QE2 Story Forum

The QE2's Story (in-service) => Service Life (1969 - 2008) => The 1990s => Topic started by: Rob Lightbody on Sep 17, 2010, 11:57 PM

Title: Songs of Praise on the QE2
Post by: Rob Lightbody on Sep 17, 2010, 11:57 PM
In 1990, as part of the Cunard 150 celebrations

screenshots attached
Title: Re: Songs of Praise on the QE2 (1990)
Post by: Rob Lightbody on Sep 17, 2010, 11:58 PM
screenshots attached
Title: Re: Songs of Praise on the QE2 (1990)
Post by: Rob Lightbody on Sep 17, 2010, 11:59 PM
screenshots attached
Title: Re: Songs of Praise on the QE2 (1990)
Post by: Rob Lightbody on Sep 17, 2010, 11:59 PM
screenshots attached
Title: Re: Songs of Praise on the QE2 (1990)
Post by: Rob Lightbody on Sep 18, 2010, 12:00 AM
screenshots attached
Title: Re: Songs of Praise on the QE2 (1990)
Post by: Isabelle Prondzynski on Sep 18, 2010, 12:10 AM
Thank you for all these screen shots, Rob! Gives a vivid impression of the event.

Where was this recorded? In port or while underway?

Interesting to see the Grand Lounge in your favourite constellation!
Title: Re: Songs of Praise on the QE2 (1990)
Post by: Scott Ebersold on Sep 18, 2010, 06:22 AM
And also great to see Gordon, my first cabin steward in image 9!   Didn't have a picture of him and thought I'd never see him again.
Title: Re: Songs of Praise on the QE2 (1990)
Post by: Isabelle Prondzynski on Sep 18, 2010, 09:49 AM
The broadcast itself must have been about half an hour.

I wonder how long the filming took, and how much time went into the preparations...

Did this involve passengers of only one, or of several crossings / cruises?
Title: Re: Songs of Praise on the QE2 (1990)
Post by: Michael Gallagher on Sep 18, 2010, 09:56 AM
They were on board from 17 July until 27 July 1990 which encompassed a New York - Southampton crossing and the first Round Britain. These trips were part of the 150th Anniversary of Cunard celebrations. The Round Britain saw QE2's first return to the Clyde since her departure 21 years earlier and her first visit to Liverpool where more than ONE MILLION turned out to see her (more than the number who turned out to see the Pope in the city in 1982).
Title: Re: Songs of Praise on the QE2 (1990)
Post by: Rob Lightbody on Sep 18, 2010, 09:57 AM
The more I see this 1990 material, the more sure I am that they should have left the Grand lounge alone. It was terrific as a ballroom, a really wonderful lounge & ballroom to dance and listen to music, and watch singers BUT turning it into a bad show lounge was a bad idea!
Title: Re: Songs of Praise on the QE2 (1990)
Post by: Rob Lightbody on Sep 18, 2010, 09:59 AM
Was that the same record-breaking voyage that the Royal Voyage film crew (which feels very like a BBC programme?) were on board for?
Title: Re: Songs of Praise on the QE2 (1990)
Post by: Michael Gallagher on Sep 18, 2010, 09:59 AM
It certainly was the same voyage.
Title: Re: Songs of Praise on the QE2 (1990)
Post by: cunardqueen on Sep 18, 2010, 10:09 AM
The Grand lounge back then was perfect for everything, But of course the double room was even better, and the seats were so much more comfortable. A nice dance floor used for the horse racing and all that kind of things, as a show lounge l always felt it was wasted

Gordon of course ended up as Butler in the Penthouse suites, and a Consummate Professional in his art.
 The bottom selection of course shows Bob Venning the security officer...
 Rob remind me to tell you a story l was told many moons ago :-X
Title: Re: Songs of Praise on the QE2 (1990)
Post by: Lynda Bradford on Sep 18, 2010, 10:56 AM
These trips were part of the 150th Anniversary of Cunard celebrations. The Round Britain saw QE2's first return to the Clyde since her departure 21 years earlier and her first visit to Liverpool where more than ONE MILLION turned out to see her (more than the number who turned out to see the Pope in the city in 1982).

Do you have any more information on QE2 participation in events to celebrate the 150 years of Cunard in 1990?
Title: Re: Songs of Praise on the QE2 (1990)
Post by: Michael Gallagher on Sep 18, 2010, 12:07 PM
17 - 22 July Anniversary Crossing (eastbound). 4 days 6 hours and 57 minutes / average speed: 30.16 knots making it her fastest eastbound crossing.

22 July: Southampton
23 July: Cork. She opened the Ringaskiddy Terminal. President or Ireland visited and lunched on board.
24 July: Liverpool. First visit. Biggest ever crowd. Service held in church for Cunard War dead.
25 July: Greenock. First time back on the Clyde.
26 July: Cherbourg
27 July: Spithead Review. HM The Queen (and DoE) boarded from Royal Yacht Britannia after inspecting Cunard ships and naval vessels.
Back to Southampton

28 July - ???: Anniversary Crossing (westbound).

The Spithead Review was impressive. Will need to scan images.

Then in the autumn she made an anniversary cruise to Halifax.
Title: Re: Songs of Praise on the QE2 (1990)
Post by: Lynda Bradford on Sep 18, 2010, 04:57 PM
Thanks Michael. Would love to see the Spithead Review photos when you have time to scan them. 

Do you know if the QE2 was the only ship where passengers have participated in Songs of Praise? 

Couple of things could be added to the QE2 Story timeline such as the Songs of Praise filming and opening the Ringaskiddy Terminal in Cork.

Title: Re: Songs of Praise filmed on QE2
Post by: sotonsean on Apr 22, 2013, 11:53 PM
Think it was 1990, Myles
Wasn't it produced by Alan Titchmarsh?
And yes, any pictures / other memories anyone?

Songs of Praise was also recorded onboard QE2 during a 4 night cruise from Southampton to La Coruna in September 1986 with Harry Secombe as the host, many of the passengers were taken to Santiago de Compostela for a church service as well.
Title: Re: Songs of Praise filmed on QE2
Post by: Isabelle Prondzynski on Apr 23, 2013, 12:18 AM
Songs of Praise was also recorded onboard QE2 during a 4 night cruise from Southampton to La Coruna in September 1986 with Harry Secombe as the host, many of the passengers were taken to Santiago de Compostela for a church service as well.

Thank you for this information! That must have been a very special cruise for everyone.

I wonder how many times Songs of Praise was recorded on board QE2?
Title: Re: Songs of Praise on the QE2
Post by: Cunarder Man on Apr 23, 2013, 06:30 AM
I was on the 4 night cruise to La Corunna in September 1984 on which a recording of Highway was made. It featured Harry Secombe, Stutz Bear Cats, Lorna Dallas and others. It was a religious programme and there was filming at The Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. I recall Captain Portet being interviewed and I still have a video of the programme.

This cruise started in Cherbourg as it was the time of the Miners' strikes and the Dockers in UK were out in sympathy. QE2 passengers were flown from south coast airports to Cherbourg to meet the ship.
Title: Re: Songs of Praise on the QE2
Post by: Rob Lightbody on Apr 23, 2013, 07:14 AM
I was on the 4 night cruise to La Corunna in September 1984 on which a recording of Highway was made. It featured Harry Secombe, Stutz Bear Cats, Lorna Dallas and others. It was a religious programme and there was filming at The Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. I recall Captain Portet being interviewed and I still have a video of the programme.

This cruise started in Cherbourg as it was the time of the Miners' strikes and the Dockers in UK were out in sympathy. QE2 passengers were flown from south coast airports to Cherbourg to meet the ship.

Wow, would love to see that sometime! Well done for hanging onto it! This for me is a fascinating period when QE2 was at the height of her fame and my dad was disappearing off to it increasingly regularly!
Title: Re: Songs of Praise on the QE2
Post by: riskygizmo on Apr 23, 2013, 06:44 PM
A small snippet of Highway, found on You Tube;

Title: Re: Songs of Praise on the QE2
Post by: cunardqueen on Apr 23, 2013, 06:52 PM
Bottom photo also shows seated Pauline Sleigh the Captains Secretary and (JDH) John Hewison
Was it normal to sing seated...
attached a couple of photos of 2 different Cunard song books....
Title: Re: Songs of Praise on the QE2
Post by: Rob Lightbody on Apr 23, 2013, 06:54 PM
A small snippet of Highway, found on You Tube;

Brilliant! :)
Title: Re: Songs of Praise on the QE2
Post by: cunardqueen on Apr 23, 2013, 06:55 PM
And also great to see Gordon, my first cabin steward in image 9!   Didn't have a picture of him and thought I'd never see him again.     

He featured in some of the brochures in the signal deck suites.
Title: Re: Songs of Praise on the QE2
Post by: Cunarder Man on Apr 23, 2013, 07:27 PM
A small snippet of Highway, found on You Tube;

Brilliant, I remember this being filmed! If only we could turn back the clocks.
Title: Re: Songs of Praise on the QE2
Post by: Rod on Apr 23, 2013, 10:53 PM
Then you had Bob Venning and David Warden-Owen.
Title: Re: Songs of Praise on the QE2
Post by: Mike McCann on Oct 19, 2019, 06:38 PM
Was on my honeymoon on board and was interviewed by Alan Tichmarsh as part of the TV programme. I still have the Songs of Praise 'programme' that was handed out everyone on board. (pic attached) I will dig out the VHS recording I have of the program and convert it to digital when I have time and post it here. :)
Title: Re: Songs of Praise on the QE2
Post by: Lynda Bradford on Jul 14, 2022, 10:08 AM
As part of Cunard's 150 year celebrations, the TV show Songs of Praise was recorded onboard the ship.  How many people do you recognise from the screenshots that Rob has posted?

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