretary to HM Queen, he was a banker ... need I say more?

Ah me  ::)
Title: Re: QE2 or QEII? What's in a name?
Post by: Michael Gallagher on Dec 01, 2011, 10:24 AM
Very true Queet-two!
Title: Re: QE2 or QEII? What's in a name?
Post by: Twynkle on Dec 01, 2011, 06:49 PM
Thank you, Flagship - and a great big 'O my word'! :)
This is so much more than 'half the fun'!!!
Secretly, I thought you'd know - and yet thought too, that you mightn't think it appropriate to comment here!
Not in any wildest dream imaginable, did I expect such a treat!

Interesting to note that HRH Queen Elizabeth (the Queen's Mother) doesn't seem to have been an obvious part of Sir Basil's explanations!  Although as consort,  her name was also a significant reason for the name of RMS QE, wasn't it?

As you say, QEII wouldn't have worked - and '...the Second' on the hull would have been clumsy;
the reasons for the arabic 2 seem perfect, in every way.

Thank goodness she wasn't called 'anything of England'
(HRH Princess Margaret was known as Margaret Rose within her family,
however both names were not used with her title)

(After all the trouble he went to in making sure it was Queen Elizabeth on the piece of paper, HRH the Queen - in a funny sort of way, did do an 'Off with his head' to Sir Basil, didn't she?!!!)

Thank you again, your contributions are absolutely invaluable, if you know what I mean!
Title: Re: QE2 or QEII? What's in a name?
Post by: Rob Lightbody on Dec 01, 2011, 08:02 PM
Thank you so much Michael!!
Title: Re: QE2 or QEII? What's in a name?
Post by: Lynda Bradford on Dec 01, 2011, 08:29 PM
The best name was chosen.  I could not imagine the ship being so successful with any other name.  

On the subject of bets, I wonder if the pay out would have been upheld for for QEII rather than QE2.  

More than 15,000 bets had been placed with the bookmakers and a Glasgow bookmaker was offering the following odds:

      3 – 1      Sir Winston Churchill
      4 – 1      Prince of Wales
            Prince Charles
            Princess Margaret
      5 – 1      Britannia
      6 – 1      Princess Anne
            John F Kennedy
      8 – 1      Queen Victoria
      10 – 1      Aquitania
      12 – 1      Mauretania
      14 – 1 Queen Elizabeth II     
            Prince Philip
            Atlantic Princess
      25 – 1      Clyde Princess
            British Princess
Title: Re: QE2 or QEII? What's in a name?
Post by: Peter Mugridge on Dec 01, 2011, 11:05 PM
Michael, another fantastic insight to the story of this ship.

Please tell me, when is your book* "Queen Elizabeth 2 - The Definitive Illustrated History" going to be written and published?  I'll certainly buy a copy, weighty tome though it will be...

*The one we are all going to persuade you to write! ;)
Title: Re: QE2 or QEII? What's in a name?
Post by: No 736 on Dec 02, 2011, 12:26 AM
Michael, your knowledge of QE2 and Cunard is incredible and you are fast becoming the 3rd legend on this site.
Thanks Steve S.
Title: Re: QE2 or QEII? What's in a name?
Post by: StuM on Jan 01, 2012, 03:36 PM
As to part of the original question of when the name use seemed to switch over to QE2, I recall Cunard itself had an early ad campaign and used the a new gold "QE2" type label. I suppose anyone seeing those ad's may have eventually begun to call the ship the same thing, for ease of speech. I think I have a copy of that ad and will try to dig it out and scan it.
Title: Re: QE2 or QEII? What's in a name?
Post by: pete cain on Jan 02, 2012, 05:44 PM
  Talked my wife into buying a stocking filler for me for Christmas,    SS  ORIANA -- The Last Great Orient Liner.  Neil McCart, it appears that there was only 1 print run in 1992, don't know how long work had been going on for pre publication.

   I wanted this so as to compare Oriana & QE2, regarding their Aluminium upper works ( & possibility of expansion joints or not)

Funny how looking for one thing you come across another, regarding the Name Thing about QE2, an interesting quote of the above mentioned on Page 8 reads,
 ''For the town of  Barrow - in - Furness the launch of a great liner had always been an important event, but the launch of
ORIANA was something very special , for , not only were  the citizens to be honoured by a royal visit , but the ship itself was the largest passenger vessel to have been built in England, ( in what was part of the  kingdom ruled by Queen Elizabeth 1 ,which Scotland was not)''.

Read into that what you want,    A nice little softback , with lots of interesting info, &  nice photos some in colour, & still available on the web, however I didn't find the information I wanted, so back to the drawing board as they say
Title: Re: QE2 or QEII? What's in a name?
Post by: Mauretania1907 on Jan 11, 2012, 07:55 AM
 ;D I always felt that the Queen might have had in mind that her grandmother (Queen Mary) and her mother (Queen Elizabeth) both had a ship named after themselves, so why not have a ship herself. Although Rob might be on the truth when he says Her Majesty had a 'slip of the tongue'.
The monarch's name includes the roman numeral. hence George I, George II, etc unless the reigning monarch has a name not used before. There is a lot of confusion between QE2 and QEII because of this. The ship is unique amongst other things named for Her Majesty the Queen in that the ship's name was supposed to have been plain "Queen Elizabeth" as told above, and named for the older ship, not the Queen.
Title: Re: QE2 or QEII? What's in a name?
Post by: StuM on Jun 18, 2012, 12:54 AM
Regardless of the name origins, etc. Each Queen has been unique and extremely famous in her own right. Each, very much a lady, much loved and with their own unique personality and quirks. Cunard and their exceptional crews and people are to be congratulated on their accomplishments over the last 170+ years.
Hardware, people, vision and execution all combine to build allegiance and legends. These ships and their keepers fit that model.

Thank you, all.

Title: Re: QE2 or QEII? What's in a name?
Post by: Louis Betti on Oct 19, 2013, 07:30 PM
Now, here is a question:

Why is the current operating ship named "Queen Elizabeth" not named "Queen Elizabeth 3" ?

Otherwise, and as stated above, the use of the Arabic "2" was appropriate and not the Roman "II". The Queen did get it wrong. As to the use of "QE2", I never had a problem with it from a marketing standpoint, and some of the early logos were quite nice. Using "QEII" might have some pronouncing it as a word, perhaps "Q-eye"? Cunard had to move forward from the old days, and the use of QE2 certainly worked; it just flows off the tongue.

There's Queen Mary (Long Beach, CA) and Queen Mary 2. Anyone remember the story (I never felt it was proven) as to the naming of Queen Mary? She was supposed to be Queen Victoria. Of course that has been taken care of with a Cunard "cruise ship" of the same name (she was actually first intended for Holland America).

Then again, Holland America Line has named six ships "Rotterdam" without any number!

Not much consistency in naming, but at this stage it means very little.

Title: Re: QE2 or QEII? What's in a name?
Post by: Rob Lightbody on Oct 19, 2013, 08:59 PM
I'm still wondering why the new cruise ship was called a Queen at all...
Title: Re: QE2 or QEII? What's in a name?
Post by: andy liney on Oct 19, 2013, 09:35 PM

Anyone remember the story (I never felt it was proven) as to the naming of Queen Mary? She was supposed to be Queen Victoria. Of course that has been taken care of with a Cunard "cruise ship" of the same name (she was actually first intended for Holland America).

...and, of course, the ship then laid down as the future Victoria became the P. & O. Arcadia when Carnival decided to redesign Victoria with separate accommodation for Grills passengers after QM2's limited version of this had proved so successful despite earlier misgivings.
Title: Re : QE2 or QEII? What's in a name?
Post by: Adam Ilgin on Jul 07, 2014, 08:03 PM
We've covered her name in depth here but essentially the queen made a mistake and caused a massive stooshie in Scotland because she's only our first Queen Elizabeth.

Did the Queen ever make a statement on the subject or did she just zip her mouth?
Title: Re: QE2 or QEII? What's in a name?
Post by: Graham Taylor on Jul 08, 2014, 01:52 PM
The Queen herself never issues "statements", sometimes the Palace does, but even then only on certain important non-contentious subjects such as press intrusion on private Family matters. It means it is difficult to know what The Queen personally thinks about certain things, but this way she stays out of politics and the constitutional minefield getting involved would entail (something Prince Charles should heed). Her constitutional rôle is to be kept informed of her Government's policies and to consequently advise her ministers, something she consistently does well after 60 years in the "job".
Title: Re: QE2 or QEII? What's in a name?
Post by: Graham Taylor on Jul 09, 2014, 11:26 AM

;D I always felt that the Queen might have had in mind that her grandmother (Queen Mary) and her mother (Queen Elizabeth) both had a ship named after themselves, so why not have a ship herself. Although Rob might be on the truth when he says Her Majesty had a 'slip of the tongue'.
The monarch's name includes the roman numeral. hence George I, George II, etc unless the reigning monarch has a name not used before. There is a lot of confusion between QE2 and QEII because of this. The ship is unique amongst other things named for Her Majesty the Queen in that the ship's name was supposed to have been plain "Queen Elizabeth" as told above, and named for the older ship, not the Queen.

Michael touched on this on a post above. It has always been my understanding that only a "Ship of the Line" i.e. a senior vessel of the Royal Navy can be named after a reigning monarch (as now bourne by the new aircraft carrier - although for some reason HMS QUEEN ELIZABETH without THE SECOND).
Title: Re: QE2 or QEII? What's in a name?
Post by: Isabelle Prondzynski on Mar 05, 2015, 02:59 PM
Graham Gowans has asked us :

This may have been asked before, but can anyone confirm that the QE2 was meant to be named Queen Elizabeth Two & not the second as the Queen named her ?

There is quite a lot of discussion on the matter above.

Graham, you probably heard a lot of the rumours going around at the time. Did you place a bet on any of the possible names yourself?
Title: Re: QE2 or QEII? What's in a name?
Post by: Trevor Harris on Jun 04, 2017, 03:53 PM
Wasn't Queen Mary 2 a suggestion at the time?
Title: Re: QE2 or QEII? What's in a name?
Post by: Bob van Leeuwen on Jun 04, 2017, 04:46 PM
That would even more sense if they where also planning a running mate
Title: Re:Confusing QE2 with QEII Highway
Post by: Isabelle Prondzynski on Jan 25, 2019, 07:29 AM
This headline almost caught me out, and made me smile :

Travel not recommended on The QE2


Did they mean "to" the QE2  ;) :D  ?
Title: Re: Confusing QE2 with QEII Highway
Post by: Rob Lightbody on Jan 25, 2019, 08:33 AM
This headline almost caught me out, and made me smile :

Travel not recommended on The QE2


Did they mean "to" the QE2  ;) :D  ?

One of the things that has happened over the ten years of this forum, is that searches for "QE2" have gone from mostly referring to the ship of that name, to mostly referring to other things which usually should be QEII, but that's another character to type so nobody can be bothered... 
Title: Re: QE2 or QEII? What's in a name?
Post by: Lynda Bradford on Jan 25, 2019, 11:01 AM
One of the things that has happened over the ten years of this forum, is that searches for "QE2" have gone from mostly referring to the ship of that name, to mostly referring to other things which usually should be QEII, but that's another character to type so nobody can be bothered... 

Certainly caused a bit of confusion with the headline and it is only when you follow the link that you see it is the  Queen Elizabeth II Highway in Alberta that the advice refers to and not our beautiful QE2.
Title: Re: QE2 or QEII? What's in a name?
Post by: Thomas Hypher on Jan 26, 2019, 08:58 AM
Personally I find the mixing up of QE2 and QEII very annoying as basic research would give the correct answer depending on which "thing" is being referred to... they are two very different "things" after all, despite their close connection!