Author Topic: Captain Ron Warwick remembers his time on Cunard Ships  (Read 1913 times)

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Offline Twynkle

Please can you, Lynda, Isabelle or Rob let me know where would be this best posted
It is a good video!

'Commodore Ron Warwick remembers his time on the Cunard Ships' (Feb 2013)

Thanks to Julian Hensey
« Last Edit: Aug 11, 2016, 01:29 PM by Lynda Bradford »

Offline cunardqueen

Captain Ron Warwick remembers his time on Cunard Ships
« Reply #1 on: Aug 03, 2016, 08:32 PM »
and a fleeting glance of Flagship... ;)
« Last Edit: Aug 11, 2016, 01:29 PM by Lynda Bradford »
From the moment you first glimpsed the Queen,
 you just knew you were in for a very special time ahead.!

Online Lynda Bradford

Captain Ron Warwick remembers his time on Cunard Ships
« Reply #2 on: Aug 04, 2016, 09:46 AM »
Please can you, Lynda, Isabelle or Rob let me know where would be this best posted
It is a good video!

'Commodore Ron Warwick remembers his time on the Cunard Ships' (Feb 2013)

Thanks to Julian Hensey

Rosie thanks for posting the video which although the title suggests is about Ron Warwick, it gives a lot of focus on QE2 and QM2.  This would sit well in the Cunard topic board "relating to Cunard in general" as it is about not only about Ron Warwick but his memories of QE2 and QM2.  We can also put a link from his Captain's Profile to this topic no matter where we put it.

We can see what Isabelle thinks but wherever the topic sits it gives good memories of QE2, especially in 2013 when we thought there was hope that she could return to the UK to be a hotel ship and conference centre. 
« Last Edit: Aug 11, 2016, 01:29 PM by Lynda Bradford »
I was proud to be involved with planning QE2's 50 year conference in September 2017 in Clydebank