Author Topic: You Tube Video: Birthday Tribute to QE2  (Read 2238 times)

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Offline Stowaway2k

You Tube Video: Birthday Tribute to QE2
« on: Mar 31, 2009, 04:23 PM »

Re Bob's comment about the elevator shot, unsure tbh but if you look closely, you can definitely spot the elliptical window cut outs so am inclined to believe it is her but maybe wrong. 

Beautiful video, "Flower of Scotland" always gets me... I love pipes.   When "Flower of Scotland" was done at the Liverpool Cathederal, with vocals by Nicky Spence and  the full Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra and choir, it was a very stirring moment, among many.

The first "crane shot" in the video moving up and over the ship is not QE2, but then the "elevator" shot no doubt is.   The shots of QE2 in her 1969 configuration are beautiful.  No ship built since comes close to matching her for being just simply gorgeous to look at.

Source:  You Tube (Ian McLean)
Description:  QE2 build, launch, fitting out basin, leaving for the dry dock in Greenock, returning to the Clyde for 40th birthday celebrations. Music includes: Flower of Scotland and Will you na come back again. 
« Last Edit: Mar 20, 2014, 02:02 PM by Lynda Bradford »

Offline highlander0108

Re: You Tube Video: Birthday Tribute to QE2
« Reply #1 on: Mar 31, 2009, 06:01 PM »

Re Bob's comment about the elevator shot, unsure tbh but if you look closely, you can definitely spot the elliptical window cut outs so am inclined to believe it is her but maybe wrong. 

Beautiful video, "Flower of Scotland" always gets me... I love pipes.   When "Flower of Scotland" was done at the Liverpool Cathederal, with vocals by Nicky Spence and  the full Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra and choir, it was a very stirring moment, among many.

The first "crane shot" in the video moving up and over the ship is not QE2, but then the "elevator" shot no doubt is.   The shots of QE2 in her 1969 configuration are beautiful.  No ship built since some close to matching her for being just simply gorgeous to look at.

I have to agree that the original configuration is simply spot on perfectly proportioned, even the slim funnel.  I could watch her plying throught the seas all day.  I have to admit I did not like the thin funnel many years ago when I saw her for the first time, but given time and also having seen the current crop of cruisers, I am now in awe on just how good the design was, how revolutionary it was at the time, and how well the design has faired over time.  Desplte the little additions and subtractions here and there over the years, the basic design of QE2 is timeless. What a contrast to the new QE.   :-X  Discuss amongst yourselves......tearing up.  McNaught is right...there will never be the likes of her ever again.
« Last Edit: Mar 20, 2014, 01:53 PM by Lynda Bradford »
"There will never be another one like her" QE2's last Master Ian McNaught
My Blog:

Offline maggie maggot

Re: You Tube Video: Birthday Tribute to QE2
« Reply #2 on: Nov 07, 2010, 01:57 AM »
Hi,  it is very well put together original footage of the QE2.
Enjoy, but make sure you have the tissues ready.

Note:  video as in initial post

« Last Edit: Mar 20, 2014, 01:53 PM by Lynda Bradford »