We were both awake by about 7-30 am although we didn’t get out of bed (except to get the tea) until almost 9-00 am! Then I went to get emails before we put away the clothes that had been accumulating, tidied the cabin and sorted out the Daily Programmes that were for the last sector. I left the cabin at about 10-30 and headed up to the Chart Room to continue with yesterday’s diary entry. Paul said he would check emails and would join me shortly.
The ship is very busy today. Every table in the Chart Room was occupied by 11-30 am. Everywhere one goes on the ship today there are crowds of people with unfamiliar faces. To say I resent all these people taking over my ship would make me sound unfriendly and I certainly don’t mean to convey that impression. However the combination of being so close to home and having become so familiar with the ship makes it very hard to tolerate those who’ve jus come aboard for the first time and still haven’t found their way about.
I hadn’t been sitting there for more than five minutes when this man walked along. He paused and then asked if I was Malcolm. It was David (dak). I am delighted that I can put yet another face to a name. He joined me for a drink (he was drinking ginger beer and me lemonade) and a chat. We hadn’t been talking long when Babette (Ocngypz) came past. As David and I had just been talking about good travel agents I was delighted to introduce her to David and continue our conversation.
Meanwhile Karie (Travel-to-go) had gone to our cabin to deliver the pipe cleaners we’d also asked her to bring (she uses them to make tree trunks!). I’d obviously not been there but Paul had been in to take delivery. They had spent quite a while chatting before Paul had gone to the Computer Learning Centre to download emails. There he met Marc (Karie’s husband). Karie then came up to the Chart Room to join the group there.
Perky did make a midday announcement. He said a little about the anniversary of the Titanic’s sinking (tomorrow) and then went on to say that tomorrow the weather will be a little rougher than today but should calm down for the second half of the crossing. First thing this morning there were blue skies and sunshine, later on there had been slightly rough seas with fog. The horn has been sounding for most of the day.
David left (he’d only meant to stop and say hello) and Paul joined the group. All of a sudden it was 1-00 pm and lunch time. We actually got to lunch at 1-20 pm.
We were through lunch within half an hour and Paul and I headed back to the cabin. On the way back I was telling Paul that there was a CC meeting planned for 2-00 pm in the Yacht Club. When we got back to the cabin I said I was going to try to download the issue of the Design Magazine that related to the original designs of the QE2 (
www.xxxxxxx – a link that Karie had given me ); Paul gave me an odd look and asked if I realised that it was 2-05 pm already – the meeting had been due to start at 2-00 pm!
(The following was added as a footnote at this point: I will post this link once I’ve checked that the link I’ve got goes where it should! [I’m sorry but I have no idea what this link was anymore

I hope that someone from the QE2 Story knows it and can post it here

] )
I felt that the meeting was very much divided into two parts. There was the group who had been on the ship for a while and were generally more active on CC (subdivided into those who had done the full world cruise and those who hadn’t) and those who were just doing the transatlantic crossing and were often less active. Maybe this dividing came about from the feeling of strangers in our midst.
We passed the housekeeper in the corridor. I asked her if she could get someone to look at our air-conditioning as it was now blowing too cold and explained that earlier in the cruise the opposite had been the problem and her predecessor had arranged for the reheater to be disconnected. She promised to get someone to look at it. When the a/c man came to look at it I did tell him that the reheater had been disconnected; he said that wasn’t possible and would make some adjustments outside. The cabin is still no warmer.
I went to afternoon tea with my parents (Paul stayed in the cabin). The QGL was packed. Whereas in the past on this cruise there’s always been plenty of space there were people waiting for tables again. I suspect that it’s the new influx of people – all hungry and looking forward to good food. They haven’t had time yet for their appetites to be damped by all the food available.
At 5-45 pm I decided to go swimming. I didn’t even stay at the pool long enough to get my trunks wet! The newbies have found the gym as well – there were six people in the pool (my pool? It was only last week that I had it all to myself).
I feel that the staff are giving less of their time to serving those who have been on the ship a while and are devoting much more to the newly joined passengers. I think that I can understand this – those of us that have been here a while have developed routines, the staff know who to expect and where, whereas someone who is new to the ship has to experience as much as they can in six days.
We went up to the World Cruise Lounge for a coffee. This was somewhere we could be sure of not meeting newcomers – the lounge is only available to those on the full world cruise. It has been busy; we’ve stopped going in because it’d become impossible to get a seat. Today there were only three other couples in there and lots of empty tables.
I do not mean this to be a rant against new people joining the ship and I feel that is exactly what this is becoming. This is the final leg of the world cruise; today Paul and I were discussing the final gratuities that we’ll be giving; the six full worlders from CC have been discussing or final lunch together; we’ve planned our final Heritage Tour with Thomas; there have been plans made for the final Cabin Cavalcade (it’s tomorrow. I don’t think any of the full worlders are going – we’ve all done three and don’t really want to do a fourth. I don’t think that many people who joined before New York will be going either.). There’ve been a lot for finals today and that has left me feeling glum and ready to pick fault with anyone who doesn’t act like people did a week ago.
While I’m in a grumbling mood I’m going to grumble a bit more! It was the first of the Captain’s Cocktail Parties for the people who joined in New York. Tomorrow will be another Captain’s party; the day after the World Club Party (for the new passengers) and the day after that the Senior Officers’ Party (again for the new passengers). We had our last cocktail party 11 days ago. It annoys me that those who’ve been on the ship for three months don’t get any parties whilst those who’ve only just joined get three in succession.