Author Topic: QE2 Portholes (general discussion)  (Read 9196 times)

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Online Peter Mugridge

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QE2 Portholes (general discussion)
« Reply #15 on: Jul 03, 2010, 12:14 AM »
What is the small vent hole near the left of the picture in #12 for?
"It is a capital mistake to allow any mechanical object to realise that you are in a hurry!"

Online Bob C.

QE2 Portholes (general discussion)
« Reply #16 on: Jul 03, 2010, 03:31 AM »
I don't see a vent hole.  Picture 12 that I see is a bulbous bow on shot of Q4 just before launch with the bagpipe band to the lower left and what looks like the photographer's finger in the left and upper edges.

Offline Rob Lightbody

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QE2 Portholes (general discussion)
« Reply #17 on: Jul 03, 2010, 09:21 AM »
Possibly by dropping plumb lines, and in QE2's case - many times...? ???
in this image it looks as if they started at the top and worked down!
Thats an AWESOME Collection of photos - WOW!
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Online Peter Mugridge

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QE2 Portholes (general discussion)
« Reply #18 on: Jul 03, 2010, 03:58 PM »
I don't see a vent hole.  Picture 12 that I see is a bulbous bow on shot of Q4 just before launch with the bagpipe band to the lower left and what looks like the photographer's finger in the left and upper edges.

I mean the picture in post #12 on this thread...  ;)
"It is a capital mistake to allow any mechanical object to realise that you are in a hurry!"

Online Bob C.

QE2 Portholes (general discussion)
« Reply #19 on: Jul 03, 2010, 07:00 PM »
Ah, now I see it. Most likely a drain of some sort, maybe for the A/C?

Offline highlander0108

QE2 Portholes (general discussion)
« Reply #20 on: Jul 04, 2010, 03:13 AM »
To add to this discussion, the portholes were originally aluminum!  Commodore Warwick had a slide on this in his lexture on QE2 memories.  He said that the portholes were originally aluminum to save weight.  Image the weight savings there, but there was a big problem.  Despite using material to isolate the aluminum from the steel hull in the same fashion as the hull/deck joint, these began to deteriorate.  They were eventually all replaced with the units currently in the ship.  A funny side note that he mentioned was that he had saved a few of the aluminum portholes up in his attic, but found them later completely disintegrated and the eBay items were a total loss, to his dismay!  Photo below was taken during his lexture on QE2 on the Farewell to the UK voyage.
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Offline Rod

Re: QE2 Portholes (general discussion)
« Reply #21 on: Oct 06, 2011, 08:42 PM »
The vent would be a drain. Correct if that was 3 deck it might have been a pantry drain. Depending on where the cabin was. A/c drains went into the general scupper system until later on in life when the a/c drains were used for laundry water.

"There is really only one riveted strip on the QE2 body, where the steel hull meets the aluminium superstructure."

I beg to differ.
I think you will find that the bilge keels were rivetted to the hull.

Offline Alistair

Re: QE2 Portholes (general discussion)
« Reply #22 on: Oct 07, 2011, 10:46 AM »
Just came across this and loved the set of launch and sail-away pictures which i had never seen before. Very high quality colour pictures indeed as most of my memories from that day seem to be in black and white (and 405 lines too!)  ;D

Online Bob C.

Re: QE2 Portholes (general discussion)
« Reply #23 on: Jun 15, 2012, 04:35 AM »
Take a look at the 3 sec mark in the video at this link.  Are the 1 Deck suite oval portholes in the process of being cut?