QE2 Story Forum
Non-QE2 Area => Sea Shanties => Topic started by: Rob Lightbody on Aug 12, 2010, 02:47 PM
Check these out - really cool.
http://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/ships-ahoy/id351104359?mt=8 - Augmented reality application - hold your phone up to a passing ship, and it will tell you all its AIS information - name, destination, country, speed etc!
http://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/ship-finder-free/id324177409?mt=8 - Track real time ship movements.
That's really interesting and looks fun. Except that I don't have an iPhone or an iPod Touch.
Also, the ship apps for Android are really really crap.
Very cool. I the found ships around me while sitting in my living room!
There's also an app for apple iPhones that maps and names the stars - wherever you are!
Lots of stars currently visible from qV; a moderate sea is crashing about her bows,
she is rocking! :)
Will post link to the app soon!
There's also an app for apple iPhones that maps and names the stars - wherever you are!
(I'm probably one of the few people who don't use an iPhone or iPod Touch)
But that stars app sounds a lot like Google Sky Map. Which I have on my Android phone. Except that light pollution is awful over here in Singapore so I don't really see much stars.
(I'm probably one of the few people who don't use an iPhone or iPod Touch)
Me too! I have an Apple Allergy!
I have a Droid X waiting for me at home (I'm away this weekend). I need to app it up now!
Me too! I have an Apple Allergy!
I don't exactly have an Apple Allergy - considering I have an iPod and I really would love an iPod Touch. But an iPhone is just so expensive. The last I checked, its about SG$700+ and that's if I bought it using my phone plan. But I had my heart set on the Xperia X10 ... so no iPhone for me.
I have a Droid X waiting for me at home (I'm away this weekend). I need to app it up now!
Total envy. My Xperia X10 is running old old Android 1.6 and there is no confirmed date for a update.
(and I have totally sent this thread off topic.)
I'm experimenting with a Samsung Galaxy S (one of the latest Google Android phones) this week and, so far, I'm incredibly impressed. Its done everything I've asked of it, easily and it basically worked out of the box. Its a close rival to the iPhone 3GS, and better than it in various ways. An iPhone 4, with its sexy aluminium and glass is definitely sexier to hold though!
If I don't get a job soon, though, it will be back on eBay where I found it! The job thing is actually one reason I felt I had to get something like it - wading through 'job alert' emails each day was impossible on my tiny 'candy bar' phone, this lets me do it wherever I am.
I will overlook your disparaging comments about my beloved iPhone... ;) to say that I whole heartedly agree with your decision to purchase a smart phone to help you in your job-search! :o